

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-01-18

So you were fired from your last job, and you're [w=fret]fretting[/w] about how to address it in your interview . In fact, given the job market [w]slump[/w] and companies [w=tighten]tightening[/w] their money belts, it's quite understandable to be unemployed. If you have the right attitude and approach, being fired from your previous job won't hinder you too much. Here are some tips to get you through this possibly [w]awkward[/w] [w]encounter[/w]:你丢了工作,不知道怎么在新工作的面试中谈这个问题。实际上,由于不景气的劳动市场和公司支出减少,被解雇并不是什么大事。下面有几个小建议,可以帮你缓解这个尴尬的问题:

Don't burn your bridges: Even if you're leaving your job, be sure to leave [w]gracefully[/w]. There may be a time when future employers might call back for a reference, so you definitely want to make sure they'll have good things to say about you.不要自毁长城:即使没了上一份工作,也要护住原东家的颜面,别让他们失了面子。因为新雇主可能会找他们做背景资料核实,如果他们能多说你的优点自然是最好不过的。

Be honest: Your boss can easily find out the reason for your departure, so make sure you're [w]truthful[/w] in your explanation. This doesn't mean you have to go into details, because it's best to keep your answer short.诚实为上:你的上司很容易就能查到你离开前公司的原因,所以在回答相关问题时最好如实回答。但这并不表示你要将细节和盘托出,简单明了的解释最好。

Don't be bitter: Don't be negative and bitter about your firing, because it will just be a red flag to your potential employer. Your interviewer might start worrying about your ability to get along with others.不要抱怨不满:不要对被解雇的事耿耿于怀,那会让潜在雇主打低你的印象分。面试官会怀疑你与别人相处的能力。

Say what you learned from the experience: Focus on the positives of that experience and say what you've learned from it. For example, if you were unemployed for a time, make sure you explain how you've been [w]productive[/w] with your time. Perhaps you've been taking classes, volunteering, or doing [w]freelance[/w] projects.说在过去的经历中学到了什么:着重描述以前工作中积极正面的事并且在其中学到了什么。例如:如果你有一段时间的工作空窗期,可以说说在这段时间里的收获,报班培训,做志愿者或组队做的项目都可以与面试官分享。

Prepare your answer: Write down your answer and try to practice it so you won't be trying to figure out what to say during the interview.事先准备好答案:先把关于离职原因的答案准备好,这样在面试时就不会苦思冥想要怎么回答了。

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