
The Mysteries of Magic  引人入胜的奇幻魔术世界

 cntic 2013-03-05
The Mysteries of Magic引人入胜的奇幻魔术世界

As children, we are easily amazed by magic. We believe and enjoy the fun without questioning what is really happening. When we are older, it becomes much harder to stay a believer and simply enjoy the show. Fortunately, though, there have been magicians who have intrigued adults and children alike and kept the world in awe. They have done what seems impossible by keeping us believing in mysteries. These amazing people have kept the art of performing magic alive.
This March, the city of South Tyneside in England welcomes magicians and more to the 10th annual International Magic Festival. Many of the world's best magicians, including illusionists, mentalists, and escape artists, will be attending the festival. They will put on large and small shows as well as private classes throughout the festival weekend. Other special events will be held as well. For example, in 2012, magic tricks were taught to blind children and their families as a way for the festival to give back to the community.
Acts at the International Magic Festival include escape tricks, illusions, card tricks, circus tricks, and much more. The shows and events are geared towards magic enthusiasts of all ages.

今年三月,英国的South Tyneside市欢迎魔术师和更多民众莅临第十届国际魔术节。许多全球最优秀杰出的魔术师都将参加这场盛会,当中包括幻术魔术师、心灵魔术师及脱逃魔术师等。在节庆举行的整个周末期间,这些魔术师会进行各种大小型的表演,并提供私人的教学课程。节庆中还会举办一些其他的特殊活动。以2012年为例,举办单位便教导盲童及其家人如何变魔术,作为本节庆回馈社区的方法之一。

  1. questionvt. 怀疑,质问
    Allen is starting to question his boss' ability to lead the company.
  2. intriguevt. 激起兴趣,引起好奇心
    People have always been intrigued by the possibility of aliens.
  3. in awe惊叹地;崇敬地
    awen. 惊叹;崇敬
    Cathy gazed at the magnificent Grand Canyon in awe.
  4. welcomevt. 欢迎
    Michael's family and friends held a huge party to welcome him back from the war.
  5. put on...举行 上演……(节目等)
    The singer put on a charity concert to raise money for the tsunami victims.
  6. private a. 私人的,个人的
    This is private property, so you cannot enter without permission.
  7. give back to...回馈给……
    To give back to his hometown, the celebrity set up a community center that provides free classes.
  8. be geared towards/to...专门为……设计;适合於……
    The training course was geared to those needing experience with that software.

  1. illusionistn. 幻术魔术师
  2. mentalistn. 心灵魔术师;具心灵感应能力者
  3. escape artistn. 脱逃术表演者
  4. illusionn. 幻象,错觉

alike 的用法介绍
1.本文中的 alike 作副词用,表『同样都,一样地』。
The touching movie was enjoyed by men and women alike.
2.alike 也常作形容词用,表『相同的,相像的』,通常置於 be 动词後作主词补语,而不可置於名词前修饰。表『相似的,相像的』时,其前不可用 very 修饰,而应用 much。
Jonathan's current and previous jobs are (very) much alike.

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