

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-04-06

You may spoil your skin silly with facials, fancy products and a skin care regimen that would make your dermatologist proud. But there are a few important (and surprisingly simple) steps that can make a huge difference in having healthy, glowing skin. Incorporate these five best skin care habits into your routine and you'll have smoother, clearer skin in no time. 如果美容、化妆品使用不当,你可真会糟蹋了自己的皮肤和美容医生精心定制的护肤方案哦。下面有几个非常重要(也十分简单)的步骤,能让你的肌肤焕发健康光泽。把这五步融入到每天的护肤行程中,你的肌肤马上又滑又亮。

1. Wear Sunblock 365 Days Of The Year 一年365天全年防晒

In rain or shine, winter or summer, whether you have ivory white skin or a dark complexion, your skin is always susceptible to sun damage. You should be wearing an SPF 30 every day, not only to protect against skin cancer but to prevent fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, and uneven skin tone. 无论下雨晴天冬天夏天,除非你是象牙色或深色皮肤,否则你的皮肤都一直处于紫外线的伤害之中。你需要每天涂抹SPF30的防晒霜,不仅可以有效防止皮肤癌,还能防止细纹、皱纹、毛孔粗大以及肤色不均等问题。

In addition, it’s essential that you reapply your sunscreen every couple of hours, especially if you’re out and about -- one morning slathering of SPF 100 won’t last you until sundown!另外,隔几个小时重复涂抹十分必要,尤其是你外出时——即使早上涂抹了SPF100的防晒霜也无法持续到晚上哦!

2. Refrigerate Your Eye Cream眼霜要冷藏

You can get more bang from your eye cream simply by storing it in the icebox. The cold constricts the blood vessels, immediately reducing puffiness. It's best to apply cold eye cream in the morning; at night, the product can migrate into your eyes and create swelling and irritation. Look for creams containing caffeine, which will further decrease any swelling. 冷藏眼霜可以获得更多的滋养。冷能收缩血管,立即减少浮肿。最好早上使用冷藏的眼霜,晚上的话,产品会混进眼睛造成刺激和干扰。用那些含有咖啡因的眼霜,这样会避免造成眼睛肿胀。

3. Add antioxidants to your skin care and your diet 在护肤品和饮食中加点抗氧化剂

Attack the problem from the inside and out. Eat brightly colored fruits, vegetables, and other good-for-you foods like blueberries, pomegranates, and olive oil. Both will help to combat free radical damage, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and inflammation. Experts also recommend eating a balanced breakfast that combines protein, fiber, and healthy fats to regulate blood sugar throughout the day. Studies have shown that when blood sugar rises too quickly, it can cause acne, wrinkles, and rashes. 对皮肤进行从里到外的防护。多吃点新鲜鲜艳的水果蔬菜、和其他对你有益的如蓝莓、石榴和橄榄油这样的食物吧。这些都能帮你抵抗自由基损伤,减少细纹、皱纹以及发炎。专家还推荐吃一顿包含蛋白质、纤维以及健康脂肪的营养均衡早餐,这样可以平衡一整天的血糖。研究表明血糖增高过快易引发痤疮、皱纹以及皮疹。

4. Lightly exfoliate regularly定期去角质

While you might think anti-aging creams and high-end moisturizers are the key to youthful skin, experts agree that exfoliation is one of the best ways to achieve and maintain a gorgeous complexion. A good exfoliating agent will slough off the dull top layers, minimizing wrinkles, acne, and dry spots to reveal new, healthy, glowing skin. 你也许觉得抗衰老的面霜以及高端护肤品是健康肌肤的关键,但专家认为去角质才是保持完美肤色最好的办法之一。好的去角质产品能清理最表层的死皮,减少皱纹、痤疮以及干皮,让你重获嫩白健康肌肤。

5. Exercise often 多运动

Sure, you know you should be hitting the gym, not only for a toned physique but because it’s better for your overall health. Well, here’s another reason to work up a sweat: Exercise tightens the skin on your entire body. Strength training and cardio boost circulation and improve muscle tone, which results in younger-looking, toned skin. 你还应该多去健身房锻炼锻炼,不仅为了体形,也有助于身体健康。还有个足够让你运动到大汗淋漓的原因:运动能拉紧整个身体的皮肤。力量训练和有氧运动能促进血液循环,改善肌肉张力,就会滋润肌肤让你看起来更加年轻。

Not only that, but it also reduces wrinkle-causing, skin-damaging stress. Just make sure to wash your face post-workout. What good is a hot body if you’ve got clogged pores all over your T-zone? 不仅如此,运动还能减少皱纹滋生和皮肤损害的压力。但别忘了运动完一定要好好洗个脸,如果整个T字区毛孔都被堵塞了,那还有什么好处可言呢?

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