

 小林个人图书馆 2013-04-09

很多次当我看见native speaker的美文时,都忍不住在欣赏的同时暗暗揣摩他们的构思、文法和谴词造句的功底,譬如J.K Rowling笔下的人物一个个都如此栩栩如生,她用词千变万化,引人入胜。那么,是不是我们就无法达到这样的境界呢?答案当然是否定的拉!我曾看过一篇某高校非英语专业学生的文章,文笔和意境都让我自叹不如,汗。。。 所以只要下了工夫,用心钻研,一定是会有回报的哦!我相信通过日积月累的不断学习,大家都能用英语写出让老外惊羡的漂亮文章!!那么就让我们从最简单的开始,共同学习北外前辈们的智慧成果吧:



He won. I owe you. John is late. 


He won an easy victory. I owe you $50. John is late again.   


误:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. 

正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields. 

It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields. 

It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields. 

They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard. 

It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields. 

As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. 

误:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea. 

正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea. 

The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.













试比较: She decided to study English though she was interested in music.(松散句) 

Although she was interested in music, she finally decided to study English.(圆周句) 

请看: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. ——Jane Austen 这是《傲慢与偏见》的第一句话。它明显是个圆周句,因为它的结构和意思在最后一个词之前都不完整。这种结构形成意思上的高潮,最后一个词是最重要的词,同时由于在这之前堆积了很多词,高潮因而很强烈。 归纳:松散句比较明白、简单、自然和直接;圆周句比较复杂、着重、正式和文雅。 


In Plato’s opinion man was made for philosophy; in Bacon’s opinion philosophy was made for man. ——Thomas Babington Macaulay       对偶句会给人留下深刻的印象,且声调和节奏优美。对偶句主要用于说明文、辩论文和演说等正式文体中。 






1.On hearing the news, he was angered. On hearing the news, I was saddened. (请将两句话合并成一句对偶句) 

2.The surgeon still keeps trying to rescue the patient though there is no quietus(生命迹象) left on him.(请将此松散句改为圆周句) 


第三期:好的句子 I



Faulty: Du Fu was one of the greatest poets. 

Revised: Du Fu was one of the greatest poets of the Tang Period. 

第一句话有毛病,因为所表达的思想并不完整:时代和国家都没有提到。 加了the Tang Period句子的意思就清楚了:我们都知道唐是中国历史上的一个朝代。 




Faulty: A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds. 

Revised: A man is judged not only by what he says but also by what he does. 

A man is judged not only by his words but also by his deeds. 

平行的意思最好用平行的结构来表达。此句中的what he says与his deeds在形式上不平行,所以应改动其中之一。 

Faulty: To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase. 

Revised: To get ready for the trip, she put all the things she needed into a suitcase. 此句中有所谓的“悬垂”修饰语(To get…)。它与所要修饰的名词或代词没有结构上的联系。那个名词或代词有时甚至不在句中;即使在句中,也不应被现有的修饰语所修饰。因为用了“悬垂”修饰语,这种句子就缺少连贯性,也就让人难以理解了。 

Faulty: The idea he mentioned at first sounded good. 

Revised: The idea he first mentioned sounded good. 

The idea he mentioned sounded good at first. 

此句中的at first即可修饰mentioned,又可修饰sounded,这种摸棱两可的修饰应该避免。 

这期的作业: 1.请改正以下病句: ·Faulty: We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman. ·Faulty: He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious. 参考答案: 1. We thought she was charming, intelligent, and very capable. We thought she was a charming, intelligent and very capable young woman. 2. He was knocked down by a bicycle, but was not badly hurt.





Wordy: It was blue in color. It was small in size. Mary is a quiet and careful woman. He returned in the early part of the month of August. 

Concise: It was blue. It was small. Mary is quiet and careful. He returned in the early August. 


Wordy: He gave many reasons for the failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing. 

Concise: He gave many reasons for the failure, but none of them were convincing. 


Wordy: There was a pine tree that stood like a giant on the top of the mountain. It towered over the trees around it. 

Concise: The pine tree on the top of the mountain stood like a giant and towered over the trees around it. The giant pine tree on the top of the mountain towered over the trees around it.   


这期的作业: 1.Wordy: In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible. (请删去重复词语) 2.Wordy: Mr. Smith usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.(请改变句子结构) 3.以上两句各有两种修改方法,请大家开动脑筋想一想哦! Today’s recommend: (请大家欣赏!) He crouched a little, spreading his hands under the water and moving them round, trying to feel for her. The dead cold pond swayed upon his chest. He moved again, a little, and again, with his hands underneath, he felt all around under the water. And he touched her clothing. But it evaded his fingers. He made a desperate effort to grasp it… He laid her down on the bank. She was quite unconscious and running with water. He made the water come from her mouth, he worked to restore her. He did not have to work very long before he could feel the breathing begin again in her; she was breathing naturally. He worked a little longer. He could feel her live beneath his hands; she was coming back. He wiped her face, wrapped her in his overcoat, looked round into the dim, dark gray world, then lifted her and staggered down the bank and across the fields. ——D.H.Lawrence 文中的许多短句生动地描写了那个男人的快速动作,从而使读者感受到他那时的紧张心情。 1.Concise: In my opinion, your plan is feasible./I think your plan is feasible. 2.Concise: Mr. Smith prefers wines produced in France./ Mr. Smith prefers French wines.




(1) 整句强调 文章中有的句子可能比别的句子更重要,因为它表达了更为重要的意思。



不完整句:也叫单一成分句,因为只有少数几个词表达主要意思而起到强调的作用。 The sky was overcast. A north wind was blowing. It threatened to rain at any moment. A gloomy day. 

倒装句:它们不同寻常的语序会吸引读者的注意: In rushed the noisy children. The poet was born poor, and poor he remained all his life. 



祈使句和感叹句:祈使和感叹的语气自然使句子得到强调。 Don’t move! How nice! 

修辞问句或反问句:它们在形式上是问句,意思上却是强调的陈述。 Didn’t I tell you that you mustn’t touch this machine? Can anyone believe his explanation? 

否定肯定陈述句:这种句子先指出不是什么,然后指出是什么,对比使之得到强调。 The delegates shouted and quarreled. It was not a meeting; it was a farce. 

重复词或短语的句子:重复加强了语气。 Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. ——Abraham Lincoln 

(2) 句内强调 句中的某个词语或短语有时应该得到强调,因为那是全句主要意思之所在。可以有多种办法做到这一点。 


试比较: There is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old, in the temple. 

In the temple there is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old. 

There have been many great discoveries made by scientists in the 20th century. 

Many great discoveries have been made by scientists in the 20th century. 

In the 20th century scientists have made many great discoveries. 

重复:不必要的重复并不增加任何意见,因而应该避免。但有时在适当上下文中重复一个词,或用不同的词重复一个意思,也可以作为一种强调的手段。 Bright, very bright, were the stars over the wild, dark Yen’an hills. ——Anna Louise Strong 


比较: At the sight of the disorderly crowed, he was aware that something bad would be possible. 

The moment he saw the disorderly crowed, he knew that something bad would happen. 



下面一句话包含两个意思: The professor walked into the classroom and he carried a bag of books with him. 这句的并列结构表示这两个意思同等重要。事实上前一个应该是主要意思,后一个则应该是从属的: The professor walked into the classroom, carrying a bag of books with him. The professor walked into the classroom with a bag of books under his arm. The professor walked into the classroom, a bag of books under his arm.

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