

 小林个人图书馆 2013-04-22

1. 弄清基本语法特点 

情态动词就是表示说话的语气或情态的动词。常见的情态动词有can, may, must, need, dare, shall, will, should, ought to, have to, used to, had better, would rather等。情态动词具有以下3个特点: 




2. 弄清表示能力的can / could和be able to的用法 

(1) can表示具有某种能力或技能,意为“能,会”。如:

Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题? 

(2)can的过去式为could,但它通常只表示过去一般性能力,不表示过去特定场合下的能力,遇此情况要用was [were] able to。如:

I could run faster then. 我那时能跑得更快一些。

They were able to jump into the sea before the boat was blown up. 他们在船爆之前跳入海里。

3. 弄清表示许可的can / could / may / might / must的用法

can / could / may / might均可表示许可,只不过may较侧重讲话人的许可,而can较侧重客观情况的许可;

could / might的语气比can / may更委婉、客气; 

在答语中表示允许别人做某事要can / may,不能用 could / might。如:

— Could [Can, May, Might] I use it? 我可以借用它吗?

— Yes, you can [may]. 可以。(不用 could / might)


We must not speak of it again. 我们再也不要谈这事了。

4. 弄清表推测的 can / may / could / might / should / must的用法 



may用于肯定句和否定式,两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同(cannot=不可能,may not=可能不);

could, might 和 should 可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句;

must 表示推测通常只用于肯定句。如: 

She can’t be in the office now. 她现在不可能在办公室。

She may not be free tonight. 她今晚可能没空。

He may [might] come tonight. 他今晚可能会来。

Might he know this? 他会知道这事吗?


can / may / could / might 的语气较不确定,尤其是might, could,其意很不肯定;


must 表示推测的语气最肯定。注意有时高考也会对这种语气上的差异命题,如下面这道题:

“When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.” “They _________ be ready by 12:00.”

A. can       B. should         C. might        D. need


5.  弄清shall 与 will 的用法

(1) shall在陈述句中表示说话者给对方的承诺、决心、警告、威胁等。如:

I shall write to you again at the end of the month. 月底我再给你写封信。

You shall have it back next week. 下星期一定还你。

He shall stay in bed. 他必须躺在床上。


Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 试卷完全收回后,应试人才能离开座位。


Shall I turn on the lights?   我开灯好吗?

Shall he wait for you outside?  要不要他在外面等你?


That day shall come. 那一天总会来的。 

(2) will 可以表示习惯和倾向性,意为“惯于, 老是, 终归是”如:

The door won’t open. 这门打不开。

Matches will not strike if they are damp. 火柴潮湿就擦不着。 

(3) Shall I (we)…? 可用于征求意见等,Will you…?可用于表示请求或邀请等。如:

Shall I turn on the light? 要不要把灯打开?

Will you join us for dinner? 你可否和我们一道去吃晚饭?

6. 弄清will与would的三个不同点及区别

⑴ 表示意愿时,will 表示现在的意愿,would 表示过去的意愿:

Go where you will. 你愿到哪里就到哪里。

She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿意同他们一起去。

would like / would love可视为习语,意为“想要”,其后接名词、代词或不定式:

I would like a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。

We would love to go with him. 我们想同他一起去。 

⑵ 表示征求意见或提出请求时, will 和 would 均可用,would 此时并不表示过去,而表示委婉语气:

Won’t you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉?

Will [would] you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗? 

⑶ 表示习惯和倾向性:will 表示现在的习惯,would 表示过去的习惯:

This window won’t open. 这扇窗户经常打不开。

When he was a child, he would often go skating. 他小时候经常去滑冰。 

7. need和dare的用法要点


You need not pay—it is free. 你不必付钱,这是免费的。

We need to have lots of patience. 我们需要有很大的耐心。

Who would dare to tell him? 谁会敢告诉他?

He dared not go there at night. 晚上他不敢到那里去。

How dare you ask me such a question? 你怎么敢问我这样的问题?

注:need 表示“需要”,其后可接动名词,且要用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

The room needs cleaning. 这房间需要打扫了。

8. 弄清“情态动词+完成式”的用法

(1) must + have done:用于肯定句,表示推测,意为“一定(已经)……”。

(2) can + have done:用于否定句或疑问句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……”。

(3) could + have done:可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,表示推测、责备或遗憾等,意为“可能……”“本来可以……”“本来应该……”等。

(4) should [ought to] + have done:可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,表示责备或遗憾等,意为“本来应该……”。

(5) need + have done:用于否定句或疑问句,用于否定时意为“本来不必”,用于疑问句时意为“有必要……吗”。

(6) may + have done:用于肯定句或否定句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……”。

(7) might + have done:用于肯定句或否定句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……(此时 might 可换为 may);另外还可以表示过去可能发生的事结果未发生,意为“本来会……”(此时 might 不能换为 may)。

He can’t have left so soon. 他不可能走得这么早。

I should have thought of it. 我本应想到这一点的。

You needn’t have mentioned it. 你没有必要提及此事的。

You must have mistaken my intention. 你一定是误会了我的意图。

I might have come to a wrong conclusion. 我或许得出了错误的结论。

You could have helped me—why did you just sit and watch? 你本可帮助我的,为什么只坐在一旁瞧着?

9. 弄清should的用法


He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。

You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。

Crime should be punished. 犯罪应受惩罚。

Should I wear a coat?  我要穿大衣吗?

■表示“可能,该(=will probably) ”

He should arrive soon他可能很快就到了。

The train should have already left. 火车大概已经走了。


If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me. 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。


It’s strange that he should be late. 真奇怪,他竟会迟到。

■should+ have done表示“本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做”;shouldn’t have done表示“本不该做某事,但事实上却做了”。如:

You should have got up earlier. 你本应该早点起的。

You shouldn’t have told him about it. 你本不该把这件事告诉他的。

■should与ought to的比较

(1)除表示“万一”“竟然”等只能用should外,表示“应该,应当”“可能”等,两者可互换,只是ought to的语气稍重。如:

You ought to/should work harder than that. 你应当更努力地工作

She ought to/should finish it by next week. 下星期她可能完成了。

You ought to/should have told him about it earlier. 你本应该早点把这件事告诉他的。

You oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have wasted time like that. 你本不该像那样浪费时间的。

(2) should强调主观看法,而ought to强调客观要求。如:

We ought to go and see my mother in hospital tomorrow, but I don’t think we will. 我们按理应当在明天去看看住院的母亲的,但我主认为我们不会去。


You shouldn’t run alongside the swimming pool. 不准在游泳池边奔跑。


He suggested that I should go there. 他建议我去那里。

(5)注意ought to的否定式与疑问式。如:

You ought not to do it. 你不应该做此事。

—Ought he to start now? 他现在该动身了吗?

—Yes, he ought (to) . 是的,该动身了。

They ought to go now, oughtn’t they?他们现在该走了,对吗?

10. 弄清may [might] as well和may [might] well的用法

(1) may [might] as well可用来提出建议等,可译为“不妨”(用might时口气更委婉一些)。如:

Catherine, you may as well come too. 凯瑟琳,你不妨也去。

If that’s the case, I may as well try. 如果情况如此,我不妨试一试。 

(2)may [might] well可表示比较有把握的推测,意为“很可能”。如:

You might well be right. 你很可能是对的。

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