

 苏卜拉妮 2013-05-18

When you get a job interview, you should put emphasis on dress code 着装规范first, which can show your dynamic features and exude charisma. You may receive an aptitude test 能力倾向测试in the talk. You need to be astute 狡猾的at responses. And never butt in插嘴if you want to gain esteem好评. Whenever they create difficulties for you, you cannot diminish your morale士气.

Then you may undergo a probationary period试用期, which grooms you for使做好准备;培养;训练the job. In the colleague relationship, be a sparky extrovert. Don’t be moody喜怒无常的. While working, you should be conscientious 一丝不苟的enough to conform to 符合your great flair. Moreover, leave all your complaints aside. When it comes to a promotion, be a high-flyer抱负极高的人.

Liaise with联络 your old friends regularly to expand your social circle. When you get sacked解雇, they may help resolve the crisis.

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