

 梦想教育 2013-11-04



1—Will Lucy go on a picnic together with us this weekend?

—________She hates any outdoor activities.

AI hope so.        BNot likely!

CDon't mention it.           DWhy not?

解析:考查情景交际。根据下句中的hates,可知露西不喜欢户外活动,因此可推断她不可能和我们一起去野餐,因此答案为B。句意为“——这个周末露西跟我们一起去野餐吗?——不可能!她不喜欢任何户外活动。”I hope so.我希望是这样的;Not likely不可能,表示自己或某人不可能做某事;Don't mention it.别客气;不用谢;Why not?为什么不呢?好呀!


2Chinese folk music gave ________ life to Mr Liu and made him lead ________ new life in his later years.

Athe Bthethe

Cathe  D/a

解析:考查冠词。根据固定搭配give life to意为赋予……生命lead a..life意为……的生活,可知答案为D。句意为中国民间音乐赋予了刘先生生命,使他在晚年过着一种全新的生活。


3________ all the statistics got from the surveyhe concluded that over 80% of the customers didn't like this brand of coffee because of its strong smell.

AHaving analysed   BAnalysing

CAnalysed         DTo analyse



4I interviewed the retired professor yesterday afternoonfor ________ life is still busy.

Awhose  Bwhom

Cwhich  Dwhat

解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构,先行词是the retired professor,作介词for的宾语,故选B。此题易错选A,虽然在语法上正确,但意思上不符。句意为昨天下午我采访了那位退休的教授,对他而言生活依旧是很忙碌。


5—Bobhave you brought my maths reference book?

—SorryI forgot.You ________ have it this afternoon.

Amust  Bcan

Cshall  Dneed



6The Tiangong-I is           stay in orbit for 2 years and rendezvous and dock with 3 different spaceships: Shenzhou ,            for November;and Shenzhou and Shenzhou in 2012.

A.expected;schenduled           B.expected to;scheduled

C.expecting;to schedule         D.expected to;to schedule

解析: be expected to do…预期将……scheduled,过去分词作定语。句意:天宫一号将在宇宙中飞行2年,等待着与11月份发射的神八和2012年发射的神九、神十会和对接。


7Henryit's your turn.Please ________ the story where we left off before our coffee break.

Alook up  Bset up

Cbring up  Dtake up

解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为亨利,轮到你了。请接着从我们喝咖啡休息之前停下的地方继续讲故事。”look up意为抬起头;查阅set up意为建立;创办bring up意为养育;提出take up意为接着,继续;占据(时间、空间等)”


8Although the local government has taken measures to control the diseaseit will be some time ________ it's completely controlled.

Abefore   Bsince

Cafter    Dwhen

解析:考查连词。根据固定搭配:it will be+一段时间+before+一般现在时,表示将来过多久才……”。句意为虽然当地政府已经采取了措施控制这种疾病,但要完全控制住,还需要一些时间。


9—Are you going to visit the butterfly exhibition ________next week?

—YesI'd like to.You knowI love being close to animals.

Aholding    Bheld

Cto be held  Dhaving held

解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,exhibitionhold构成逻辑上的被动关系,可排除AD;再根据句中的时间状语next week,可知要用不定式的被动形式表示将来的含义。句意为“——你打算去看下周将要举行的蝴蝶展吗?——是的。我想去。你知道,我喜欢接近动物。


10—My parents will take me to New Zealand for our holiday.

—Sounds greatYou ________ a different culture then.

Ahave experienced       Bwill be experiencing

Chave been experiencing  Dwill have experienced



11The book doesn't ________ much to teenagersbecause there are too many scientific terms in it.

Aattach  Bapply

Cadapt  Dappeal

解析:考查动词辨析。句意为这本书不是很吸引青少年,因为它里面的科学术语太多了。”attach to意为附着apply to意为运用;申请adapt to意为适应appeal to意为有吸引力;引起兴趣


12The English poem is extremely beautifulbut ________ can be enjoyed unless you fully understand it.

Aeverything  Bnothing

Csomething  Danything



13Running a company well is more than a ________ of making productsit also needs excellent management and loyal employees.

Amatter  Black

Cwaste   Dload

解析:考查名词辨析。句意为经营好一家公司不仅仅是生产产品,还需要有优秀的管理和忠诚的员工。”a matter of表示“……的事a waste of意为浪费a lack of意为缺乏;短缺a load of意为许多的;大量的


14—Could you help me carry the suitcase onto the train?


AMy pleasure   BYou're welcome

CWith pleasure  DGood idea

解析:考查情景交际。上句要求对方帮助,下句答应帮助对方,故答案为C。句意为“——你能帮我把箱子提到火车上去吗?——非常乐意。”  My pleasure.“不用谢;别客气,回答别人的感谢用语;You're welcome.“你太客气了;不用谢,也是回答别人的感谢用语;With pleasure.非常乐意;Good idea.好办法。


15If the book is ________ in your local librarythere is no need for you to buy it on the Internet.

Aconvenient  Bavailable

Caccessible   Defficient





How do you build a better worldThe question has __16__ mankind for centuries. Many things have been __17__.Some have helped and some haven't.I thinkthoughthat I was given a part of the __18__ just the other day.

My brother had just cleaned out his closet.It was something I needed to do as well __19__ I was afraid I might get lost in there and not find my way back out.When he brought over some of the __20__ clothes to my dad's househe asked me to __21__  the clothes and see if there was anything I could use.I just picked out a few pairs of __22__  to replace my worn-out jeans.I didn't like __23__ more clothes that I didn't need.I__24__volunteered to take the rest of them over to the Goodwill store and donate them for him.

I __25__ his clothes in the back of my car and then decided to brave the clutter (杂乱) of my own closet to add to his __26__.It was a scary sight inside.The __27__ was huge.Stillthe thought of doing something good for another __28__ me on and kept me going.It took a long timebut I got it done.I was left with a much __29__ closetbut a much fuller heart.As I carried my own bags of clothes to add to my brother'sI couldn't help but __30__.Then I saw how we all can go about building a __31__ world.

We can do itone small __32__ deed at a time.We can do itone inspiring __33__ at a time.We can even do itone donated shirt at a time.We can build a better world __34__ each act of love we share and good thing we do.We can do it with helpful hands and __35__ hearts.We can do it with cheerful spirits and joyous souls.

【语篇解读】 如何建立一个更美好的世界?作者在一次帮助哥哥处理收拾出来的不穿的衣物时得到了一些启示。

16A.puzzled        Baffected

Cworried               Dbothered

解析:根据下文“Many things have been ________.Some have helped and some haven't.”可知,人们为了解决如何建立一个更美好的世界这个问题做出了很多努力,但是有些方法适用有些不适用,因此这个问题困扰了人类几个世纪,并未完全得到解决。


17A.proved  Bsolved

Ctried   Dchanged

解析:根据下文“Some have helped and some haven't.”可知,有些事情使世界变得更美好了,有些则没有。因此此处说的是:人们尝试地做了很多事情。


18A.question  Bresult

Canswer  Dchallenge

解析:根据上文“The question”可知,作者最近得到了解决这个问题的一部分答案。


19A.as if     Bin case

Cif only  Deven if



20A.extra    Buseless

Cclean  Dnew

解析:根据下文“I just picked out a few pairs of ________”“...take the rest of them over to the Goodwill store and donate them for him.”可知,作者挑了几件衣服然后把剩下的衣服捐献了。因此这些衣服是哥哥不用的,即是额外的、不需要的。


21A.pick up     Blook through

Cput away  Dtidy up

解析:根据下文“...see if there was anything I could use.”可知,作者的哥哥让他看一遍衣服,看看有没有能用得着的。


22A.shoes   Bgloves

Csocks  Dtrousers

解析:根据下文“...to replace my worn-out jeans.”可知,作者挑了几件裤子以替换他穿坏的牛仔裤。


23A.wearing   Bbuying

Ckeeping  Dwashing

解析:根据下文“...volunteered to take the rest of them over to the Goodwill store and donate them for him.”可知,作者把剩下的衣服都捐了,因此,他不喜欢留着更多自己用不着的衣服。


24A.anyhow     Bthough

Cotherwise  Dinstead



25A.loaded  Bthrew

Chung  Dfolded



26A.possession  Bdonation

Ccollection  Dlist



27A.scene   Bquantity

Cmess  Dstore

解析:根据上文“I was afraid I might get lost in there and not find my way back out.”“...decided to brave the clutter of my own closet...”可知,作者的衣柜非常乱。


28A.led      Btook

Ccarried  Durged



29A.emptier   Blighter

Ccleaner  Dlarger

解析:根据下文“...but a much fuller heart.”“As I carried my own bags of clothes...”可知,作者收拾完衣柜,衣柜变空了,但是心里很充实。


30A.cry     Bsmile

Cthink  Drelax



31A.beautiful   Bharmonious

Cfriendly  Dbetter

解析:根据文章第一句话“How do you build a better world可知,作者想到了我们如何能够建立一个更加美好的世界。


32A.kind        Bdifficult

Csurprising  Drare



33A.speech  Bword

Cstory  Dexperience



34A.beyond  Bon

Cwith   Dwithin

解析:根据下文“...each act of love we share and good thing we do...We can do it with cheerful spirits and joyous souls.”可知,我们可以用每一个善意的举动、充满爱心的行为等来使我们的世界变得更加美好。


35A.hopeful   Bgrateful

Ctolerant  Dcaring

解析:根据“helpful hands”可知,我们可以用帮助他人的手充满友爱的心建立一个更加美好的世界。




I lived in Dallas nearly all my life with my parents and older sister.I was raised to respect others and value education.“You can be anything you want to be”my parents always say.My parents are never without a helpful word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.

I always knew that going to college was expected of me.After allboth of my parents are college graduates with many degrees.Even after I decided that I'd rather get married to a man who was so clearly wrong for me than go to college at 16they never stopped telling me that they loved me and that I could do anything I wanted to do.Thankfullythey talked some sense into me(开导我别干傻事)I graduated from high school and currently attend the University of Oklahoma.I want to make the world a better place.And I know that my parents are the reason for this.

Every time I call home to tell them about a grade I receivedthey tell me how proud of me they are.I know there are college students out there that have no one to call home to when they get an ‘A’ on a project and I feel lucky to have my parents.

Don't get me wrong.We've had our share of problems.I was the angry teenager and they were the terrible parents that wouldn't let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced (穿透)But we managed to work through those issues.They never stopped loving me or believing in me.

Without their constant love and encouragementI can't be successful.My parents taught me to always fight for what I believe in.And so I'm working toward something really great and can only hope that I continue to make them proud.

【语篇解读】 作者通过讲述父母一生中对自己永恒不变的爱,表达了自己对父母的感激之情,并以此为动力,继续努力奋斗。

36We can know from the passage that the author's parents ________.

Aare very strict with children

Bnever give advice to children

Clive in Dallas all their lives

Dare both well-educated

解析:细节理解题。由第二段“After allboth of my parents are college graduates with many degrees.”可知,作者的父母都是大学毕业并有多个学位,由此可知答案。


37What made the author change her attitude towards life?

AA man she met when she was 16.

BHer parents' love and instruction.

CThe advice from her older sister.

DHer parents' criticism and punishment.



38According to Paragraph 3 the following are true EXCEPT that ________.

Athe author likes to show off her achievements

Bnot every college student has supportive parents

Cthe author feels lucky to have such good parents

Dthe author's parents give her much encouragement



39What can we infer from the passage?

AThe author feels very sorry for her parents.

BThe author is a fashionable but troubled teen.

CNothing can prevent the author's parents loving her.

DThere is no gap between the author and her parents.

解析:推理判断题。由第二段“...they never stopped telling me that they loved me...”及第四段“They never stopped loving me or believing in me.”可知,无论以前作者如何不懂事,父母都没有放弃对她的爱。现在作者与父母之间也存在分歧,但是他们都努力解决了,作者父母对她的爱与信任从来没有停止过。由此可推断,没有什么能够阻止作者父母对她的爱。


40The author writes the passage to ________.

Aencourage us never to give up

Bremind us to have a great aim in life

Cexpress her gratitude to her parents

Dtalk about her growing experiences












参考词汇:校园安全safety at school


My dear classmates

   There_is_no_denying_that safety plays an important part in our daily life.Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.

   I consider this as indeed a good practicewhich will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily lifewhether when we stay at school or outside it.When we are doing sportswe should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt.Furthermorewhen we get into trouble with our classmateswe should remain calm and avoid any form of fightingwhich may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.

   As_far_as_I'm_concernedI feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind.Besideswe_are_supposed_to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment.


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