
苏格兰发表独立白皮书 2014年9月公投

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-11-28

Scottish first minister Alex Salmond has launched his government's independence blueprint, calling it a "mission statement" for the future.苏格兰首席部长亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德发布了苏格兰政府起草的独立白皮书,称之为“致未来的使命宣言”。

The 670-page White Paper promised a "revolution" in social policy, with childcare at its heart.这份670页的独立白皮书声称将展开苏格兰社会政策“革命”,儿童福利政策将是社会政策革命的核心领域。

The launch came ahead of next September's independence referendum.独立白皮书发布之后,明年9月,苏格兰将举行独立公投。

Alistair Darling, leader of the campaign to keep the Union, branded the document a "work of fiction, full of meaningless assertions".支持英联邦统一的英国政治领袖阿利斯泰尔·达林称,这份独立白皮书只是“童话故事,毫无意义的断言。”

On 18 September, Scots voters will be asked the yes/no question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"明年9月18日,苏格兰人民将投票回答这个问题:“你是否认为苏格兰应该是一个独立的国家?”

Launching the paper - titled Scotland's Future: Your guide to an independent Scotland - in Glasgow, Mr Salmond said: "This is the most comprehensive blueprint for an independent country ever published, not just for Scotland but for any prospective independent nation.???这份名为《苏格兰的未来:独立苏格兰指南》的独立白皮书是在苏格兰最大城市格拉斯哥发布的。首席部长萨尔蒙德称,“苏格兰独立的指导方针是史上包含最广、最仔细的独立蓝图,不只为苏格兰设计,更适用于任何盼望独立的国家。”

"But more than that, it is a mission statement and a prospectus for the kind of country we should be and which this government believes we can be.“不仅如此,这份独立白皮书还是一份使命宣言,一张蓝图,它描绘了我们理应成为、政府笃信我们将成为的国家的景象。”

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