
31天学会简单生活 第16天:散步

 蕙籣留香 2013-12-26
                          31天学会简单生活,第十六天:散步 译者: 陈俊强 原作者:Emily 发表时间:2010-10-16

The other day after I posted about being, not doing, I apparently felt inspired by my own words. You know that so much of what I share here are things that I need to remind myself of too, right? I do not have this all down perfectly. I am practicing, trying, improving each day. Some days are better than others.


The very morning that post published, my son came to me as I sat drinking coffee and checking my email and asked me to take him to the park to go for a walk. Remembering my own desire to be more patient, more present, I shut it all down and put it all away and headed out with my son who wanted and needed me.


I brought my camera but captured very little because I had a little boy holding my hand, telling me “this is really nice, mama” and what mama lets go of her son’s hand so she has it free for snapping pictures? Not this one.


We walked. We chased. We laughed. We picked up leaves. We sat and rested.


Sure, we did something, but it was inspired by exactly what I want to be and that made all the difference.


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