
Lesson24. How Was Your Weekend ?

 昵称11826602 2014-04-16

Lesson24.  How Was Your Weekend ?



1. Language goals(掌握本课单词、短语):  everybody, have a great/good weekend, take a bus. make donuts, climb a mountain, bring the cameras.

2.Ability goals(句型的用法): It’s …away from….

   二 、【学习重点(难点)预测】 



. 短语连线

1. 周末玩得愉快                  A. home-made donuts

2. 乘公共汽车                     B. come over

3. 家制的面包圈                  C. climb a mountain

4. 过来;来访                      D. have a nice weekend

5. 爬山                             E. take a bus


. 句型展示

1. 你的周末怎么样?

______  ______ your weekend?

2. 车站离我家有三个小时的路程。

______ three hours ______ ______ the station to my house.

3. 你认为这本书怎么样?

______ do you ______ ______ the book?


everybody pron. 每人;人人

I am going to bring some donuts for everybody.


Everybody is ready for the test.



1everybody=everyone,强调整体概念,其反义词是nobodyno one




—Is ______ here today?

—No. Tom has asked for leave.

A. anybody   B. everybody   C. somebody   D. nobody

Everybody in your class ______ interested in P. E. .

A. is     B. are     C. has      D. have


. 选词或短语并用其适当形式填空

everybody,  bring,  come over,  take,  fresh

1. Open the window and let the ______ air in.

2. ______ does his homework well.

3. Can you ______ your photo here this afternoon?

4. Jenny ______ and helped you with your homework.

5. I’m going to ______ a bus for my trip.

. 句型转换

1. —_____________________________? (根据答语写问句)

—I had a nice weekend.

2. We are going to climb the mountain this Sunday. (对画线部分提问)

______  ______ you ______ ______ ______ this Sunday?

3. My mother taught me to make donuts. (改为一般疑问句)

______ your mother ______ you to make donuts?

4. It’s one hour away from the supermarket. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ is it from the supermarket?

5. can; make; myself; cakes; I(连词成句)










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