

 许愿真 2014-05-24



1. 行为动词分为及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)。及物动词通常都跟有宾语如:
 (1)She committed a serious error. 她犯了一个严重的错误。
 (2)They were busy making artificial flowers. 他们在忙着做纸花。
 (3)The child needed constant attention. 这孩子需要经常照顾。
 (4)Where did you put the key? 你把钥匙放哪儿了?
achieve      address     admire      affect      afford      avoid
blame        build       buy         carry       catch       claim
commit       complete    concern     control     convince   correct
have         heat       hire       include     influence  introduce
provide      raise      receive     recommend   record     release
use          value      want        waste       welcome  

 (1)Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。
 (2)This song reminded me of my childhood. 这首歌使我想起来童年。
 (3)He promised to treat us to dinner. 他答应请我们吃饭。
accustom…to      aquaint…with     attribute…to    base…on(upon)
bring…with       cram…into        compare…to       condemn…to
confine…to        convey…to         dedicate…to      deprive…to
direct…to         divide…into       engrave…with     entrust…to
incorporate…into  jot…down          lavish…on        liken…to
mistake…for       owe…to       point…at (to)    present…to(with)
prevent…from      regard…as         remind…of        return…to
rid…of            rob…of            send…to          subject…to
supply…with (to)  treat…to          trust…with       view…as

have 可以跟:
bath      bathe       celebration     chat       conversation    cry
dance     discussion  dislike         dispute    dream        drink
fear      fight      interview       laugh      lie          look
love      quarrel     read         respect    rest        row(争吵)
run       scene       sleep        smoke      success       swim
talk      try         walk          wash       win          wish
account    advice     analysis      answer      approval    beating
blow       chuckle    clean        consent     consideration   cry
dry        gasp      giggle        glance      grin         groan
hint       hug        injection     jump         kick        kiss
knock     laugh       lecture       look         nod       notice
polish     pull       punch        push       reading     report
ring       scream     shock        shout        sigh        sketch
smile      squeeze    start        summary      support      talk
thought    warning    wash           welcome
action     bath       break         care       chance      charge
control    effect     examination   exercise     grip    inspection
lead       lift       look          nap          note       notice
oath       offence    pity          place        power       pride  seat       shape     sip         stand   step       trip            trouble       turn        vocation      view    vote       walk
advance      answer       apology       appeal        appearance
arrangement  arrest       appointment   attack        attempt
change       choice       comment       comparison    concession
confession   deal          decision     demand        distinction
effort       enquiry       examination  excuse        experiment
explanation  flight        fuss         guess         go
inspection   investigation love         mention       move
noise        objection     proposal     protest       preparations
progress     promise       purchase     recovery      reference
remark       reply         resolution   sacrifice     scene
search       slip          start        statement     study
success      suggestion    trip         visit

(1)Go and do your hair. 去梳梳头。
(2)Have you done your teeth? 你刷牙了吗?
(3)She was doing the dishes. 她在洗盘子。
(4)Can you do the room now? 你现在能房间了吗?
(5)When are you to do the windows? 你什么时候擦窗子?
(6)He found her doing the flowers. 他发现她在插花。
(7)Do they do science at school? 他们在学校学科学课程吗?
(8)He’s learning to do sums. 他在学做算术题。
(9)The group is doing ‘Macbeth’. 这个剧团在演《麦克佩斯》。
(10)We did two concerts last week. 上星期我们听了两场音乐会。
(11)Have you done the Tower? 你参观伦敦塔了吗?
(12)We did Spain in two weeks. 我们在西班牙游览了两周。
(13)He does seventy-five on the freeway. 在高速公路上他开车时速为七十五英里。
(14)We did the journey in six hours. 路上我们走了六小时。
(15)He did ten years for armed robbery. 他因持枪抢劫入狱十年。
(16)The barber will do you next. 理发师下一个将给你理。
(17)He does his guests well. 他把客人招待得很好。
(18)That shopkeeper did me. 那个商店老板骗了我。
(19)He has done an excellent article. 他写了一篇精彩的文章。
(20)She did some pretty sketches. 她画了几张漂亮的素描。
(21)Jane did most of the talking. 大部分时间是简在说话。
(22)Who does the cooking? 谁做饭?
(23)She’s doing her knitting. 她在织毛线。


(1)I itch all over.我浑身发痒。
(2)She flushed and made no answer. 她脸红了,没有回答。
(3)When did it happen? 这事什么时候发生的?
(4)He was shivering all over. 他浑身发抖。
ache      appear       arise       belong         blush          collapse
come      cough        crawl       creep          cry            decay
depart    deteriorate  die         dine           disappear      doze
drift     economize    elapse      erupt          evaporate      exist
expire    faint        fall        flourish       flow           gallop
gleam     glide        go          growl          happen         hesitate
howl      itch         kneel       laugh          lie            live
moan      occur        pause       persist        plunge         prosper
quiver    remain       rise        roar           scream         shiver
sigh      sit          slip        smile          snarl          sneeze
snore     soar         sob         sparkle        stink          spring
stroll    subside      sulk        swim           throb          travel
vanish    vibrate       waver      weep           yawn
用作vi.                                                      用作vt.
She doesn’t run fast.她跑得不快。                  She runs a store. 她经营一家商店。
They advanced 40 miles.                                       

He advanced a new theory.          

  The sun is shining. 阳光灿烂。                          Shine your shoes. 把你的皮鞋擦一擦。
Why are you crying? 你为什么哭。                    She cried herself to sleep. 她哭着哭着睡着了。
(1)The plan depends on the weather. 这计划得靠天气决定。
(2)She objected to the idea. 她反对这个主意。
(3)Don’t refer to that matter again. 不要再提此事。
(4)I care very little for fame now. 我现在对名气不怎么在乎。
abound in (with)       adhere to        alternate with      amount to
appeal to              aspire for       assent to           associate with
believe in             belong to        bow to              care for
cling to               complain of      conform to          consist of (in)
content with           contribute to    depend on           dictate to
differentiate between  embark on        emerge from         end with (in)
feed on                flirt with       hint at             hope for
hunger after (for)     improve on       indulge in          insist on
lead to                learn of         listen to           long for
object to              plot against     prevail on          profit by (from)
refer to               relate to        rely on             resort to
result in              shrink from      strive for          suffer from
sympathize with        think of         tire of             trample on
wait for (on)          yearn for


1) 用于一个意义时为vt.,用于另一个意义时为vi.:
        用作vt.                                                      用作vi.
Happy to meet you. 见到你很高兴。         When shall we meet? 我们何时碰头?
Mind the dog. 当心有狗。                           I’m sure he won’t mind. 我肯定他不会在意。
She couldn’t stand the cold. 她受不了严寒。   Don’t stand in the rain. 别站在雨里。
Don’t move my things. 别动我的东西。           The train is moving now. 火车开动了。
Smoking hurts you. 吸烟对你有害。               My head hurts. 我头疼。
He hanged himself in sorrow.                            Her portrait hangs over the mantel piece.
在悲痛中他悬梁自尽。                                         她的画像挂在壁炉台上方。

2) 有些动词在意思基本上不变的情况下,有时用作vt.,有时用作vi.,例如:
            用作vt.                                               用作vi.
Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?               Every little helps. (谚)积少成多。
Tigers eat meat. 老虎吃肉。                      We eat at six. 我们六点吃饭。
She isn’t going to marry him.                    Don’t marry in haste. 不要匆忙结婚。
She’s studying medicine. 她在学医。             She studies hard. 她学习很用功。
3) 有些动词通常作及物动词,但有时宾语不必讲出(从上下文中可以看出),因此也就成了不及物动词,如:
(1) His father came yesterday.——Yes, I know (it).他父亲昨天来了。——是的,我知道。
(2)  I’m sure she didn’t notice (it). 我肯定她没注意(此事)。
(3) Oh, yes. Now I remember (it). 啊,是的。我想起来了。
(4) “What’s his name?” “I forgot (it).” “他叫什么名字?”“我忘了。”
(5) He aimed at the black spot and missed (it). 他瞄准黑点但没击中。
(6) Why didn’t you answer (me). 你为什么不回答(我)?
(7) He didn’t understand (it) very well. 他很不理解。
(8) Who won (the game)? 谁赢了比赛?
4) 还有些动词可作vt.,也可作vi.,后面可跟介词短语:
        作vt.                                                  作vi.
I’ll fight you. 我来和你打。               They fight with each other. 他们互相斗殴。
He wandered the streets.他在街上漫步      They wandered in the park. 他们在公园里漫步。
5) 有些动词,随着主语不同而可用作vt.或vi.,例如:
         作vt.                                                                     作vi.
The continual strain aged her. 持续的劳累使她衰老。    He’s ag(e)ing fast. 他老得很快。
Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes. 把土豆煮20 分钟。     The water is boiling. 水开了。
Take care not to break it. 小心别把它打破了。        Brittle things break easily. 脆的东西容易破碎。
age        bake        begin        bend       boil        break
burn       burst       change       close      continue    cook
crack      darken      decrease     disperse   double      drown
dry        empty       end          finish     fly         grow
improve    increase    meet         open       park        roast
rock       rot         run          sail       shake       shatter
show       shrink      shut         slow       sound       spin
split      spread      stand        start      stick        stop
stretch    swing       tear         thicken    turn         widen

(1) He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法解释他为什么缺课。
(2) I called on her this morning. 今早我拜访了她。
(3) I ran across her in the library yesterday. 昨天我在图书馆碰到了她。
(4) You’d better wait and watch for a better chance. 你最好等等,留心更好的机会。
abide by       account for       allow for     ask after       bank on
break into     break with       bump into    burst into     call for
call on        care for         come across   come by       come for
come into      come to           come upon     count on        dawn on
deal with      dispose of       draw on       drive at       dwell on
embark on      enter into       fall into     feel for     frown upon
get at         get into          get over      go about        go for◆有些不及物动词可以跟副词也可以跟介词构成成语动词:
不及物动词+副词                               不及物动词+介词
We mustn’t lag behind.              We mustn’t lag behind others.

我们不能落后。                        我们不能落在别人后面。

Let’s all join in.                  He joined in the march.

咱们都参加进去。                       他参加了游行。
3) 及物动词+副词:
(1)He is trying to bring about a reconciliation. 他在努力促成和解。
(2)I’ll try to hurry him up. 我来设法催促他。
(3)The trolley-bus stopped to put down three passengers. 电车停下来,让三位乘客下车。
(4)They are going to knock down those old houses. 他们要拆掉那些老房子。
add up        answer back       back up       beat up        blow up
break in      break off       break up    bring about  bring forward
bring in      bring off         bring up      call back      call off
call out      carry off         carry on      carry out      catch up
check in      check out        cheer up      clean out     close down
count out     cover up          cross out     cut down       cut off
cut out       dig up            drag in       drag out       draw up
dress up      drink up          drive out     eat up         fight off
fill up       find out          finish up     fix up         follow up

(1) Don’t build on his promises. 不要信赖他的诺言。
(2) He talked me into changing my job. 他说服我改换了工作。
(3) They showed her round the house. 他们带她在屋里到处看了看。
(4) She set the children against their father. 她让孩子们反对他们的父亲。
4) 动词+副词+介词:
(1) I can’t put up with these noisy people. 我无法忍受这些嘈杂的人。
(2) You might come up against a bit of opposition. 你可能会遭到一点反对。
(3) Don’t look down on this kind of work. 不要看不起这种工作。
(4) I’m looking forward to her arrival. 我期盼着她的到来。
be in for        boil down to        brush up on         call out for
catch up with     come down on      come down to       come down with
come in for       come out against     come out in        come out of
come out with     come up against      come up to         come up with
crack down on     cry out against      cry out for         cut back on
date back to      do away with         face up to         fall back on
fall in with      get away with        get down to         get off with
get on to         get on with          get round to        go back on
go in for         go off with          go over to       go through with
grow out of       keep in with         keep on at          keep up with
lead up to        live up to        look down on     look forward to
look out for      look up to         make away with       make off with
5) 包含名词的动词成语:
a. 动词+名词
bear a grudge              break the ice               catch fire
change one’s mind          do right (wrong)          face the music
give a way                   go halves              have one’s way
hold one’s breath           hold one’s tongue           hold water
keep company               keep one’s head         keep one’s temper
keep one’s words           keep silence            lead the way
b. 动词+名词+介词
attach importance to        catch glimpses of         catch sight of
find fault with             get hold of                get rid of
get wind of                 give credit for           give place to
give rise to                give thought to            give voice to
have confidence in          have control of           have design on
have pity on                  keep pace with           lay hold of
c. 动词+介词+名词:
bring to an end             bring to light          bring to power
bring under control          burst into tears        call to mind
call to order               catch by surprise         come into being
come into blossom           come into conflict        come into effect


blame sb. for doing sth.       criticize sb. for doing sth.  

forgive sb. for doing sth.     excuse sb. for doing sth.    

pardon sb. for doing sth.      punish sb. for doing sth.

scold sb. for doing sth.       thank sb. for doing sth.

cheat sb.into doing sth.       trick sb.into doing sth.

fool sb.into doing sth.        force sb.into doing sth.

argue sb.into doing sth.       talk sb.into doing sth.

terrify sb.into doing sth.     frighten sb.into doing sth.

2. 系动词

appear     be      become      fall      feel     get   go    grow  keep       look    prove      remain      run     seem       smell  sound      stay     taste       turn
1) be:
(1) She’s a good swimmer. 她是位游泳好手。(跟名词)
(2) Be quiet! 安静点!(跟形容词)
(3) He isn’t in at the moment. 他此刻不在家。(跟副词)
(4) He has been in Germany for five years. 他在德国住了五年。
(5) Who is she? 她是谁?(跟代词)
(6) To know everything is to know nothing. 事事皆通,事事稀松。(跟不定式)

还可用于许多成语中,如be in,be off,be on,be over,be through,be fond of,be sure of,be tired,be careful of,be mindful of,be keen on,be weary of,be productive of 等。
2) appear:后面主要跟:
a. 形容词或过去分词:
(1) He appeared quite well. 他似乎身体很不错。
(2) She appeared perplexed. 她显得有些困惑。
b. 跟名词:
(1) It appears (to be) a true story. 它似乎是一个真实的故事。
(2) He didn’t want to appear a fool. 他不想显得像一个傻瓜。
c. 跟从句:

 It appeared that he had an unusual taste for music. 似乎他对音乐有着非凡的鉴赏力。
3) become:后面可跟:
a. 形容词:

 She had become quite familiar with this seaside city. 她对这座海滨城市已非常熟悉。
b. 过去分词:

 She was becoming annoyed with me. 她对我变得有些不高兴。
c. 名词:

 She talked to me about becoming a teacher. 她和我谈起要当老师的事。
4) fall:后面可跟:
a. 形容词(只限于少数形容词):
(1) Soon she fell asleep. 不久他就睡着了。
(2) He has fallen ill (sick). 他生病了。
还可用于fall vacant,fall silent等。
b. 名词:
(1) They didn’t want to fall a victim to mammonism. 他们不愿成为拜金主义。
(2) I fell a prey to evil dreams. 我常常受噩梦的折磨。
5) feel:
a. 形容词(大量形容词可以和feel连用):
 (1)I don’t feel very well. 我感到不大舒服。
 (2)I’ve been feeling awfully bad about it. 对此我感到很难受。
 He felt troubled and distressed. 他感到很烦恼痛苦。
 I feel puzzled and upset. 我感到困惑烦乱。
I feel at ease with her. 我和她在一起感到轻松自在。
She no longer felt in fighting mood. 她不再感到有旺盛的斗志。
It feels rough on the surface. 它的表面摸上去很粗糙。
Ice feels cold. 冰摸起来很凉。
6) get:  后面可以跟:
a. 形容词(大量形容词可以和get连用):
 The weather is getting quite warm. 天气变得相当暖和。
 I hope you won’t get over-tired. 希望你不要过度劳累。
 I get more and more absorbed in the work here. 我对这里的工作越来越投入了。
 Don’t get caught in the rain. 别让雨淋着。
 We’d better get moving. 我们最好开始动身。
 Then they got chatting together. 后来他们在一起聊了起来。
 You’re getting quite a lad now. 你快长成大小伙子了。
 He’s getting a bad influence on my children. 他在对我的孩子产生坏影响。
 It’s getting near dinner-time. 快到吃饭时间了。
 We’ll let you know as soon as production gets under way. 生产一上轨道我们就通知你。
7) go: 在多数情况下都跟形容词,但只能跟某些形容词,如:
 She went pale at the news. 听了这消息她脸色发白。
 He went mad (insane). 他疯了。
a. 过去分词:
His complaints went unnoticed. 他的抱怨没人理会。
All the men there go armed. 那里的男人都带武器。
b. 介词短语:
This went out of fashion years go. 这许多年前就已过时了。
He went off his head. 他昏了头。
c. 名词:
Her rosy face went the colour of cream. 她红红的脸变成了乳白色。
Her checks went a very pretty pink. 她的双颊变成了漂亮的粉红色。
8) grow:  这个词主要跟形容词,如:
The dispute grew more violent. 争论越来越激烈。
The noise grew louder. 声音越来越大。
此外还跟cold, hot, calm, old, big, thin, bright, stuffy, angry, rich, restless, uneasy, worse, fat, dark, fierce, serious, loud, intimate, tall等。
You’ll grow used to it. 对此你会习惯的。
I grow excited and red-eared, and a little frightened. 我变得兴奋起来了,耳朵也红了,还有点害怕。
It has grown out of fashion. 它已经不时兴了。
These ideas have grown out of date. 这些观念已经陈旧了。
9) keep:
a. 形容词:
The whether is keeping fine. 天气一直很晴朗。
I hope you are keeping well. 我希望你身体(保持)健康。
后面还可以跟quiet, silent, calm, fit, cool, warm, fine, close, near等。
b. 副词:
Danger! Keep out!危险!切勿靠近!
He kept apart from the other students. 他不和别的学生待在一起。
c. 介词短语:
Please try to keep out of the way. 劳驾,请别挡道。
We must keep in close contact with the media. 我们必须与新闻媒体保持密切联系。
10) look: 做系动词时表示“看起来…”,后面可以跟:
a. 形容词:
She looked nervous and apologetic. 她显得紧张并有歉意。
The case looks promising. 这案子看起来很有希望。
b. 过去分词:
He looked startled when she came in. 她进来时,他显得很吃惊。
She looked very concerned and troubled. 她看上去非常忧虑苦恼。
c. 名词:
Now she looked a grown-up young woman. 现在她看起来已是一个成年的姑娘了。
He looked sadness itself. 他显得很凄伤的样子。 
d. 介词短语:
He looked in splendid health. 他看上去身体很棒。
The whether doesn’t look like clearing up. 天看起来不像会放晴。
He looks awfully down.他显得很消沉的样子。
She looks about fourteen. 她看起来约莫十四岁。
11)  prove: 这个词作系动词时表示“事实证明”,后面可以跟:
a. 形容词:
Treat us well: we shall not prove ungrateful. 好好待我们,我们不会忘恩负义的。
The extra room proved very useful. 这间备用房间证明是很有用的。
b. 名词:
This would prove an excellent weapon. 这会证明是极好的武器。
It might prove the best plan. 这或可证明是最好的计划。
c. 介词短语:
Her advice proved of great value to our test. 她的意见证明对我们的试验很有价值。
12) remain:
a. 形容词:
For a whole day the enemy remained inactive. 一整天敌人都没有动静。
Perhaps he could be induced to remain silent. 或许能劝他保持沉默。
b. 过去分词:
She still remained unconvinced. 她仍然不相信。
But they remained unfinished. 但他们仍然没完成。
c. 现在分词:
She remained standing for a good hour. 她站了足有一个钟头。
They remained listening. 他们仍然在听着。
d. 名词:
She remained the same Constance. 她还是原来的康氏坦丝。
Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是个谜。
e. 介词短语:
You can’t let the room remain like this! 你不能让房间老是这样!
They still remained at the mercy of the terrorists. 他们仍然听任恐怖分子的摆布。
13) Seem: 这是一个常用的系动词,表示“看来”、“似乎”,后面可跟:
a. 形容词:
She seems happy to me. 在我看来她似乎很愉快。
It seems probable that I’ll be sent abroad next year. 看来我明年有可能被派往国外。
b. 分词:
He seems rather agitated. 他好像相当焦虑不安。
She seemed lacking in enthusiasm. 她似乎缺乏热情。
c. 名词:
It seems to me (to be) the best solution. 在我看来这似乎是最好的解决办法。
She seemed an unusually clever girl. 她似乎是一个聪明绝顶的姑娘。
d. 介词短语:
He seemed out of humour. 他好像情绪不佳。
She seemed in high spirits. 她似乎情绪高昂。

14)turn: 作系动词时主要表示“变得(成)…”,后面可以跟:
a. 形容词:
He turned rather pink. 他的脸红了。
It’s turned awfully chilly. I think it’s going to snow. 天变得冷极了,我想要下雪了。
b. 名词:
He has turned traitor(Mahammedan). 他成了叛徒(回教徒)。
She turned botanist. 她成了植物学家。

3. 助动词

1)be,  have,  do都可用作助动词:
 a. be 可构成进行时态、被动语态和复合谓语:
She is writing a novel. 她在写小说。(进行时态)
What have you been doing? 你干什么来着?(进行时态)
She was given a warm welcome. 她受到热烈欢迎。(被动语态)
The case is being investigated. 这个案子正在调查。(被动语态)
How are you to explain all this? 这一切你怎么解释?(复合谓语)
b. have可构成完成时态和完成进行时态:
She’d (had) been out shopping. 她出去买东西了。(完成时态)
They have set up a network of financial advice centers. 他们建立了一个金融咨询中心网。(完成时态)
She’d (had) been doing some research work. 她一直在做研究工作。(完成进行时)
That was the letter we’d (had) been expecting. 这正是我们在期待的信。(完成进行时)
c. do 可构成疑问句、否定句,用于强调或代表前面动词以避免重复:
When did she get there? 她什么时候到的?(疑问句)
He doesn’t know anything about it. 他对此一无所知。(否定句)
Do stay for a couple more days. 务请再待两三天。(强调)
He speaks English better than I do.他英文讲得比我好。(代表前面的动词)
2)shall, will, should, would:
a. will主要来构成将来时态,可用于多个人称(will not 常可紧缩为won’t):
When will you be back? 你什么时候回来?
I’ll let you know in a day or two. 一两天后我将通知你。
They won’t let you down. 他们不会让你失望的。
b. shall 主要用在第一人称作主语的问句中,征求对方意见:
Shall I wait for you? 我要不要等你?
Shall we meet again tomorrow? 明天咱们要不要再碰头?
How shall I help you? 我该怎么帮助你?
在英国,也有人把它用于第一人称的肯定句或否定句(在口语中shall not 可紧缩为shan’t)
I shall often be coming to Pisa. 我会时常到比萨来。
We shan’t be coming back today. 我们今天不回来了。
c. would主要用来构成过去将来时态,可用于多个人称:
I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。
I asked if he would come and join us. 我问他是否愿意来参加我们的活动。
I asked that I would arrange everything. 我说我会安排一切的。
Would you please look over my essay? 可否劳驾看一遍我的文章?
What would you like? 你愿意要什么?
I’d go there with you. 我愿和你一道去。
I would do it if I could. 如果我有能力我会这样做的。
If he were in town, he’d help. 如果他在城里,他会帮忙的。
d. should间或还用来构成过去将来时(但大多数人已改用would), 用在第一人称后:
we never thought we should (would) see you again. 我们以为不会再见到你了。
The weather report said that we should have rain. 天气预报说会下雨。
a. You should do it for your own good. 为了你自己好,你应当去做。
Why should I pay him? 我为什么该付他钱?
b. He wrote, suggesting that we should go to Paris. 他来信了,建议我们去巴黎。
It is dreadful that they should be so miserable. 他们竟然这样悲惨,太可怕了。
We hid it so that he should not see it. 我们把它藏了起来以免被他看到。
4. 情态动词

can, could, may, might, must:
a. can 主要表示“能够”、“可以”(它的否定形式can not 常缩写为can’t)
Who can prove it? 谁能证明这一点?
These difficulties, we can and must overcome. 这些困难我们能够也必须克服。
I’m like that, you can’t alter me. 我就是这样,你没法改变我。
He can’t be more than thirty. 他不会超过三十岁。
b. could可以作can 的过去式,表示它的多种意思:
He could not follow their argument. 他听不明白他们的争论。
He said he couldn’t come. 他说他不能来。
Mother said we couldn’t go out at night. 妈妈说晚上我们不能出去。
Could you lend me your car? 你能把车借给我吗?
Yes, his story could be true. 对,这个说法可能是真的。
I could come earlier, if necessary. 如果必要我可以来早点。

c. may主要表示“可能”、“或许”:
She may come tonight. 她今晚可能来。
They may be in the library now. 他们现在或许在图书馆。
May I come round in the morning? ——yes, please do. 我可否早上来? ——可以
May he go there with you? ——yes, he may. 他可以和你一起去吗?——可以
You may come again tomorrow. 你可以明天再来。
d. might 可以作may 的过去式:
He thought she might be in her office. 他想她或许在办公室里。
I was afraid you might not be in. 我担心你可能不在家。
He died so that others might live. 他牺牲了,要求别人能活下去。
Might I have a little more? 我能再多要一点吗?
You might just give me half a cup. 你可以给我半杯。
You might have some fever. 你可能有点发烧。
e. must 主要表示“必须”、“一定要”,可用于任何时间:
We must leave early. 我们必须及早动身。
You must finish everything in time. 你一定要及时干完一切。
I must be off now. 我得走了。
否定式must not 常缩写mustn’t, 表示“一定不要”:
You mustn’t forget to phone her. 你一定不要忘了给她打电话。
You mustn’t be late again. 别再迟到了。
在回答包含must的问句时,若是肯定回答可用must, 若为否定回答,要
Must we finish everything tonight? 一切都要今晚完成吗?
Yes, you must. 是的,必须今晚完成。
No, you needn’t. 不,不必今晚完成。
此外还有半情态动词(如dare, need)和相当于情态动词的结构(如have to. Ought to 等)。


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