

 笑熬浆糊糊 2014-06-01

Growing up takes time. I remember at 15 talking to my aunt on the 15th anniversary of her 21st birthday about the stigma of aging. Later that evening, I asked my grandfather about the hula girl tattoo on his arm.成长需要时间。我仍然记得15岁时,在阿姨21岁生日派对上讨论变老的可怕。那天晚上,我还问爷爷他手臂上纹着的跳草裙舞女孩是谁。

“That’s your grandma,” he proudly answered before stretching out the skin on his forearm and quipping, “and this is what she used to look like.”“那是你奶奶。”他骄傲地答道,然后伸出小臂俏皮地说,“这是她年轻时的模样。”

Don’t struggle through another year—shake off those birthday blues with these useful questions to unlock your mind.不要勉强应付着长一岁——反思下面这些生活问题,抛开生日忧郁,点亮自我心灵吧。

1. Where was I this time last year?去年此时我是什么阶段?

Forecasting is both the most and least important part of planning. To get an accurate picture of where you are, you need to check where you were last year at the same time. Are you still on the right path? If not, what threw you off course, and what can you do to get back up and moving in the right direction?预测是计划中最重要的部分,但也最容易被忽略。若想明确判断自己处于怎样的阶段,就得回顾去年此时的状态。现在你还在正确的道路上吗?若不是,那么是什么让你偏离了方向?你又该怎么做才能回归到正确方向上呢?

2. Am I who I want to be?我是自己期望的样子吗?

When you were six years old, you had dreams of who you wanted to be. Are you that person? You may not be in the exact career, but are you the type of person you wished for? The happiest people live to please their inner child—that person you used to be before everyone taught you about “real” life.当你才6岁的时候,就梦想过自己成为怎样的人。现在你成为那样的人了吗?或许不尽其然,但你是否就是自己期望的类型呢?最快乐的人懂得取悦自己内心的“小孩”——那是你未曾经历现实生活之前的纯真自我。

3. Have I lost/gained weight since last year?跟去年相比,我变瘦还是变胖了?

What does your body look like compared to last year? If you wanted to lose or gain weight, did you? Did you bulk up like you wanted, or are you the same or worse? There’s no better time than now to strengthen your resolve to get into shape.跟去年相比,你现在的身材如何?如果你曾打算减肥或增胖,那么现在做到了吗?你有没有如愿长胖,或者没啥两样,甚至更瘦了?趁着现在的大好时机,赶紧下定决心塑造身形吧。

4. Did I accomplish my goals for this year?我实现今年的目标了吗?

It’s not just for the new year; everyone makes goals and resolutions throughout the year. Did you accomplish your goals for last year? What did you wish for when you blew out your candle? What did you do to make it happen?不仅在新年,每个人一年到头都会下定决心制定计划。你有没有实现去年的目标?吹灭生日蜡烛的那一刻,你许过怎样的愿望?为了实现愿望,你又做过什么呢?

5. Why do I have to age?为什么我只能长大变老?

Much like pooping, everyone ages. I have no more of an answer than anyone else. Just enjoy the life you have and try to find your smile. It’s the only way to truly live.跟排便一样,谁都会变老。我也想不出高人一等的答案。所以,尽管享受当下生活,努力保持微笑吧。这也是真实生活的唯一方式了。

6. Do I need to change any routines?我是否需要改变日常习惯?

At certain ages, you become susceptible to different ailments, depending on your lifestyle, gender, social position, etc. If you need to quit smoking or get serious about a project, now’s the time.到了一定年龄,根据性别、生活方式以及社会地位的不同,你会容易患上各种疾病。如果你需要戒烟或正儿八经做好某个项目,那么现在就是最好时机。

7. What do I have to be grateful for?哪些是我应该心怀感恩的?

You have a roof over your head, shoes on your feet, and clothes on your back. If you’re breathing and awake, you have something to be grateful for. Show your gratitude to the world.你头上有屋瓦、脚上有鞋子、身上有衣服;如果你还有呼吸、神志清醒,那就该心怀感恩。感恩这个世界吧。

8. What good can I do next year?明年我能做什么?

Now that you have a firm grasp on who you’ve been, it’s time to decide who you’re going to be. You may want to be an entrepreneur or an adventurer or just get promoted to management at your current job. Whether you want to have a child or be one, make plans, because time doesn’t stop for anyone.现在你已经明确知道自己一直以来是怎样的人了,所以请想想以后要成为怎样的人吧。或许你想成为一名企业家、冒险家,又或许只想在现任工作中升职到管理层。不论你是打算生小孩还是自由自在,赶紧制定计划吧,因为时间不等人啊。

9. Who have I let in my life?我的生活圈里都有哪些人?

Look around at your friends and family—you’re stuck with some of these people, but others can be exchanged (or, at the very least, you can spend less time with them). Only allow people into your life who bring positive energy and influence. Politely phase the rest out at your leisure.看看身边的家人朋友——你每天都得面对这些人;但是,其他人是可以变动的,或者至少可以少花点时间和他们相处。只有能带来正能量的人才可以进入你的生活。有空请礼貌地屏蔽掉不相干的人吧。

10. What do I need?我需要什么?

Start prioritizing your life. We all have so many goals that it’s impossible to keep up with them all. Taking stock of what you have and what you feel you need keeps you financially and mentally organized. You need a ball to keep your eye on it.开始优化你的生活吧。我们都有太多目标,以至于无法全部实现。整理出自己已经拥有的以及想要拥有的,然后你会在财务与心理上井然有序得多。你需要专注集中地做好事情。

11. How do I feel?感觉如何?

How do you honestly feel about yourself? You can lie to whoever you choose, but be honest with yourself. If you’re unhappy with a situation, make the necessary changes to make it better. Sometimes this means quitting a job or packing up and moving. Even if you’re wrong, you’ll survive, and at least you’ll know for next time.实打实地,你觉得自己如何?你可以对任何人撒谎,但对自己则绝对要坦诚。如果你不喜欢某个环境,那就采取必要改变来让它变得更好。有时这意味着你得辞去一份工作或者打包走人。就算错了也没什么,至少下次你心里会有数。

12. What’s my motivation?我的动力是什么?

Actors ask this all the time, and there’s a reason—you need to know what’s motivating you to get up every morning to keep living. Times will get hard, no matter what path you’re on, so figure out what drives you, and focus on that.演员常常问这样的问题。原因在于——你需要清楚是什么激励你每天早晨起来继续过日子。不论你选择怎样的道路,生活总会有艰难的时候,所以弄清自己的动力,然后全力以赴吧。

13. Am I aging gracefully?我是优雅地老去吗?

Sometimes you have to maintain your youth, and sometimes you need to let go. How you decide to live is up to you, but make sure you’re at least doing it with grace and compassion. Nobody likes a Debbie or Donald Downer.有时你不得不竭力保持年轻,有时却应懂得顺其自然。怎样生活取决于你自己,但至少应懂得从容宽和地面对。没有人喜欢阴郁丧气的人。

14. Who are these people?这些人是谁?

Do you have any heroes? If so, what were they doing at your age? One of my childhood heroes was Tupac Shakur, and at my age, he had been dead for six years. That’s a sobering thought that keeps me pushing toward greatness with humbleness.你有崇拜的人吗?若有,他们在你这个年纪在干什么呢?图派克-夏库尔是我小时候很崇拜的一个人,在我这个年纪,他已经去世6年了。这一发人深省的想法一直激励我谦虚努力着。

15. Was it worth it?是否值得?

At the end of the day, was everything you’ve done worth it? Even if you lose, if you enjoyed or appreciated the experience of trying, then you’ve won. If you lost more than you wanted, it may be time to make a change in your life.一天结束时,你是否做完了所有的事情?哪怕失败,如果你能享受或珍惜尝试的经历,那也是一种成功。如果惨败得一塌糊涂,或许你该对自己的生活做出改变了。

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