

 警韵 2014-06-30




于 健








  • You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however.



  • It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the library, but it should feel good, and it should not be bothered. (注意or, or, but和and的使用)


  • What’s more, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have enough time for both work and play. (注意What’s more, so that和both…and的使用)
  •  Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. (注意as well as和祈使句的使用)


  • The work is good, yet it could be better. (注意yet使用后的效果)



  • At first she didn’t want to go. Later, she changed her mind, however.
  • I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays.
  • He neither knows nor cares what has happened.
  • It was a cold snowy day, and he had no money left for food.
  • It rained heavily last night, but I went to the show anyway.
  • You may get there either by sea or by air.
  • He must be ill for he is absent today.
  • I never saw him again, nor did I hear from him.
  • Both You and I were shocked by the news.
  • The book is due tomorrow, therefore, I have to rush through it tonight.
  • Hurry up! Or, you’ll be late.
  • She enjoys classical music, and so do I.

    如果将上面例句中的at first, later, however; as well as; neither…nor; and; but; either…or; for; both…and; therefore; or; and, so等去掉,恢复其一个个独立的单调乏味的简单句拼凑,就只能符合当前各种英语考试中对写作能力的较低标准要求。这样,就会因写作部分的成绩偏低而影响总的成绩。


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