

 和和2002 2015-01-02


  It is now 32 years since President Nixon declared the War on Cancer. Since then $US 2 Trillion has been spent on conventional cancer treatment and research, with the result that more individuals are dying of cancer than ever before (35). A similar assessment is given by Clifton Leaf, Executive Editor of the mainstream Fortune magazine. He asks: "Why have we made so little progress in the war on cancer?" and continues to point out that the propaganda about improvement in survival from cancer is largely a myth. Most of the improvement in longevity of cancer patients is due to life style changes and early detection. Early detection prolongs the statistical survival time without the patients living any longer. Even adjusted for age, the percentage of Americans dying from cancer is about the same as it was in 1950. More Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have died from every war that the US has fought combined (36).

  自从尼克松总统宣布向癌症开战以来已经过去了32年的时间。从那时起,2万亿美金被用于传统的癌症治疗和研究,结果是比任何时候都多的人死于癌症(35)。Clifton Leaf是一位主流财富杂志的执行编辑,他也做过类似的评估,他问道:“为什么我们在对抗癌症的斗争中取得的进步那么小?”他指出,对于癌症生存率改善的宣传其实是一个神话。大多数延长生命的癌症患者是由于生活方式的转变和癌症在早期被检测出。即使调整了年龄,死于癌症的美国人的比例与1950年相比也没有任何变化。相比于其他美国人所作的联合斗争,有更多的美国人在患癌症后的14个月内死亡。

  While there have been studies to evaluate the effects of various nutrients on different cancers, nothing of these 2 Trillion cancer dollars has been available for natural therapists to trial holistic cancer therapies. Even worse for natural therapists, they had to face a century of persecution. A large number of them was dragged before courts and ended up in jail. Would it not be more scientific to impartially evaluate the methods of natural cancer therapists rather than put them in jail?


  In the U.S. basically all alternative cancer clinics had to relocate to Mexico. For a list of such clinics worldwide see http://www./. A holistic cancer approach includes superior nutrition, herbs, electro-medicine and vibrational or energy medicine, emotional healing and mind therapy.

  在美国,基本上所有的“另类”癌症治疗诊所都不得不搬去了墨西哥。这些遍布全世界的诊所的名单可以从 http://www./上找到。一个整体的癌症疗法包括丰富的营养,草药,电子医疗和震动理疗,心理疗法和精神疗法等。

  The only reported study that comes close to investigating a holistic approach involves the Gerson therapy in an evaluation of 5-year survival rates of 153 melanoma patients. Here 100% of Gerson therapy patients with Stage I and II Cancers survived, but only 79% with conventional therapy. With Stage III (regional metastases) the figures, respectively, were 70% and 41%; with Stage IVa (distant metastases) 39% with Gerson and 6% with conventional therapy (37).

  唯一调查整体疗法的是一个关于评价使用格森氏疗法(Gerson therapy)治疗153位黑色素瘤病人五年存活率的报道。使用格森氏疗法的一期和二期癌症病人100%都存活了,而传统疗法只有79%的病人存活。三期病人(已部分转移)的存活率对比是70%(格森氏疗法)和41%(传统疗法),4/a期病人(大部分转移)的存活率对比是39%(格森氏疗法)和6%(传统疗法)。

  Here a few more gems from recent medical publications:


  The most important advance in cancer diagnosis is needle biopsy, which is now the standard procedure. Until recently this has just been done on the ‘scientific’ assumption that it is harmless. Now (in 2004) a team in a prestigious US hospital found that 50% of needle biopsies caused metastatic spread of cancer (38). This means an awful number of patients have died due to this innocent-looking procedure.


  "Screening for breast cancer with mammography is unjustified. If the trials are judged to be unbiased, the data show that for every 1000 women screened biennially throughout 12 years, one breast cancer death is avoided whereas the total number of deaths is increased by 6." (39).


  A group of leading cancer surgeons (Drs. Baum, Demicheli, Hrushesky and Retsky) have shown that surgery triggers accelerated growth of metastases. They point out that from antiquity until relatively recently, surgery was routinely avoided for women with breast cancer precisely because of fear that surgery might spread the disease (40).

  一些顶尖的癌症外科医生(Baum, Demicheli, Hrushesky和Retsky博士)证明了外科手术会加快癌症扩散的速度。他们指出,从古代到不远的当代,患有乳腺癌的女性通常都会避免进行手术,因为对手术的害怕会促使疾病的扩散。

  The deputy director of the prestigious Canadian National Breast Screening Study (C.J. Baines) wrote: "An unacknowledged harm [of screening mammography] is that for up to 11 years after the initiation of breast cancer screening in women aged 40-49 years, screened women face a higher death rate from breast cancer than unscreened control women, although that is contrary to what one would expect" and "shouldn't women aged 40-49 years know that, 3 years after screening starts, their chance of death from breast cancer is more than double that for unscreened control women? (41).

  一位加拿大国家乳腺癌筛查研究院的副院长C.J. Baines写道:“一个(乳腺X光筛查技术)不为人所知的伤害是,从对40-49岁的女性开始进行乳腺癌筛查的11年来,做过X光筛查的女性相比与没有做过的女性具有更高的死亡率,尽管这是有违初衷的“,”40-49岁的女性难道不该知道,筛查开始3年后,他们死于乳腺癌的概率就比没有进行X光筛查的女性大两倍了吗?“

  The latest prostate cancer screening study (2006) confirmed an earlier study in 2002 showing that early detection and treatment does not save lives, only increases discomfort (42).


  You may be wondering how there can be this contrast between scientific research and public perception of the benefits of conventional cancer therapy. The answer is that research findings are selectively interpreted (spin-doctored) and promoted (propaganda) by vested interests with easy access to the mass media.


  Many natural cancer therapists claim a success rate of more than 90% in arresting and reversing cancer, provided that patients have not been subjected to orthodox treatments before. Most harmful appear to be chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Therefore, if you are confronted with cancer, I suggest that you resist acting out of fear and under pressure. The situation is hardly ever so urgent that you have to act immediately. Instead, do your own research from books, journals and the Internet, and then trust your common sense or intuition.



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  (16) Miller, A.B., et al.: Canadian National Breast Cancer Screening Study-2: 13-year results of a randomized trial in women aged 50-59 years. J Natl Cancer Inst 92, September 20, 2000, pp. 1490-99

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  (25) Moss, Ralph W.: Questioning Chemotherapy. Equinox Press, Brooklyn, NY, 1995


  (26) Nesi, Tom: False hope in a bottle [op-ed], New York Times, June 5/03

  (27) Moss, R.W.: THE MOSS REPORTS Newsletter #128 April 11/04

  (28) Livingston, Virginia: Cancer: A new Breakthrough. Cancer Book House, Los Angeles, 1972

  (29) Gould, D.: Cancer - a Conspiracy of Silence. New Scientist 2 December 1976

  (30) Moss, R.W.: THE MOSS REPORTS Newsletter #127 April 4/04

  (31) Moss, R.W.: THE MOSS REPORTS Newsletter #86 (June 7/03)

  (32) Moss, R.W.: THE MOSS REPORTS Newsletter #122 February 28/04

  (33) Null, G, Dean, C. et al.: Death by Medicine. Nutrition Institute of America, Nov 2003, www.NutritionInstituteOfAmerica.org

  (34) Smith, R., editor: The poverty of medical evidence. BMJ 303, 5 Oct 1991

  (35) Sharon Begley.: New statistics show increase in cancer rates, cancer rates go up, not down. Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2002, B1

  (36) Leaf, Clifford. Why we're losing the war on cancer. Fortune 2004 :149(6):76-97..

  (37) Hildenbrand, G.L. et al.: Five-year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of Gerson: A retrospective review. Alternative Therapies 1(4): 29-37, Sept 1995

  (38) Moss, R.W.: THE MOSS REPORTS Newsletters #169 January/30/05 and #170 02/06/05

  (39) Gotzsche PC, Olsen O. Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable? Lancet 2000; 355(9198):129-134

  (40) Baum M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W, et al. Does surgery unfavourably perturb the "natural history" of early breast cancer by accelerating the appearance of distant metastases? Eur J Cancer. 2005 Mar;41(4):508-15

  (41) Baines CJ. Mammography screening: Are women really giving informed consent? JNCI 2003;(95) 20:1508-1511.

  (42) Concato, J. et al: The effectiveness of screening for prostate cancer: a nested case-control study. Arch Intern Med. 2006 Jan 9;166(1):38-43.

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