
My analysis of an public service advertisement on animals protectiion

 昵称22739525 2015-04-05

   Recently,I have been deeply moved by an public sevice advertisement on elephants protection.The advertisement is taken by Libingbing,who acted as a mother thinking of herself as an elephant mother.
  Today,there are about elephants being killed each day for their ivory.To protect the elephants,the Afican Wildlife Foundation tried to appeal to  public to protect elephants and stop purchasing ivory by mean of the  advertisement.
  The word at the end of the  advertisement impress on me the need for elephants protection.''What if this wasn't a movie...".You see,animals also have love.Don't forget that two elephants' sorrow in their eyes after witnessing their mother' death.The  advertisement makes use of the natural emotion of human being.Whoever does not want to see relatives leave he alone.It is so cruel,doesn't it?The purpose of the advertisement is that public should think deeply about the problem of elephants killing.Besides, people all over the world are supposed to increase the awareness of elephants protection.

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