
My anaylsis of an poster

 昵称22773754 2015-05-04
  As you can see, the poster  is associated with a football match and it provides so many information about this fantastic match for us.
   In this image,you can see there are two leading roles.One is large and is close to our viewers,the other is small   and is far away from us,which shows their respective status and inportance.The former is clearer than the latter and is at a close angle,which shows the real emphsis of this poster is the former.
    In terms of the words,you can see three large words mean "Gladiator" in Chinese  in the middle,which means this match will be very intense and fantastic.Morever,on the right of this poster,it tells us the time and site of the match.
    In my opinion,the elements in the image are connected perfectly,which makes the image more excellent and more harmonious.

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