

 自定义1994 2015-05-23


1. A self-timer is a device on a camera that gives a delay between pressing the shutter release and the shutter’s firing.


2. A self-timer is most commonly used to let photographers take a photo of themselves.


英语原先用 to have oneself photographed to get oneself photographedto take a photo of oneself to take a portrait of oneself 表示动词“自拍”,用 self-portraiture 表示名词“自拍” self-portrait photograph 表示“自拍照” 例如:

3. I had myself photographed with the help of a self-timer.


4. Around October 1839, Robert Cornelius took a portrait of himself.


画家可以为自己画肖像,雕塑家可以为自己塑像,摄影师可以为自己拍照。这种自画像、自塑像或自拍照,英语称为 self-portrait。为避免误解,英语可将自拍照称为 self-portrait photograph photographic self-portrait,也可简称为 self-photographself-photoself-snapshotself-shot,例如:

5. This self-portrait photograph of Robert Cornelius taken in 1839 is the first known photograph of a human in American history.

罗伯特·科尼利厄斯在 1839 年拍摄的这张自拍照是美国历史上第一张已知的人物照。

上述的英语表达“自拍”或“自拍照”的方式都比较复杂。近年来,人们流行在社交网站上晒自拍照,出现了简短的 selfie 一词。2013年,selfie一词的使用率上涨了170倍。20131119日,selfie 获选牛津词典2013年度风云词。selfie 是由 self 加上 photograph photo 而构成的混合词(hybrid)。词尾 -ie 经常用来表示昵称。selfie往往是自拍者心爱或自恋的得意佳作。

动词“自拍”,英语可以译为 to take a selfie of oneselfto take a selfie photograph to take a selfie to grab a selfie to snap a selfie,例如:

6. The film fan managed to grab a selfie with the Oscar winner.


随着科技的飞速发展,自拍的工具由“相机 + 自拍定时器”进化到智能手机或电脑摄像头,更加便捷,例如:

7. A selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.


8. Smartphones’ high-quality built-in cameras and easy access to picture-enhancing apps are making “selfies”, a ubiquitous form of self-expression among social-media users.


随着时间的推移,自拍照的功用也发生了巨大变化。过去,自拍照放在个人相册里自我欣赏或供亲朋好友观看。现在,随时随地拍摄和即时上传自拍照与人共享已成为许多人的社交方式和不可或缺的生活内容。自拍照的范围也不断扩大,社交媒体出现了各式各样的自拍照和相应的专门词汇,包括发型自拍照helfie: hairstyle + selfie)、腿部自拍照(legsie: leg + selfie)、臀部自拍照(belfie: bum/butt + selfie)、健身自拍照(welfie: workout+ selfie)、醉酒自拍照(drelfie: drunken + selfie)、书柜自拍照(shelfie/bookshelfie:bookshelf + selfie)、裸体自拍照(nude/naked selfie),甚至垃圾自拍照(rubbish selfie),例如:

9. She is browsing the helfies which have recently been posted on social media.


10. A legsie is a photo, that you usually take on your mobile phone by tucking the device under your chin and pointing it towards your outstretched legs whilst relaxing.


11. If you’re using your welfies to keep track of your progress, you’ll feel so much better about yourself from just seeing the slightest change.


12. The word “drelfie” was invented by an Australian man who took a drunk self-portrait.


13. A shelfie(书柜自拍照)is a shot of a persons bookshelves identifying their favorite reads, either with or without the reader.


14. The journalist used rubbish selfies to draw attention to piles of rubbish littering the city’s streets.


社交媒体上出现了许多以 selfie 为核心词构成的表达方式,例如:

15. We find the young woman has got selfie-addicted.


为了便于自拍,有的厂家推出了 selfie stick(自拍杆)这一产品,受到自拍者的青睐,例如:

16. A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm.


17. The camera and photo retailer said,“The selfie stick is sold so well that we’ve had trouble keeping it in stock.”


selfie stick 一般只能从人体正面拍照。不久前,能从人体背后自拍的 belfie stick 应运而生。belfie 可以理解为一个由 behind + selfie 合成的混合词,其含义是 selfie taken from behind,即“从身后自拍”。这样,belfie stick 可以译为“后身自拍杆”。

18. With this bendable belfie stick, you can position your back side without the need of a mirror and shoot the exact angle you are looking for.



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