

 叁石310 2015-06-05

2015年1月6日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在2014年的最后一天,Jose Rodriguez先生并不会去吃早餐和午餐,而会把空肚子留给新年前的最后一顿丰盛的晚餐,尽管这是他以往“古怪”的饮食方式,而他认为这很健康,但直到常规的血检结果证实他患上了2型糖尿病她才意识到了这一点。

Jose Rodriguez说道,我当时非常震惊,我没想到我会患糖尿病,而且我也告诉医生我会想尽办法来改善这种疾病。随后Jose Rodriguez参与到了芝加哥洛约拉大学卫生系统(Loyola University Health System)开展的一项糖尿病教育计划中,在该项计划中经过认证的糖尿病专家会帮助患者做出饮食及生活方式的改变,包括减少汽水,监控患者饮食,改变机体组成,鼓励个体进行更多的锻炼并且时刻检测血糖。


目前在美国大约有2900万糖尿病患者,糖尿病的症状如下:1) 经常小便;2) 经常感觉口渴;3) 经常感觉到饥饿,尽管已经吃得很饱;4) 非常疲劳;5) 视力模糊;6)瘀伤恢复地很慢;7)手脚经常会有刺痛感、疼痛及麻木的感觉。




"I was shocked. I didn't expect to be a diabetic," Mr. Rodriguez said. "I told my doctor that I would do whatever it takes to manage my disease."

Mr. Rodriguez was referred to the diabetes education program at Loyola University Medical Center. A certified diabetes educator worked with him to make diet and lifestyle changes. This included cutting out soda, monitoring the food he eats, altering his portions, exercising more and checking his blood sugar.

"I didn't like vegetables. That was a challenge for me," Mr. Rodriguez said. "But once I learned more about eating well and portions, it helped me get my diabetes under control. I now eat well-balanced meals and exercise four to five times a week for an hour at a time."

Approximately 29 million Americans have diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes include:

· Urinating often

· Feeling very thirsty

· Feeling very hungry -- even though you are eating

· Extreme fatigue

· Blurry vision

· Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal

· Tingling, pain or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2)

Early detection and treatment can decrease the risk of developing complications from diabetes. Loyola's certified diabetes educators report that the new year is a good time to see a doctor if you think you have diabetes.

"The new year is an excellent time to take charge of your health and make any necessary adjustments to diet and lifestyle, so you control your diabetes rather than letting the disease control you," said Heidi King, RD, CDE, the certified diabetes educator who counseled Mr. Rodriguez.

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