
an analysis of pizzahut's advertisement

 昵称22773620 2015-06-25

The picture is a commercial advertisement of pizzahut,which is designed with red background to attract audience.It is saying red color can whet the appetite.

From the advertisement,we can see the an artor holding a steaming hot pizza with a happy face,showing that the pizza is very dilisious.When it comes to the angel of the ad,it is in close shot that we can clearly see the face of the artor who is holding a piece of pizza,enjoying the taste with a happy face.And it takes 45° angle which can make the artor handsomer.Using this angle, viewers become inmitate.If we divided the advertisement into three parts,we can see the artor cover 2/3 of the advertisement
,which can make the audience focus on his emmotion and feel they are related to the product and also want to have a try.

Overall,this advertisement gives us a sense of warmth,reflecting that this kind of pizaa is very dilisious.


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