
The analysis of the advertisement

 昵称22776174 2015-06-24
      From the advertisement,we can see a woman who is a famous actress on the right side of the advertisement,and we also can see two bubbles and some product from the advertisement.Obviously,this advertisement is made by the PROYA company,which aim is to let more audiences know this product  and promote the sales on the product .From the advertisement,we know that this advertisement's background is blue,and the blue means refreshing and soft,so I think the creators just want to express the fact that people will feel refreshed and comfortable by using this product.
     When it come to the woman,we can see that the woman in the picture is not gazing at the viewers.It is an "offfer" of image act.what's more,the woman is shown from the waist,so we can know this is a medium shot.Most important is that the woman was cover by the bubble,in my opinion ,it means that if you use the product you can give the more water,which will make you look more younger.Through all this way,the creators aim is to attract people to buy their product.

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