
the analysis of a advertisement(the forth composition)

 昵称22776020 2015-06-23
  The woman in the picture are not gazing at the viewers.It is an “offer” of image action. What’s more,the woman are shown from the waist,so this is a medium  shot.The medium shot can perfectly show the women's movement and her       motivation.From the advertisement,we can clearly notice the blue background.Blue  means refreshing and soft.The creators want to express the fact that people will feel refreshed  and comfortable by using this product .
  And here is the another part: the two bubbles.In my opinion,the bigger            bubble which surrounds the woman’s head is full of water to let us know that it can keep her  humid after using this product. The  smaller bubbls is  a kind of    imagine. It means that after using this product, she can be nourished by water.


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