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My understanding of Media LiteracyIn my opinion , Media Literacy have dbundant meanings .Secondly, Media Literacy is the ability to analyze information.The last meaning of Media Literacy is the ability to convey the information.When it comes to what benefit can I can form Media Literacy education , I have a deeper und...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection I ''m going to analyze an advertisement on elephant protection.In the advertisement, Li Bingbing has been changed into an elephant and tend to protect her families.The advertisement wants me to think about the importance of protecting elephan...
the analysis of a advertisement(the forth composition) The woman in the picture are notgazing at the viewers.
protect our environment The image decribes a girl sitting at hte swing which is on the grass and connected to the tree '' s shadow.The word "don''t let us down" lays at the grass and behind the girl.The girl is looking at the grass instead of gazing at viewers. the girl is represented in the...
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