
高强度运动中怎么防感冒 Causes and cures for runny nose of endurance sport

 杂谈婚姻 2016-01-07

It has long been known that regular, moderate exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health, with studies showing that trained athletes have increased levels of natural killer cells that fight infection. But as anyone who practises endurance sports probably knows, hard training for an event like a cycle race or a marathon run can leave you with a dandy head cold or other upper respiratory tract infection (URTI).


At the moment Im trying to fight off a suspicious soreness in my throat, a warning sign that a URTI may be on the way. I wondered: what is it about working out and sweating heavily that makes you more vulnerable to illnesses?


David Nieman, a researcher, tracked 2,311 participants in the 1987 Los Angeles marathon and came up with some startling results: during the week following the race, 12.9 per cent of runners reported being sick, compared with 2.2 per cent of control runners who did not take part in the race that year.

研究人员戴维尼曼(David Nieman)通过追踪1987年洛杉矶马拉松的2311名参赛者,得出了一些令人吃惊的结果:在比赛结束后的那周里,12.9%参赛者曾报告身体不适;相比之下,没有参加比赛的对照组跑步者感到不适的比例只有2.2%。

One of Dr Niemans findings was that prolonged intense exercise caused the athletesimmune systems to respond as if they were fighting infections, with a sharp increase in stress hormones and inflammation-fighting cells called neutrophils and monocytes after the run.


In addition, other research has found that mucosal systemsthe moist bits in the mouth, nose and eyesproduce a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), which is the bodys first line of defence against pathogens such as colds and the flu.


But SIgA has been shown to decline after a heavy stretch of training. “Consensus exists that reduced levels of saliva SIgA are associated with increased risk of URTI during heavy training,” said one study.


Everyones mother has a favourite treatment for a cold, but here are a few with scientific support.


One of the most widely studied is the mineral zinc, which has been shown to inhibit replication of the rhinovirus, which is the cause of about 40 per cent of colds. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported in 2014 thatoral zinc is associated with a shorter duration of the common cold in healthy people”, but other studies have found mixed results.

被研究得最多的治感冒药物之一是矿物锌,它被证明能抑制鼻病毒的复制,后者是约40%感冒的罪魁祸首。《美国医学会杂志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)曾在2014年称,“口服锌与健康人群普通感冒持续时间缩短有关”。不过,其他研究则显示了相互矛盾的结果。

The primary reason, according to George Eby, the US researcher who discovered zincs effect on colds, is that only positively charged ionic zinc is effective against infections, so athletes should look for lozenges containing zinc acetate or zinc gluconate, not commonly available zinc citrate.

发现锌对感冒有用的美国研究人员乔治伊比(George Eby)认为,主要的原因在于,只有带正电荷的锌离子具有抗感染功效。因此,运动员应该服用含有乙酸锌或葡萄糖酸锌的药片,而不是常见的柠檬酸锌。

One Cochrane Review of data in 2013 found that the much touted Vitamin C generally failed to protect against colds, although it may offer some benefit to heavy exercisers.

2013年《考科蓝回顾》(Cochrane Review)的一项数据显示,倍受吹捧的维生素C通常不能预防感冒——尽管它可能对高强度锻炼者有某些益处。

Another nutritional supplement recently studied is a green alga known as chlorella. One relatively small study found that athletes who took chlorella during heavy training did not suffer the same reduction in SIgA that other athletes did.


Finally, a simple but effective protection and cure that is common in Japan, but less so in North America or Europe: gargling. A randomised controlled trial in Japan showed that the occurrence of respiratory tract infections was significantly reduced in people who gargled several times a day. The most effective gargle was tap water, not the various medicinal gargles available, most probably because chlorine added to drinking water inhibits viruses.


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