
Susan's Big History:All in a Flash

 亦敏亦呐 2016-01-13

历史文化学者苏三2016年创作的新书《苏三大历史 ——忽然》(Susan's Big History:All in a Flash)图文并茂共2.9万字,用七章讲述了三个人类文明传承的故事,解释了迄今为止的文明发展规律与中国崛起原因。本书印刷版及电子版尚未上市,本刊获得作者授权全网首发连载,转载及合作请联系本刊主编。感兴趣的读者可加入苏三读者群,与作者苏三直接互动交流。


The First Story: Gauguin's Questions

This bookfocuses on three stories. The first one is about Gauguin’s questions.


In 1897, Paul Gauguin, a French painter,drew a famous painting: Where do we comefrom? What are we? Where are we going? These philosophical questions usedto be very difficult to answer, but now they are just a cup of tea.

1. 人类起源与气候的关系

1.Climate and Birth of Mankind

1.2 为何人类人类起源非洲

1.2Anthropogenesis in African




Anthropology has been there for only more than one century as with the formation of globalhistory. That is to say, it was only 100 years ago that we began to understand ourselves. Besides, almost everything about the anthropogenesis and their civilization are practically hypothetical. What follows are some of the assumptions of anthropologists.

All gnathostome animals, including humans, are believed to have been evolved from an ancientshark hundreds of millions of years ago.


Primates appeared 40 million years ago in Africa before they evolved into monkeys, baboons andhumans.



Apes appeared about 30 million years ago and anthropoids were evolved from apes over 20million years ago. The Great Rift Valley took shape in East Africa one millionyears ago when global climate changed and the jungles of Africa became grasslands. In the long run, a kind of Australopithecus there became Bipedal after millions of years of evolution.


(Probable looks of anthropoid / 猿人可能的样子)

Another climatechange of 2.5 million years ago had a huge toll on anthropoids except for onebranch of homo habilis that managed to survive.

Homohabilis lived in the Palaeolithic Age, and they created Old owan Culture in Tanzania.


(Evolution of apes )

(Evolution of humans )


(阿舍利手斧 / Acheulianhand axes

Hundreds of thousands of years later, homo erectus emerged. They used fire and finely madeprocessing tools such as Acheulian hand axes. The evolution of Herectus in Africa 1.8 million years ago also marked a third turning point in the evolution of human beings: their going out of Africa. But they never arrived America.

直立人从大约100多万年前开始走出非洲,比如北京猿人、欧洲的海德堡人等就是这些直立人的后代。180 万年前的格鲁吉亚是迄今为止 在非洲之外发现最早人类化石的地方。这也意味着在此期间地球气候处于一个长时间的暖期阶段。猿人和早期智人始终都没有进入到过美洲,说明地缘对于人类的发展一直是个决定性因素,当然背后是气候的作用,地球一变冷旧大陆北部的人类就马上撤回赤道地区。

( Probable looks of Neanderthals/尼安德特人的可能样子 )


Homo sapiens appeared about 250 thousand years ago. Neanderthals who mainly inhabited in Europe and the surrounding areas also belonged to Homo sapiens. We are late Homo sapiens.

We are also called modern humans.



( 这些古人都是“现代人”/Allthose in the painting are modern humans)



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