
难处之人 | Dealing With Difficult People

 timtxu 2016-01-18



Q:There is a badly behaving person who is always trying to bother me despite my requests to stop. It really affects me. I have always restrained myself from resorting to violence, but I do not know how to deal with the problem.

A:Fire flares up in oil and dies down in water. Other people are just external conditions, while the root of anger lies in your heart.



Q:While taking the subway to work today, I had an argument with a woman next to me. She complained that I squeezed up against her, which made me so furious. Thinking back on it, I realize that I was angry because I was clinging to the concept of “I”. How do I get beyond this view of the existent body and maintain inner peace?

A:What you refused to yield was nothing but a tiny space, yet you let anger inflict damage on your mind and body. Is this self-protection or self-harm? Think it over, and you will make a wise decision.



Q:I have a colleague who is selfish, brown-nosing, and uncooperative. My boss won't transfer him, so I have to work with him. What should I do?

A:Everyone must bear the fruit of their own karma. No matter how others behave, cultivate your own garden. Furthermore, if you learn to temper yourself when interacting with him, then he is no longer an unfavorable but a favorable condition for your growth.



Q:Master, how do I get along with people who have poor personal hygiene?

A:Actions speak louder than words. You can set a good example through your own habits, and, if necessary, give them some tips on how to be clean. Offer your sincere support, and do them good persistently, whenever and wherever possible. When the outside becomes cleaner, so will the inside.



Q:I have tried in vain to reason with a woman who has harassed me for the past six months. I even returned her hateful comments. When that did not work, I left her alone, but then she became worse. What should I do to stop such a psychologically disturbed person?

A:Keep your inner balance and peace.



Q:Master, we can reason with the reasonable. Yet how do we deal with those who are not?
A:If you can accept the way things are, but do not become that way yourself, you can truly keep away from trouble and find happiness.



Q:Master, what should I do when I meet a person who is self-centered, demanding, and intolerant? Should I just leave him to his own fate?

A:What others do is up to them, but what we do is up to us.



Q: Master, I find it hard to get along with people who have bad habits, but if I try to avoid them, I fear it will hurt their feelings. What should I do?

A:If you cannot manage your emotions, then try to keep your contact to a minimum. But don't give up on the relationship. If you see a chance to help them, take it.


Source:Microblogs of Ven. MasterXuecheng 

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