

 墨莲与鱼 2016-05-10
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[3].Zhuang Fu, Fei Ni, Qixin Cao and Yanzheng Zhao,The facial texture analysis for the automatic portrait drawing,Pattern Recognition,Vol.43, No.3, 2010: 962-971
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[9]. Fu Z., Zhao Y. Z., Yang Q. H., Cao Q. X., Chen M. B., Zhang J., Tang Z. Q. Auto-bonding robot for space solar cells. Robotica, Vol. 23, No.5, 2005: 561-565
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[11]. Fu Zhuang, Zhao Yanzheng, Path planning of the robot assembly based on Voronoi diagram. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Vol.15, No.1, 2008:39-44
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[15]. FU Zhuang, Liu Chengliang,Yin Yuehong,Cao Qixin,Ma Peixun,Wang Shuguo, Tool path planning using voronoi diagram and three stacks, CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2001, 14(4)
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[17]. Ni F., Fu Z.(通讯作者), Cao Q. X., Zhao Y. Z. A new method for facial features quantification of caricature based on self-reference model. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol: 22 issue: 8,2009: 1647-1668
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[19].Yan W. X., Fu Z.(通讯作者), Liu Y. H., Zhao Y. Z. A novel automatic cooking robot for Chinese dishes. Robotica, vol: 25 issue 4, 2007 : 445-450
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[25]. Fu Zhuang; Liu Yang; Zhao Yanzheng,Solar cell crack inspection by image processing,Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on the Business of Electronic Product Reliability and Liability,77-80
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[45]. Guan, Enguang ; Fu, Zhuang; Yan, Weixin; Jiang, Dongsheng; Zhao, Yanzheng, Self-reconfiguration Path planning Design for M-Lattice Robot Based on Genetic Algorithm, Source: Intelligent Robotics and Applications - Forth International Conference, ICIRA 2011, Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, 2011
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[47] Y. Wu, Z. Fu, J.N. Xu, W.X. Yan, W.H. Liu, Y.Z. Zhao. Dynamics Analysis of Hybrid Parallel Robot.2015 International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics (FPM). Aug05-07, 2015 Harbin, China.
[48] Wu Y, Fu Z, Xu J N, et al. Kinematic Analysis of 5-DOF Hybrid Parallel Robot[M]//Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 153-163, 2015.08,Portsmouth, UK
[49] Gang Fang, Zhuang Fu, Enguang Guan, Jian Fei, Weixin Yan, Yanzheng Zhao. Fault Self-Detection for M-Lattice Modular Robotic System. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. 15-17 June, 2015, Auckland, New Zealand.
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