
Triton by JP architects | 谷德设计网

 经典小诗 2016-07-31

非常感谢JP architects予gooood分享以下内容 。更多关于他们: JP architects on gooood
Appreciation towards  JP architects for providing the following description:


The site is located in a favorable environment that faces a line of cherry trees on a river bank, and a pond on its northern side. Despite this absolute view, I designed a house in which the residents can discover the various, seasonally changing expressions of the pond, cherry trees, and the environment, by creating a planar shape and circulation that encourage the residents to orient their body towards various directions.

027-Triton by JP architects

▽ 建筑与周围场地,relationship between building and site

001-Triton by JP architects

▽ 建筑曲线形态朝向不同景观,gestures of the building facing different direction

002-Triton by JP architects

▽ 夜晚灯火通明的建筑,building with yellow  lights

007-Triton by JP architects


Additionally, I built a large, half-outdoors space called “Inner Terrace”.As a result, the unity and completeness of the structure are overridden, so that one feels the space expanding into the entire environment, surpassing both structure and site boundaries.

▽ 阳台,balcony

009-Triton by JP architects


For the first and second floors, although they share the same outline, I layered two very different plane diagrams of a trifurcate and TOMOE (a comma‐shaped heraldic design) to create variations in the view.

▽ 一层客厅,living room

023-Triton by JP architects

▽ 一层的楼梯,staircase

021-Triton by JP architects

▽ 一层的走廊及日光房,corridor and the sun room

019-Triton by JP architects   018-Triton by JP architects

▽ 位于一层的浴室,bathroom

020-Triton by JP architects

▽ 一层通往室外的花园,exit to the garden at the first floor

008-Triton by JP architects

▽ 二层每一处空间都能欣赏室外景色,creating variations in the view

032-Triton by JP architects

▽ 二层半室外空间, “Inner Terrace”

012-Triton by JP architects

▽二层的儿童房, kids room

015-Triton by JP architects

▽二层的楼梯转角, staircase corner

014-Triton by JP architects


弯曲的建筑的立面混合着各种颜色。1mm厚度的天然石板和砂浆融合成成美丽的颜色。建筑师把日本 Higashi-Toyonaka地区传统居住建筑的墙壁和一些石材墙壁组合在一起,既创造出独一无二的外部空间,同时也和周围简洁优雅的邻里社区融为一体。

“Triton” is a mythological Greek god of the sea who holds a three-prong spear.Triton’s appearance – with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish – is an image that came to mind when looking at this house as a chimera that mixes stucco spray with natural stone.Moreover, the name “Triton” has the meaning of “the third element that makes this world.”

The facade is a mixture of lithin (a kind of sand) spray and 1mm-thick natural stone panels that are blended on a single surface. By sampling and mixing materials used on the residential facade and stone walls of the now elite Higashi-Toyonaka area, the house incorporates both simplicity and gaiety of the neighborhood at once, while also creating a one-and-only exterior.

▽ 材料逐渐过渡,graduation of material

028-Triton by JP architects

030-Triton by JP architects   029-Triton by JP architects

▽ 倒映自然景观的玻璃和色彩斑澜的石墙,glass reflecting landscape and stone wall

031-Triton by JP architects


For the absolute view on the northern side, I did not want to create a relationship that is limited to only two choices of seeing / not seeing the scenery. Instead, I aimed to create a house that always provides an alternative (third choice) direction, is overflowing with unrestricted behavior, and produces diversity.

▽ 总平面,master plan

033-Triton by JP architects

▽ 平面,plan

034-Triton by JP architects

▽ 立面展开图,unrolling elevation

035-Triton by JP architects

Location : Osaka, Japan
Structure : Steel
Site area : 343.34 sq.m
Building area : 136.91 sq.m
Total floor area : 238.88 sq.m
Floor number : 2 story
Photography :Takumi Ota

MORE: JP architects 更多关于他们: JP architects on gooood

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