

 风吹茉莉 2016-08-11
(1) Chandler :So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?
(2) Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck.
【场景】Carol moved her stuff out that day.因此Ross非常的沮丧。这里的对Ross精神状况的描写,原剧本用的是mortified。
  Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)
  Pheobe总是古里古怪的样子。她伸出手在Ross的前面对着空气乱抓一通。于是Ross说:No, no don’t! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay?
  Phoebe: Fine! Be murky!
  murky:adj. 黯淡的,阴沉的,笼罩的,朦胧的,浓密的,有浓雾的,不易懂的,隐晦的,含糊的。这里Phoebe用的应该是暗喻。从表面上看,好像是说“好吧,继续阴沉下去吧”,实际意思是,“好吧,继续痛苦吧”
  Ross: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn’t know, h
ow should I know?
  fixate on: 集中于,注意于
  Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well.
  Monica: Oh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a woman at sobbing 3:00 A.M., 'I’ll never have grandchildren, I’ll never have grandchildren.' was what? A wrong number?
  Ross还想欺骗大家,说他把事情告诉老爸老妈了,他们已经从容接受这件事情(take it pretty well)
  然而Monica揭穿了他的谎言:啊?真的吗?那么今天凌晨3点我接到一个哭泣的女人(woman at sobbing)歇斯底里地说“我再也不会有孙子了,我再也不会有孙子了”是什么?一个打错的电话?
  Joey: Strip joint! C’mon, you’re single! Have some hormones!
  Joey总是一副很可爱的样子,由于受的教育比较少,他的话总是傻里傻气的。为了安慰Ross,他建议Ross去Strip joint
'Strip joint'是脱衣舞场的意思,Joey意思是Ross现在虽然很受伤,但是正好恢复单身,可以去脱衣舞场去, 'have some hormones'直译就是你要有一些男性荷尔蒙呀,翻译过来就是你该去(脱衣舞场)找乐子去。  
  当Ross表示,只是想再次结婚,这时Rachel穿着湿漉漉的wedding dress进来了。
  Monica让waiter给Rachel来一杯De-cafe,低咖啡因的咖啡,或者说低浓度的咖啡。然后向大家介绍Rachel:another Lincoln High survivor
  Monica: So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?
  Monica让Rachel解释一下原因,“or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids”直接翻译为“或者,我们在等四个湿漉漉的伴娘?”美国人的幽默可见一斑
  I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat.
  gravy boat:盛调味汁的船形器皿。gravy:肉汁,(做调味用的)卤
  Lamauge gravy boat又是什么呢?我查找了一下,有人回答说Lamauge可能是一种牌子
  I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that’s when it hit me: How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head?
  turn on:打开,一般指打开煤气,自来水,点灯等有旋钮的开关。但是在这里还有“指向”的意思,也就是说,Rachel这时候突然对那个船形器皿感兴趣了。如果后接sb.则表示对某人发生了“性趣”
  freak out,这个词组很重要,使用的频率很高。表示“吓了一跳”
  (to Monica) So anyway I just didn’t know where to go, and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart。
  kinda,是kind of的缩写。美国人经常这么用的。比如woulda表示的是would have, shoulda表示的是should have等
  drift apart:离开,分离
  Monica: Who wasn’t invited to the wedding.
  Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn’t be an issue...
  Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just... I can’t marry him! I’m sorry. I just don’t love him. Well, it matters to me!
这里值得一提的是It matters to me。翻译为“对我来说很重要”。
类似的说法有It makes sense. It means a lot to me.
You can see where he'd have trouble.
Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor by saying 'buy her a hat', and pretended that he didn't know what Rach was talking about. But what's even worse is that Rach didn't get her dad's little trick either. So she yelled at the phone that 'It's a metaphor,Daddy!'. Once she realized how rude and unladily she was just now, her eyes met with Ross's, which made Ross rather embarrassing. So he ended up saying that 'You can see where he'd have trouble.' That means 'you can see misunderstanding your metaphor is where he'd have trouble to communicate with you smoothly.
Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica.
Monica has no idea why Rachel said that. But she can't just abandon Rach at this critical time, so when her friends turned to her for a verification, she can't think of nothing to say except that: 'Well, it seems to Rachel that I have already agreed on the whole moving in thing( that is established an agreement on her moving in), although I have nothing to do with it!!(Don't look at me in this weird way, guys!)'
【场景】:The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair
  Phoebe: If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off.
  let go (1)放开,松手; (2)常与of连用,放弃
  比如Celine Dion唱的I surrender中就有这么一句:I’ll hold you in my arms and never let go...
  Joey: (comforting her) And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and
  Chandler live across the hall. And he’s away a lot.
  原则上,应该是Chandler and I,但是口语中没有这么严格的束缚,不单是语序可以改变,I也可以说成me。这里Joey为了突显自己,把me提前了。而且带有挑逗性地说,Chandler总是不在……
  Monica: Joey, stop hitting on her! It’s her wedding day!
  hit on sb: “和某人调情,或挑逗某人”, 相当于flirt with sb, 其它类似的表达法还有:to make a pass at someone和 to come on to someone(来源于世博英语)
【场景】:Paul来约Monica for a date
  Chandler: Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment.
  Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!
  Ross: Right, you’re not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don’t feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture.
  head for:[美] 朝着一方向前进
  big lizard:大蜥蜴。Ross是古生物学家,言行中难免带一些他所研究的东西。
  feel like doing sth.:想做某事。也是频度比较高的词组
  Joey: Ross, let me ask you a question. She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV- what did you get?
  Ross: You guys.
  Chandler: Oh, God.
  Joey: You got screwed.
  类似于“欺骗”的短语还有:take someone for a ride。
  例:--Why is John always upset lately?
   --He felt that his girlfriend took him for a ride before he stopped dating her.
  Chandler: Look, Ross, you gotta understand, between us we haven’t had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento.(……以下省略)
“这里的Mento是指Mentos(曼妥斯)这种糖,这句话意思是Chandler和Joey与女孩的的关系从来没超过嚼一颗Mentos的时间. ”(来源于某个论坛)
Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of their relationship with other girls,which acts kinda as a comfort to Ross.
Billy,Don't Be A Hero是一首70年代的老歌,描写的是越战中,一个女孩希望自己的fiance Billy平安归来,don't be a hero in the war,但最后Billy还是在战争中失去了他年青的生命
【场景】: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.
  Monica问Paul是如何摆脱感情带来的烦恼的,Paul回答,把情人贵重的东西摔碎。Monica则是shredded by boyfriend’s favorite bath towel,把男友最喜欢的浴巾撕烂(这招不错,又不伤害到人又可以解恨!哈哈)
  Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you.
  steer clear of:v.避开, 绕开,解脱
  Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh...
  Monica: What?..... What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?
  walk out on someone: 抛弃某人。还可以用dump sb.表达
  spell it out: 清楚地说明
  Rachel: I can see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.
  呵,如果生活中有人快乐的一直笑,你就可以这么问她“What’s up? You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.”
【场景】:Mon在工作,她的朋友Frannie进来了。看到Mon这么高兴,好友也忍不住问她是否have sex了。于是Mon问她认不认识Paul
  Frannie: Are you kidding? I take credit for Paul. Y’know before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years.
  take credit for sb.:因……而受到某人的好评
  至于最后一句话swordlover觉得只是直接把Paul的penis比作turtle,snap比作have sex,其中并没有太大的玄机。当然,这只是swordlover个人的想法。请教一个美国人,她说 there was no snap in his turtle是一个固定的phrase,就是没有sex的意思。
【场景】:知道Paul是一个伪君子,总是以自己多长时间没有have sex博取女人同情并且和他过夜后,Monica非常失落、伤心、愤怒。大家都在安慰她。
  Joey: (sitting on the arm of the couch)Of course it was a line!
【场景】:大家围在桌子前,鼓励Rach把她的credit card剪掉,从此过一个独立的生活。而Rach总是犹豫不决。还是phoebe能够体谅Rach的心情。
  Phoebe: Give her a break, it’s hard being on your own for the first time.
  如果是Give me a break,则有如下意思:
  (1)别作弄我了Everybody’s not perfect, so give me a break! 人无完人,别强求我。
  (2)给我折扣 I can’t afford to pay that much, give me a break. 我付不起那么多钱,给我打折。
  I’m sorry to be so late, I know I missed the deadline to turn in my assignment can you please give me a break?
  当Rach鼓起勇气剪掉credit card后,
  Monica: Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it!
  It sucks:糟透了。这里的suck是动词,比如the team sucks.这个队糟透了。
【场景】:Time Lapse, Rachel and Ross are watching a TV channel finishes it’s broadcast day by playing the national anthem(圣歌).
  Monica: Well, that’s it (To Ross) You gonna crash on the couch?
  crash on the couch:在沙发上睡觉。
  Ross: Okay. You know you probably didn’t know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you.
  have a crush on sb.:暗恋某人  
  Rachel: I knew.
  Ross: You did! Oh.... I always figured you just thought I was Monica’s geeky older brother.
  例如:I never figured that this would happen.我从没想到会发生这样的事
  同类词组有figure out。
  例如:Nobody can figure out why so many trains have been called off.没有人能弄清为什么取消了这么多趟火车
来源:(http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4731ad3e01000abh.html?vt=4) - 【老友记读书笔记 101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate_Cindy_新浪博客

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