

 cz6688 2016-08-21
Teaching mathematics
  Time for a ceasefire
  Technology and fresh ideas are replacing classroom drill—and helping pupils to learn
  Feb 1st 2014 | SHANGHAI AND TEL AVIV | From the print edition
  IF THE world’s education systems have a common focus, it is to turn out school-leavers who are proficient in mathematics. Governments are impressed by evidence from the World Bank and others that better maths results raises GDP and incomes. That, together with the soul-searching provoked by the cross-country PISA comparisons of 15-year-olds’ mathematical attainment produced by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, is prompting educators in many places to look afresh at what maths to teach, and how to teach it.
  Those countries languishing in the league tables fret about how to catch up without turning students off the subject with boring drill. Top performers, most of them Asian (see chart), fear that their focus on technical proficiency does not translate into an enthusiasm for maths after leaving school. And everyone worries about how to prepare pupils for a jobs market that will reward creative thinking ever more highly.
  Maths education has been a battlefield before: the American “math wars” of the 1980s pitted traditionalists, who emphasised fluency in pen-and-paper calculations, against reformers led by the country’s biggest teaching lobby, who put real-world problem-solving, often with the help of calculators, at the centre of the curriculum. A backlash followed as parents and academics worried that the “new math” left pupils ill-prepared for university courses in mathematics and the sciences. But as many countries have since found, training pupils to ace exams is not the same as equipping them to use their hard-won knowledge in work and life.
  Today’s reformers think new technology renders this old argument redundant. They include Conrad Wolfram, who worked on Mathematica, a program which allows users to solve equations, visualise mathematical functions and much more. He argues that computers make rote procedures, such as long division, obsolete. “If it is high-level problem-solving and critical thinking we’re after, there’s not much in evidence in a lot of curriculums,” he says.
  如今的改革者认为新技术使得这个旧争论变得多余。改革者包括康拉德·沃尔夫拉姆(Conrad Wolfram),他在Mathematica工作。Mathematica是一款数学软件,能帮用户解方程,使数学函数可视化以及其他功能。他认为电脑使机械过程过时了, 比如长除法。他说:“如果我们追求的是高水准的解决问题和批判性思维,然而在大多数课程中关于这方面的证据真的不多。”
  Estonia’s government has commissioned Mr Wolfram’s consultancy in Oxfordshire to modernise maths courses for secondary-school pupils. Starting this month, it will pilot lessons built around open-ended problems which have no single solution. One example: “What’s the best algorithm for picking a romantic date?” (Possible answer: go on more dates with a lower quality threshold to maximise the chance of success.) Another: “Am I drunk?”, which leads into quantitative analysis involving body masses, rates of alcohol absorption and other variables.
  爱沙尼亚政府委任沃尔夫拉姆(Mr Wolfram)在牛津郡做顾问,为中学生改革数学课程。本月开始,它将会试开课程。这些课程设立开放式问题,没有唯一的答案。举一个例子:“选到一个浪漫的约会对象的最佳算法是什么?”(可能的答案:降低门槛、增加约会次数,使成功几率最大化。)另一个例子:“我喝醉了吗?”,这就会引向定量分析包括身体质量,酒精摄入率以及其他可变因素。
  Some PISA stars are also seeking a new approach. Singapore’s government commissioned David Hogan, an Australian maths educator, to assess its syllabus. It wants pupils to be able to explain what they know to their classmates, and to apply it in unfamiliar situations.
  一些国际学生评估项目(PISA)之星也在寻求新的方法。新加坡政府委任澳大利亚数学教育家大卫·霍根(David Hogan)来评估他们的教学大纲。他们想要学生能够向他们的同学解释他们所知道的的东西,并且能在不熟悉的情况中运用这些知识。
  Israel is also experimenting, aware of the imminent end of the windfall provided by the arrival of many mathematicians from the former Soviet Union. Some Israeli maths lessons from primary school onwards will soon be taught using inexpensive tablets, an approach inspired by Shimon Schocken. An academic at Herzliya University, from 2005 he has created a large online group of “self-learners” who build computers and programs from scratch. Pupils are encouraged to visualise their calculations, not just to get the right answers. (Your correspondent, raised on algebra worksheets, found an iPad exercise that involved grouping sheep in holding pens embarrassingly hard.)
  以色列的数学也在进行改革实验。他们意识到,很多前苏联数学家带来的额外收益即将结束。一些以色列数学课程,从小学开始将很快使用便宜的平板电脑教学。这个方法受到了希蒙· 肖肯(Shimon Schocken)的启发。他是荷兹利亚大学的一位学者,2005年他创立了一个大型在线自学者组织,这些自学者从零开始学习组建计算机和编写程序。学生被鼓励使他们的计算可视化,而不仅仅就是得到正确答案。(本文作者当年靠做习题学代数,发现一个在临时圈养圈分羊的iPad练习令人尴尬的难。)
  Andreas Schleicher, the statistician in charge of the PISA studies, agrees that many of the algorithms—rote procedures for solving familiar problems—that children have traditionally spent years mastering are now easy to “digitise, automate and outsource”. But he cautions against concluding that they are therefore no longer worth teaching. A third of pupils tested in Shanghai, which tops the PISA maths tables—and where pupils drill in mental arithmetic, start algebra young and learn formulae by heart—can apply their knowledge to novel and difficult problems, compared with 2-3% in America and Europe.
  安德烈斯·施莱歇(Andreas Schleicher)是一位统计学家,负责国际学生评估项目(PISA)的研究。他认同过去很多算法(解决相似问题的机械过程)孩子传统上要花数年掌握,现在这些算法很容易实现“数字化、自动化和外包化”。但是他反对那种认为这些算法不再值得教的结论。在上海被测试的学生中,有1/3的人能够把他们的知识运用到新颖、困难的问题中。而在美国和欧洲这一比例为2-3%。上海在国际学生评估项目(PISA)数学排名第一。上海的学生训练掌握心算,年幼开始学代数、背诵学习数学方程。
  Youngsters, in China and elsewhere, need to have the grounding to assess whether a computer-generated answer is close to right before they start to rely on whizzy technology. Then they can happily abandon the drill in long division and quadratic equations. For the majority of maths moderates, the good news is that both sides in the fruitless trench warfare between progressives and traditionalists look ready for a ceasefire.
  From the print edition: International

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