

 未来决定现在 2016-09-06
阅读不是跳跃式的,在孩子还不能阅读大段的文章时, 就将孩子拉入中级章节书,如 夏洛的网, 或是哈利波特的讲读中。 看着经典书籍好,就给孩子硬塞经典小说,这种做法无异于拔苗助长。

阅读,过去已经写了不少了,是一个积累循序渐进的过程,需要从孩子能接受的,适合孩子英语水平的文章或是书籍读起,形成一个梯度和台阶,让孩子慢慢的积累能力,读上去。 阅读是一种能力的积累, 从适合孩子水平的书籍读起,积累的是孩子自己的能力。 等孩子能力达到,自然可以阅读高水平的书籍。 在孩子还没有能力的时候,再如何的将经典小说掰碎成知识点,语法点喂给孩子,孩子还是不能具备自主阅读同水平书籍的能力。

英语阅读分成几个阶段,在http://www./thread-58967-1-1.html 可以找到相应的公开探讨课程。 他们分别是
阅读启蒙 (初级绘本,分级读物,简单桥梁书,中级绘本等)
Phonics 拼读
阅读进阶(中级绘本, 高级绘本,桥梁书, 初级章节书)
如果前面的阶段都没有进行过,孩子还没有积累足够的能力来读《夏洛的网》, 就不要做违背语言发展规律的拔高。

刚才收拾计算机, 发现一个阅读进阶阶段培养孩子流利阅读的7条原则。 在培养孩子流利阅读阶段,需要帮助孩子解决阅读中哪些问题, 只有当这些问题解决好了,再进入阅读提高的中级章节书阅读不迟。

7 Principles for Teaching Fluency

1. Word study. Help students develop masterful accuracy in their word
recognition/decoding/spelling skills, including the knowledge of the
meaning of words. 词汇的学习, 包括单词的确切含义,拼读,和拼写

2. Modeling fluent reading. Read to students regularly and discuss
with them how you are able to make meaning with various elements of
your voice while reading. 给孩子做出流利朗读的榜样,和孩子就相关问题进行探讨

3. Supported reading. Provide fluent reading support (scaffolding)
for students by allowing them to read along while listening to a
recording of the text. 

4. Repeated reading. Have students read particular texts several
times, with the focus on reading with meaningful expression. Be sure
to provide appropriate guidance and support for students while they
engage in repeated readings.

5. Phrased (syntactically appropriate) reading. Teach students
to read text in syntactically appropriate and meaningful chunks or
phrases (noun, verb, prepositional phrases). Help them see that a
reader’s voice can help mark phrase boundaries while reading orally.

6. Appropriate leveled texts. Provide students with independent
level materials for reading without assistance. When students have an
opportunity to practice and rehearse, you may challenge them with
material that is somewhat more difficult, even occasionally at their
frustration level. With supported practice, students can learn to master
even challenging materials.
提供分级合理的读物,能自主阅读的读物。 偶尔提供一些具有挑战性难度的读物给孩子。

7. Synergy fluency instruction. Accomplish this by creating
instructional routines that combine the principles above.

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