

 供需相应 2016-09-13














註:2。體電對向環流假說  人體是一個活的帶電體,它有自身對立統一的電場。該電場是在胚胎發育過程中,由受精卵細胞的生物電場發展而來的,即細胞生物電場組成脏器的生物電場,後者又組成了人體的體電場,人體的細胞、器官及整體的正負電場之間,存在著穩定的生物電對向環流。內脏新陳代謝所形成的脏器生物電場,是體內外生物電場存在的依據和生物電對向環流最基本的生物電源。內脏的生物電按照容積導體導電的原理,將其電場投射于體表各區,尤其是體表皮膚,形成具有節段性對應關係的敏感點、良導點或穴位。胚胎發育過程中出現的節段性(體節)和層次性(三胚層)是經絡綫走向性及經絡活動順序性的生物學基礎。針刺的機制,是一種多層次體電對向環流的效應。即針刺時,針尖部產生損傷電位,它既影響皮膚穴位的電場,也作用于神經血管等各種組織而產生多重效應。故經絡是神經——血管等組織——體電環流三者相結合的相對統一體


五行與人體能場 <wbr> <wbr> <wbr>Five <wbr>Elements <wbr>and <wbr>the <wbr>Human <wbr>Energy <wbr>Field


五行與人體能場 <wbr> <wbr> <wbr>Five <wbr>Elements <wbr>and <wbr>the <wbr>Human <wbr>Energy <wbr>Field


五行與人體能場 <wbr> <wbr> <wbr>Five <wbr>Elements <wbr>and <wbr>the <wbr>Human <wbr>Energy <wbr>Field


Five Elements and the Human Energy Field


It has long been known that activities of cells and tissues generate electrical fields that can be detected on the skin surface but the laws of physics demand that any electrical current generates a correspoinding magnetic field in the surrounding space in the past these fields were too tiny to detect biologists assumed they could have no physiological significance.


Subsequently it has been discover that all tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations which have come to be known as biomagnetic fields for example biomagnetic recording s called magneto cardio grams pathology acters the biomagnetic field


We propose that all organs or tissues have a specific spiral magnetic field and edch organ can be pepresented by the Chinese five elements eg heart for fire ,lung for metal liver for wood spleenfox earth and kidneys for water . when one organs  Qi generates another organs Qi , the Qi of the affected organ expands on the contrary the Qi of the affected organ contracts using the five elements the heart (fire) explands the Qi of spleen (earth)  likewise the kidney water restraint the heart fire and the Qi of the heart contracts the body needs perfect equilibrium.


Note the above interactions of the five elements through magnetic fields must involve frequency vibrations and resource phenoment




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