
mandala (EN)

 lovevivian78 2016-10-12

Hi everyone! :)

As promised, here it is: my pattern for a standard 12 round crochet mandala! This is my go-to pattern for all the mandala’s I make.

This pattern uses US abbreviations.

Voor de Nederlandse lezers: het Nederlandstalige patroon vind je hier! :)

What do you need:

  • yarn (I use Drops Paris cotton yarn here)
  • crochet hook (I use a 4mm for my yarn here)
  • pair of scissors
  • tapestry needle

scissors tapestry needle crochet hook G 4mm

That’s it, let’s get started! :)

1. Start with a magic ring, and secure.
magic circle crochet

2. Chain 2, and make 11 dc’s in the ring. This gives us a stitch count of 12, including the ch2.
twelve double crochet magic ring

3. Pull the ring closed as to form a circle.
closed magic ring crochet

4. Cut the yarn and pull through the stitch.
magic ring twelve double crochet
twelve double crochet in a circle

5. Thread the yarn end through the needle and insert in the first dc you made, through both loops, skipping the ch2.
crochet circle twelve double crochet

6. Pull the needle through and now insert it in the back loop of the last stitch you made.
twelve double crochet ring circle

7. Pull the yarn a bit to close the circle, but make sure you don’t pull too hard; we want to keep this faux stitch we just made! :) We’re going to close rounds like this after every round from now on. Finish off.
finished crochet circle twelve double crochet

8. Starting with a slipknot on your hook, creating a standing stitch, crochet 2 dc in one stitch.
slip knot crochet hook

9. Crochet 2 dc’s in every stitch. (the stitch count is now 24 dc’s)
crochet circle round two

10. We’re going to close the round like we did before, so grab your tapestry needle and close the circle, just like in step 5 & 6.
crochet circle round two

11. That’s round two! :)
crochet circle round two

12. From now on, we’re going to start every round with a slipknot on our hook and a standing stitch.
slipknot crochet circle

13. To avoid creating holes, make sure you don’t start in or increase in the faux stitch we create after each round. If you look at your work you can easily identify the faux stitch by the bump from the slipknot:
slipknot bump crochet circle

14. In round three (and all of the following rounds), we’re going to make increases. To make sure the 2dc don’t end up in the faux stitch, count back from the bump 3 stitches (or whatever number you need to make sure the 2dc doesn’t end up in the faux stitch). If you start with 1 dc now (2nd stitch from the bump), there should also be 1 dc in the faux stitch. You can increase before or after the faux stitch, but not in it!
So: start with standing stitch, then *dc 1, 2dc in next stitch* around. (36 stitches)
crochet circle round three

15. Finish the round with your tapestry needle and voila, round three! :)
crochet circle round three

16. Starting with a standing stitch (and counting back from the bump so the 2dc doesn’t end up in the faux stitch), *dc 2, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (48 stitches)
crochet circle mandala round four
17. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 3, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (60 stitches)
18. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 4, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (72 stitches)
crochet circle mandala round six
19. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 5, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (84 stitches)
20. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 6, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (96 stitches)
crochet circle mandala round eight
21. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 7, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (108 stitches)
22. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 8, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (120 stitches)
crochet circle mandala round ten
23. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 9, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (132 stitches)
24. Starting with a standing stitch, *dc 10, 2dc in next stitch* around and fo. (144 stitches)

Your mandala is finished! :) But I usually put a border around it. Here’s how I do it:

25. Starting with a standing stitch, sc 1.
standing stitch single crochet

26. Skip two stitches and then crochet 6 dc in one stitch, to create a shell. Skip two stitches and
sc 1. Continue like this all around. So: *sc 1, skip 2 st, 6dc, skip 2 st*.
shell stitch crochet mandala

27. When you’ve reached the end of the round, make a second sc in the first stitch (where there is already a sc). Don’t cut the yarn, but chain 10, this creates a loop.
chain ten stitches crochet

28. Make another sc in the first stitch. Cut the yarn, draw through the loop on your hook and bring the yarn end to the back.
single crochet close loop

And that’s it! :) Step back and admire your mandala!

crochet mandala

Here’s the pattern again for easy reading:

1. Start with a magic ring, make 12 dc’s. (12)
2. *2dc* around. (24) 
3. *dc 1, 2dc next st* (36) 
4. *dc 2, 2dc next st* (48) 
5. *dc 3, 2dc next st* (60)
6. *dc 4, 2dc next st* (72)   
7. *dc 5, 2dc next st* (84)  
8. *dc 6, 2dc next st* (96)  
9. *dc 7, 2dc next st* (108)
10. *dc 8, 2dc next st* (120)   
11. *dc 9, 2dc next st* (132)  
12. *dc 10, 2dc next st* (144)  

And for the border and loop:

13. *sc 1, skip 2 st, 6dc, skip 2 st* around.
14. *sc 1, ch 10, sc 1* in same st. FO. 

Have fun with this mandala pattern! :)


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