
Spring Splendor

 儒雅谦和 2016-10-17
Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……
Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……

See diagrams A.1 to A.11. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. 

Inc 1 st by making 1 YO, on next row work YO twisted to avoid holes.

Worked back and forth, top down. Cast on 6 sts on circular needle size 4.5 mm with Cotton Merino. Work 3 ridges in GARTER ST - see explanation above, and inc 4 sts evenly on every row from RS - READ INCREASE TIP = 18 sts. Work next row as follows from RS: Work 3 sts in GARTER ST – see explanation above, insert 1 marker, * A.1 (= 2 sts), insert 1 marker *, repeat from *-* 5 more times, finish with 3 sts in garter st = 7 markers in piece. Move the markers upwards when working. Continue with A.1 and 3 sts in garter st in each side of piece. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION When A.1 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 138 sts on needle. Work next row as follows from RS: 3 sts in garter st, A.2 (= 11 sts) until 3 sts remain (= 12 times in width), finish with 3 sts in garter st. When A.2 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 186 sts on needle. Work next row as follows from RS: 3 sts in garter st, A.3 (= 30 sts) until 3 sts remain (= 6 times in width), finish with 3 sts in garter st. On last row from RS in A.3 inc 1 st with a YO after the 3 sts in garter st at the beg of row. When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 277 sts on needle. Piece measures approx. 38 cm on the longest (measured along the middle). 

Work as follows on next row from RS: 3 sts in garter st, A.4 over the next 3 sts, * repeat A.9 (= 10 sts) 6 times in total in width, A.6 over the next 5 sts *, repeat from *-* 4 more times, repeat A.9 (= 10 sts) 6 times in total, A.7 over the next 3 sts, finish with 3 sts in garter st. Inc made in A.4/A.6/A.7 are worked in stocking st. Repeat A.4/A.6/A.7 vertically (make sure that A.4/A.6/A.7 are come above itself) until A.9 has been worked 1 time vertically. When A.9 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 433 sts on needle. Piece measures approx. 65 cm on the longest (measured along the middle).

Work as follows from RS: 3 sts in garter st, 1 st in garter st (this st is worked in garter st when working in garter st in A.8 and in stocking st when working in stocking st in A.8), repeat A.8 (= 59 sts) until 3 sts remain (= 6 times in width), finish with 3 sts in garter st. NOTE: Eyelet row in A.8 does not fit in diagram but fits in total on row, first st after 3 sts in garter st should be work in stocking st from RS. 

On last row from RS insert 1 marker thread in the middle of every repetition of A.8, i.e. between: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, insert 1 marker and K 2 tog. Move the marker threads upwards when working. When A.8 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 397 sts on needle. Piece measures approx. 58 cm on the longest (measured along the middle). 

Work as follows on next row from RS: 3 sts in garter st, A.4 over the next 3 sts, * repeat A.9 (= 10 sts) 6 times in total in width, A.6 over the next 5 sts *, repeat from *-* 4 more times, repeat A.9 (= 10 sts) 6 times in total, A.7 over the next 3 sts, finish with 3 sts in garter st. Inc made in A.4/A.6/A.7 are drawn as extra sts in A.5 so that the patterns align. Repeat A.4/A.6/A.7 vertically (make sure that A.4/A.6/A.7 are come above itself) until A.9 has been worked 1 time vertically. When A.9 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 433 sts on needle. Piece measures approx. 65 cm on the longest (measured along the middle).

Then work piece in garter st as follows from RS: Work 3 sts in garter st, * A.10 (= 2 sts), work in garter st until 2 sts remain before marker thread, dec as before (i.e. slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, K the next 2 tog), work in garter st until 2 sts remain before marker thread, work A.11 over the next 2 sts *, repeat from *-* until 3 sts remain, finish with 3 sts in garter st. Continue like this until piece measures 70 cm on the longest part. Loosely cast off.


= K from RS, P from WS
= P from RS, K from WS
= work 2 sts in same st
= K 2 tog
= slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso.
= 1 YO between 2 sts
= slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso
= no of sts on this row does not fit the diagram but does fit the entire shawl

Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……
Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……
Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……
Spring Splendor - 木棉花 - 雨茫茫,雾茫茫,盼望花开,花已落……

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