

 昵称28587049 2016-11-11


背景知识  “英国人见面总是习惯谈论天气,他们认为天气是个不会冒犯对方的话题,所以这条单选是选C (safe topic),记住!”毕业多年,高中英语老师对这条选择题的解释仍让许多人记忆犹新。“寒暄”这回事确实是国际性话题,谁都不能免俗。那么问题来了,当急吼吼的印度人遇上一向大派的山姆大叔,究竟谁在虚情,谁又在假意?寒暄真的“中外有别”?

        1 American life is based on a reassurance that we like one another but won’t violate one another’s privacies. 2 This makes it a land of small talk. 3 Two people greet each other happily, with friendliness, but might know each other for years before venturing basic questions about each other’s backgrounds. 4 The opposite is true of Indians. 5 At least three people I’ve sat next to on planes to and from India have asked me, within minutes, how much I earn as a writer (only to turn away in disappointment when I tell them). 6 In the East, I’ve heard it said, there’s intimacy without friendship; in the West, there’s friendship without intimacy.


reassurance    /?ri:?????r?ns/    n. 使人消除疑虑的事物

violate    /'va??le?t/    v. 违反

privacy     /'pr?v?s?/    n.  隐私

venture    /'vent??/     v. 敢于,冒险

opposite     /'?p?z?t/     adj. 相反的

disappointment    /d?s?'p??ntm(?)nt/    n. 失望

intimacy    /'?nt?m?s?/     n. 亲密


1、be based on    基于......

2、small talk    寒暄,闲聊

3、at least    至少

4、turn away    转过脸


1 American life is based on a reassurance that we like one another but won’t violate one another’s privacies. 

分析 本句主干是American life is based on a reassurance。that引导的从句对reassurance进行解释。

翻译 美国人的生活遵从一条心照不宣的原则:我们喜欢与人为友,但不侵犯他人的隐私。

2 This makes it a land of small talk. 

分析 本句主干是This makes it a land。

翻译 这是众多寒暄背后的原因。

3 Two people greet each other happily, with friendliness, but might know each other for years before venturing basic questions about each other’s backgrounds. 

分析 本句主干是Two people greet each other, but might know each other。about each other’s backgrounds修饰questions。

翻译 在谨慎询问与双方背景相关的基本问题之前,即便两人已相识多年,仍会愉快友好的寒暄问候彼此。

4 The opposite is true of Indians. 

分析 本句主干是The opposite is true。

翻译 但是印度人却恰恰相反。

5 At least three people I’ve sat next to on planes to and from India have asked me, within minutes, how much I earn as a writer (only to turn away in disappointment when I tell them). 

分析 本句主干是three people have asked me。how much I earn as a writer引导的是asked的宾语从句。

翻译 在往返印度的飞机上,几分钟之内,至少有3个坐在我旁边的人问我,当作家能挣多少钱(当我告诉他们答案后,他们只是失望的转过脸去)。

6 In the East, I’ve heard it said, there’s intimacy without friendship; in the West, there’s friendship without intimacy.

分析 本句主干是I’ve heard; there’s friendship。

翻译 在东方,大家常说,即使素昧平生,人们也可以很亲近;而在西方,人们则认为,就算是朋友,也并不见得亲密无间。


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