

 木头1018 2016-12-02


1. 中国工农红军

 Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army


2. 长征

 Long March



 The Long March was a declaration, a publicity force, and a sower of seeds.


3. 红军三大主力

 three main forces of the Red Army


 The three main forces of the Red Army were the First Front Army (also known as the Central Red Army), the Second Front Army, and the Fourth Front Army.


4. 反“围剿”斗争

 counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign


5. 北上抗日

 move north to resist Japanese aggression


6. 中央革命根据地(中央苏区)

 Central Revolutionary Base (Central Soviet Area)


7. 中华苏维埃共和国

 Chinese Soviet Republic


8. 封锁线



9. 湘江之战

 Battle of the Xiang River


10. 遵义会议

   Zunyi Meeting


11. 四渡赤水

   cross the Chishui River four times


12. 《八一宣言》

   August First Declaration


13. 陕甘革命根据地

   Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base


14. 会宁会师

   the joining of Red Army forces at Huining


15. 长征精神

   Long March spirit


16. 革命英雄主义

   revolutionary heroism


17. 革命乐观主义

   revolutionary optimism


18. 红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。

   The Red Army, facing down challenges on its march, Braved ten thousand crags and torrents.



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