

 昵称39799414 2017-01-12




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本书的编排是按照每本《规范》独立成章,各章内容顺序与各本《规范》的章节顺序同步,问题和答案并列。案例题讲述的是计算型题,单选题讲述的是概念型题。 本书特点:内容全面,基本上覆盖了《考试大纲》要求考核的知识点;使用灵活,读者可根据本人的需求选择相关的学习内容;查找方便,能迅速查找出所需解题方法和步骤的参考例题。







1 《全国一、二级注册结构工程师执业资格考试专业考试--考前30天冲刺》 (以下简称《考前30天冲刺》)

本书按照最新全国一、二级注册结构工程师专业考试规范要求和考试大纲要求编写而成,是一本注册结构工程师专业考试实战性很强的参考用书。全书共分6部分,包括钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构、砌体结构与木结构、地基与基础、高层建筑结构、高耸结构与横向作用和桥梁结构。全书紧扣考试大纲、规范和考试题型,首先给出了历年考点分析;其次给出了meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry





2 《一级注册结构工程师专业考试应试题解》 (以下简称《应试题解》) 《一级注册结构工程师专业考试应试题解》的简介 作者:施岚青


作业题有100余道,基本上覆盖了考试大纲规定考生应该掌握的计算内容。每道作业题均有答案,给出了详细的解题步骤。对部分较复杂的作业题,还列出了解题指导,供考生参考。 选择题有500余道,基本上覆盖了考试中可能遇到各种题型,内容包括了各种结构形式和有关法规。


3 《一、二级注册结构工程师执业资格考试全真模拟冲刺试题及详解--业部分》 (以下简称《模拟冲刺试题》)

3.2 复习计划

3.2.1 复习时间应符合下列要求:

1 总复习时间宜为一年,不应少于,个月,不能少于,个月,从事特种结构设计的应试者其时间应适当延长。

2 每天复习时间不应少于,个小时,早上宜复习,,,小时;晚上宜复习,,,小时(不应超过晚上12点)。

3 周末及节假日应全天复习。

4 每天应抽时间进行复习,复习中断时间不应超过,天。

3.2.2 复习内容分五阶段,应符合表3.2.2的规定:

3.2.2 复习进度表

meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry


复习内容 1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 习进度 0 1 2

入门准备训练 ? ? (2个月)

常规知识训练(6 ? ? ? ? ? ? 个月)

模拟应试训练(2 ? ? 个月)

专项加强训练(2 ? ? 个月)

临场模拟训练(5 ? 天)

说明:1 复习时间是指以一年为复习总时间,从复习开始计算的月数,不是


2 当安排的总复习时间少于一年时,其各阶段的时间应相应调整。

3 应在整个复习期间在工作中进行手算能力训练。 3.2.3 各复习阶段主要复习内容应符合下列要求: 入门准备训练阶段:主要复习内容是:

1 往年考试真题;

2 考试的要求及特点(内容详附录A);

3 考试大纲(内容详附录D);

4 3.1.1条指定的规范(包括附录)及其条文说明;

5 3.1.2条指定的规范(不含3.1.1条所指规范)。 常规知识训练阶段内容(主要通过训练掌握考试大纲要求的各项


1 《应试指南》

2 《应试题解》

3 《考前30天冲刺》


meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry

3/10页 模拟应试训练阶段(主要通过训练检测前阶段的复习效果),其复习的主要书籍有:

1 《模拟试题与解析》

2 往年考试真题 专项加强训练(通过模拟应试训练阶段,找出自己不熟练、没掌握好的部分):按常规知识训练的要求,重点进行针对性复习(大多数人对桥梁、钢结构、木结构都不太在行,应加强练习)。 临场模拟训练:这是最后的练习,也是最重要的练习,一般历时5天为宜。 各复习阶段加起来做的总习题数不应少于3000道,不宜少于5000道。

4 应试训练

4.1 入门准备训练阶段内容及方法

4.1.1 入门准备训练阶段复习内容应包括以下六个方面:

1 做往年考试真题,做题要求详4.2.2.1条,试题来源详4.3.3.1条;

2 认真阅读并牢记附录A中关于考试的各项特点及要求;

3 认真阅读并熟悉附录D中的考试大纲;

4 认真阅读并熟悉3.1.1条指定的10本单行本规范(包括附录)及其条文说明;

5 阅读并了解3.1.2条指定的规范(不含3.1.1条所指规范)。

6 了解3.条已经购买的书籍。


4.1.2 入门准备训练阶段总复习时间应控制在2个月左右。

4.2 常规知识训练阶段内容及方法

4.2.1 常规知识训练阶段训练的书籍应符合下列要求:

meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry


1 必须训练的书籍:《应试指南》;

应该训练的书籍: 《应试题解》、《考前30天冲刺》、《模拟冲刺试题》。

4.2.2 常规知识训练阶段训练的基本方法为:做练习题,并应符合下列规定: > 做习题时应按考试的答题要求书写答题过程。答题格式一般如下: >

, 写出答题主要数据的来源依据;

如”根据《砼规范》4.1.4条表4.1.4查得,C25混凝土强度等 fc=11.9N/mm2”;

2 写出答题主要依据的公式 如”根据《砼规范》7.3.1条公式7.3.1


3 必要时画出计算简图;

4 代入各相关数据,并算出计算结果;

5 在草稿纸上把上述完整过程写出来;

6 把有用的知识点(考点或曰陷阱)写在规范条文的旁边空白处;

7 书写工整,有条理,能看清楚。 在按4.2.2.1条要求完成练习题之前,不能看答案。 做习题时对一看觉得会做的习题不能放弃不做,必须按4.2.2.1条要求完成练习。 做习题时对一看觉得不会做的习题不能放弃不做,必须按4.2.2.1条要求完成练习,练习完后再看答案,把答案弄明白后,再按4.2.2.1条要求再次完成练习。 做完习题后应对答案,与标准答案对不上的(以下简称错题),应判断答案的正确性,并把本题答案弄明白。 在每一章节的练习完成后,应把全部的错题按4.2.2.1条要求重新练习一遍。 每天完成的练习题数不应少于,,道题

meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry


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