二零一七 最近看到这样一则笑话: 没错,春节对于中国人来说 那可是全年最特殊的时刻 举国上下大街小巷 到处都洋溢着节日的气息 春运的规模之壮观 老外哪里见过... 今天咱们就来聊聊 如何用英文聊春节那些事儿~ Chinese New Year, also called Spring Festival, has more than 4,000 years of history. It is the grandest and the most important annual event for Chinese people. 春节,即农历新年,俗称过年,是我国最重要、最隆重,也是历史最悠久、最热闹的传统节日。中国人民过春节已有4000多年的历史。 推荐:讲真,这个比“春晚”要好看得多(很多中国人都看哭了。。。) Being one of the traditional festivals, it is the time for the whole families to reunite together, which is similar with Christmas Day to the westerners. 这是一年一度阖家团圆的日子。 Most employees in China have at least seven days off work, including three days' legal holiday, while students take one month absence from school. The celebration lasts for 15 days from the 1st to 15th day of the first lunar month, and in folklore it starts even earlier, from the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. 过年就是放长假啦~~虽然假期只有7天,但我们中国人庆祝春节通常从除夕一直庆祝到正月十五闹元宵。 Originating during the Shang Dynasty (17th - 11th century BC), the festival used to be observed to fight against the monster 'Nian' who liked to eat children and livestock. The monster was afraid of red color and loud sound. Therefore, people decorated their houses in red and set off firecrackers to expel it. 年起源于古老的传说“年兽”,年兽最怕红色的东西和吵闹的响声,所以人们春节的时候张灯结彩把各处都打扮的红红火火的,再放鞭炮,把年兽吓走。
Paste (Spring Festival) Couplets 贴对联 With black or golden characters written on red paper, Spring Festival Couplets are composed of a pair of poetry lines vertically pasted on both sides of the front door and a four-character horizontal scroll affixed above the doorframe. Pasting couplets expresses people’s delight in the festival and wishes for a better life in the coming year. The first line (upper scroll) and the second line (lower scroll) have parallel structures and antithetical meanings. The two lines should have an equal number of characters, while their meaning must be related and antithetical. There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the two lines. The tone pattern is emphasized but rhythm is not important. The horizontal scroll is a four-character phrase, which sums up the two lines’ meaning. Chinese Red Envelope红包 Red envelopes, also called red packets, lucky money, or hongbao in Chinese, are a popular monetary gift given on some important occasions or festivals in China and some other Asian countries, especially widely seen during the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). It is a Chinese New Year gift with money stuffed into red paper to kids. The red packets are usually presented by parents and grandparents to children during Chinese New Year, which is probably one of the most recognized traditions that are observed during the Festival. Children or unmarried members of the younger generation look forward to receiving lucky money from others, something which is definitely not a privilege that adults enjoy. Elderly people give young generation red envelop as a protection (from Monster Nian) and share the blessing. Spring Festival Travel Rush春运 The Spring Festival Travel Rush, also known as Chunyun in Chinese, or Chinese New Year Travel Rush, Lunar New Year Travel Rush is the largest annual migration on earth. It usually begins 15 days ahead of the Chinese New Year and 25 days after, lasting for 40 days. During the Spring Festival Rush, China, especially its railway system, faces an extremely high traffic load, which results in great difficulties to obtain a ticket, crowded railway stations and train carriages. The 2017 Spring Festival Travel Rush will be from Jan. 13 to Feb. 21, 2017, when train tickets will be under great demand. TravelChinaGuide recommends you to avoid traveling to China during the period or book the tickets as early as possible.
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