

 安之若素藏书阁 2017-02-01

  说起过年,英国《每日电讯报》网站po出了介绍咱中国年的文章,其中就讲到了鸡年(the Year of the Rooster),还盘点了十二生肖不同属相(zodiac signs)的人都有哪些特点。


  People born in the Year of the Rooster are characterised as honest, energetic, intelligent, flexible and confident.


  The general image of people in this zodiac sign is of always being hardworking, resourceful, confident and talented. In addition, their active, talkative and engaging ways make them popular with people. They are happiest when they are in company, enjoying the spotlight. Although they were born with enviable skills, they still have several shortcomings, such as being seen as vain and arrogant and a tendency to brag about their achievements.


  Rat鼠:Intelligent聪明, adaptable随机应变, quick-witted机敏, charming迷人可爱, artistic风雅, sociable友善

  Ox牛:Loyal忠诚, reliable可靠, thorough周到, strong坚强, reasonable通情达理, steady沉着, determined坚定

  Tiger虎:Enthusiastic热情, courageous有胆识, ambitious有雄心, leadership有领导力, confidence自信, charismatic有魅力

  Rabbit兔:Trustworthy可靠, modest谦虚, diplomatic圆滑练达, sincere真诚, sociable友善, caretakers守护者

  Dragon龙:Lucky好运, flexible灵活, eccentric古怪, imaginative想象力丰富, artistic风雅, spiritual高尚, charismatic有魅力

  Snake蛇:Philosophical冷静, organized有条理, intelligent聪明, intuitive凭直觉, elegant优雅, attentive专心, decisive果断

  Horse马:Adaptable随机应变, loyal忠诚, courageous有胆识, ambitious有雄心, intelligent聪明, adventurous爱冒险, strong坚强

  Sheep羊:Tasteful有品位, crafty灵巧狡猾, warm热情, elegant优雅, charming迷人可爱, intuitive凭直觉, sensitive敏感, calm冷静

  Monkey猴:Quick-witted机敏, charming迷人可爱, lucky好运, adaptable随机应变, bright聪明, versatile多才多艺, lively活泼

  Rooster鸡:Honest诚实, energetic有活力, intelligent聪明, flamboyant爱炫耀, flexible灵活, diverse变化多, confident自信

  Dog狗:Loyal忠诚, sociable友善, courageous有胆识, diligent勤勉, steady沉着, lively活泼, adaptable随机应变, smart聪明

  Pig猪:Honorable可敬, philanthropic慈爱, determined坚定, optimistic乐观, sincere真诚, sociable友善

  说起12生肖,其实还跟木星(Jupitar)有关,木星运行一周大约要12年,正好是12生肖的一个轮回,中国人将每一年对应一种动物以预示一年的运势。英文中十二生肖的总称可以用Chinese zodiac来表示,例如:The Chinese zodiac is used to help people predict their fate.(十二生肖能帮人们预测运势。)而十二生肖中的任何一种动物,也就是属相英文可说Chinese zodiac animal sign或Chinese animal sign,例如:The ox is one of the Chinese zodiac animal signs.(牛是十二生肖中的一个属相。)

  用来分析性格、预测运势的星座(horoscope)。占星师(astrologer)将一年分为12个部分,每部分对应天上的一个星座(constellation),这12个星宫被称黄道十二宫(zodiac)。英文中,问别人什么星座的,不能说What's your constellation? 因为constellation指的是星群,这里应该将它换成star sign。

  1. 你属什么?


  What is your Chinese animal sign?

  I am a Rat.

  2. 你知道今年是什么年吗?


  Do you know what the Chinese zodiac animal is this year?

  It is the Year of the Rooster.

  3. 你是什么星座的?


  What's your star sign?

  I am a Taurus.

  4. 你今年运势怎么样?


  What does your horoscope/star sign say for this year?

  It's the year of my Chinese animal sign so I hope my luck won't be too bad.

  5. 你知道属兔的人和什么属相的人最配吗?


  Do you know which animal signs are best paired with people born in the Year of Rabbit?

  Don't be so superstitious. It is not that reliable!

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