
Chinese New Year Traditions 有红包!

 枫雨书轩 2017-02-03

大家春节都是怎么过的?有没有领到17萌享派送的红包-red packet 呢?没有也没关系,看文章找红包口令,给您把新年的红包补上!



  • Chinese New Year

  • Lunar New Year

  • Spring Festival

这三种都可以,Chinese New Year 的使用频率最高,除夕夜叫 Chinese New Year's Eve

Year of The Rooster

2017 is the year of the rooster, and it falls on the 28th of January.  

中国人说的生肖 Chinese zodiac,生肖年(红包口令:17萌享生肖)这么表达:the year of+对应的生肖,鸡年就叫 the Year of the Rooster, 不是 chicken 哦!

In order, the 12 animals are: 

Rat-鼠, Ox-牛, Tiger-虎, Rabbit-兔, Dragon-龙, Snake-蛇, Horse-马, Goat-羊, Monkey-猴, Rooster-鸡, Dog-狗, Pig-猪.

Each year is associated with a different zodiac animal. As the Chinese zodiac repeats itself every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc.

It’s BAD LUCK when your zodiac year comes around! 本命年会犯太岁,要穿红内衣,红袜子来防小人,去霉运!

Spring Cleaning

每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫卫生,清洗各种器具,洒扫庭院,称作为扫尘(红包口令:17萌享扫尘),英文可以叫做 spring cleaning

Spring cleaning should be started 1 week prior to Chinese new year. The grounds, the walls, and every corner of the house need to be cleaned. 扫尘开始于腊月24,春节前一个星期。


prior to-在…..之前,和 before 是一个意思

The reason behind this is that we Chinese believe that by cleaning everything in the house, you’re getting rid of all the bad things that happened that year and getting ready for a new start.


Spring Festival Couplets


With black or golden characters written on red paper, Spring Festival Couplets are composed of a pair of poetry lines vertically pasted on both sides of the front door. 

Couplet 指两行诗,押韵的对句

我们的春联/对联就叫 Spring Festival Couplets,春联分上下两联,上联叫 upper scroll, 下联叫 lower scroll.

除了贴春联之外,还要贴福字,the character “Fu”, meaning good fortune or happiness, is used to express people’s good wishes and yearning for the future, so people usually paste it on gates, above the front door or on some furniture in the house during the Chinese New Year.


Family Reunion Dinner

除夕夜,合家团圆的年夜饭又称团圆饭-family reunion dinner红包口令:17萌享团圆),中国人很重视这顿表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱的年夜饭,都会准备一大桌子美味佳肴,所以也叫 Chinese New Year’s Eve Feast

feast 指盛宴,宴会,丰盛的饭菜

结婚摆的婚宴可以叫 wedding feast


In the northern part of China, people like to make dumplings which are usually shaped like a golden nugget-金元宝. It symbolizes fortune and good luck. 

People from the southern part of China don’t eat dumplings, but prefer chicken and duck meat.

南方不会包饺子,会准备一桌鸡鸭鱼肉, 当然还少不了 glutinous rice cake-年糕,也可以叫 sticky rice cake, by eating this, it symbolizes that you’re going to have a great year.

Staying Up Late


On Chinese New Year’s Eve, people tend to stay up past midnight. Family members chat around and watch New Year’s Gala while waiting for the arrival of the Lunar New Year.

New Year’s Gala-春节联欢晚会

When midnight arrives, people set off firecrackers to scare away the monster that comes out during New Year’s Eve.

除了放鞭炮-firecrackers, 还有烟火-fireworks

set off 这个短语在这里是点燃,使爆炸的意思,还有动身,出发的意思,常用的就是set off for+地点名词,表示动身去某地

New Year’s Greetings

除了 Happy Chinese New Year, 最后教大家几句新年的吉祥话(红包口令:17萌享吉祥)!


May you have a prosperous New Year!


Wish you luck in the Year of Rooster!


Treasures fill the home!


Money and treasures will be plentiful!


Good luck in the year ahead!



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