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如同前两篇文章所提到的,最常见的两种不安全型依附为焦虑型依附与逃避型依附(矛盾型 / 紊乱型依附较为少见),其中焦虑型依附的人,因为他们担心自己没能获得他人的爱,因此会积极地尝试去寻求他人的爱与支持;但同时又担心他人没办法满足自己的需求,因此会变得很焦虑;当他们的需求真的没能被他人所提供时,他们会感到生气与失望[2],觉得自己果然是不值得被爱的,或是对于他人不能满足自己的需求而气愤不已。









而程序性知识呢?当一个美丽世界岛的居民,碰到生活中的困境时,由于他们相信自己是有价值的,别人也能够适时地如小叮当一般伸出圆(援)手;因此他们在面对困境时,能够正向地承接住问题,适时地寻求他人的帮助,进而解决问题;而非只是枯坐在那里自艾自怜、反刍(ruminating)自己遭遇到的挑战[4]。安全型依附的人,透过这两种看待世界的方式,在他们的心中,建立起一座充满安全感的安全堡垒(secure base)[5]。


总结来说,如果你是一个安全型的人,那么当你遇到压力事件的时候,你会比较能够审慎地去评估压力,并且比较能够相信自己有能力来应付压力事件[6][7]、在自己有需求时比较能够去求助[8],不论是受试者自己回报面对压力事件的方式[9],或是在生活情境中以及实验室情境中的压力事件研究[10][11],都得到了这样的结果;因为安全型的人,总是能够用有建设性的方式来面对问题,把焦点聚焦在如何解决问题本身(problem-focused coping),而不是采取无用的方来应付压力[12][13]。

除此之外,你也会对于人类的本质带着较为正向的看法[14] [15]、采用比较正向特质的词汇来描述你的关系伴侣[16][17]、对伴侣的行为带着更正向的期待[18][19][20];同时,当伴侣做出让你反感的行为时,你也会用比较正向的解释来看待它[21][22],例如你的伴侣在约会时姗姗来迟,你可能会解读为他最近在赶报告很累,所以睡得比较晚,而不是它不够爱你等等。安全型依附对自己的正向看法,也展现在其他各种面向上,例如,他们有较高的自尊[23][24]、把自己看作有能力的人[25][26]、用较为正向的词汇描述自己[27]等等。正因为他们的这些特质,因此他们比起不安全依附的人,更相信自己能够建立一段稳固的爱情[1]


·[1] Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. R. (2007a). Attachment in adulthood: Structure, dynamics, and change. New York: Guilford Press.

·[2] Cassidy, J., and Kobak, R. (1988). Avoidance and its relation to other defensive processes. In J. Belsky and T. Neworski (Eds.), Clinical implications of attachment Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, pp. 300-323.

·[3] Mikulincer, Mario&Shaver, Phillip R.(2003)Attachment theory and affect regulation: The dynamics, development, and cognitive consequences of attachment-related strategies.

·[4] Epstein & Mercier(1989).Constructive thinking: A board coping variable with specific components. Journal of personality and social psychology,57,332-350.

·[5] HARRIET S. WATERS & EVERETT WATERS(2006) The attachment working models concept: Among other things, we build script-like representations of secure base experiences. Attachment & Human Development, September 2006; 8(3): 185 – 197

·[6] Berant, Mikulincer & Florian(2001) The association of mother’s attachment style and their psychological reactions to the diagnosis of infant’s congenital heart disease. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,20,208-232

·[7] Radecki-Bush, C., Farrell, A.D., & Bush, J.P. (1993). Predicting jealous response: The influence of adult attachment and depression on threat appraisal. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10, 569–588.

·[8] Larose, Bernier ,Soucy, & Duchesne(1999).Attachment style dimensions, network orientation, and the process of seeking help from college teachers. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,16,225-247

·[9]Berant,E. Mikulincer,M., & Florian, V. (2001).The association of mothers’ attachment style and their psychological reactions to the diagnosis of infant’s congential heart disease. Journal of social and clinical Psychology,20,208-222.

·[10] Fraley, R. C., & Shaver, P. R. (1998). Airport separations: A naturalistic study of adult attachment dynamics in separating couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 1198-1212.

·[11] Simpson, Jeffry A.; Rholes, William S.; Nelligan, Julia S.(1992) Support seeking and support giving within couples in an anxiety-provoking situation: The role of attachment styles. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 62(3), 434-446.

·[12] Lussier, Y., Sabourin, S., & Turgeon, C. (1997). Coping strategies as moderators of the relationship between attachment and marital adjustment. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, 14, 777–791.

·[13] Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (1998). The relationship between adult attachment styles and emotional and cognitive reactions to stressful events. In Simpson, J., & Rholes, S. (eds.,) Attachment theory and close relationships (pp. 143-165). New York: Guilford.

·[14] Nancy L. Collins and Stephen J. Read(1990) Adult Attachment, Working Models, and Relationship Quality in Dating Couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1990, Vol. 58, No. 4, 644-663.

·[15] Hazan, C. & Shaver, P. (1987) Romantic Love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511-524.

·[16] Feeney, J. A., & Noller, P. (1991). Attachment style and verbal descriptions of romantic partners. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 8, 187-215.

·[17] Levy, Blatt ,& Shaver(1998) Attachment Styles and Parental Representations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 74, No. 2, 407-419.

·[18] Baldwin, M. W., Fehr, B., Keedian, E., Seidel, M., & Thomson, D. W. ( 1993 ). An exploration of the relational schemata underlying attachment styles: Self-report and lexical decision approaches. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 746-754.

·[19] Baldwin, M. W., Keelan, J. P. R., Fehr, B., Enns, V. & Koh- Rangarajoo, E. (1996). Social cognitive conceptualization of attachment styles: Availability and accessibility effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 94-109.

·[20] Mikulincer, M., & Arad, D. (1999). Attachment working models and cognitive openness in close relationships: A test of chronic and temporary accessibility effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 710-725.

·[21] Collins, N. L. (1996). Working models of attachment: Implications for explanation, emotion, and behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 810-832.

·[22] Mikulincer, M. (1998). Attachment working models and the sense of trust: An exploration of interaction goals and affect regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1209-1224.

·[23] Bartholomew, K. & Horowitz, L. M. (1991). Attachment styles among young adults: A test of a fourcategory model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 226-244.

·[24]Mickelson, Kessler, & Shaver(1997) Adult attachment in a nationally representative sample. Nov;73(5):1092-106.

·[25] Brennan, K. A., & Morris, K. A. (1997). Attachment styles, self-esteem, and patterns of seeking feedback from romantic partners. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 23-31.

·[26]Cooper, Shaver& Collins(1998) Attachment styles, emotion regulation, and adjustment in adolescence. 74(5):1380-97.

·[27] Mikulincer (1995)Attachment style and the mental representation of the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 (6), 1203.



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