

 徒步者的收藏 2017-05-16


2017-05-16 龙腾网订阅号





Why does Japan seem more comfortable with recognizing their Chinese influence than other Sinosphere countries?




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Tim Tran studied at Brooklyn Technical High School
Answered Jan 23
This has to do with Japan’s early economic success and cultural exports.


Japanese are so good at exporting their culture that Westerners associate green tea chopsticks Kanji and Hanfu as Japanese despite all being Chinese-derived. This sometimes even overshadow China itself. So Japanese have the ability to say “yea we borrowed from Chinese but we made it better.”


Korea and Vietnam didn’t have this luxury. They were under the shadow of China constantly so in a desperate attempt to break free and create a cultural identity they rejected their own. They even tried to claim Chinese culture as their own in this effort as well.


[copy]Korea is now a major cultural exporter which makes Koreans more comfortable with this idea. They don’t care about it anymore because their culture is now pretty widespread.


Vietnam on the other hand is still struggling with it unfortunately. The only way this will stop is when they get rich and their culture is stable enough to feel comfortable in it. Hopefully by then they don’t try to de-Sinicize themselves any further (removing Tet isn’t the way to go Vietnamese).



Max Winey 2 upvotes
It’s funny cause Japan hates China the most yet they embrace Kanji knowing full well it comes from China. Also Japan also claim that their culture is superior and claim that any Chinese influenced aspect are their own at one point even claim that they they deserve the name Chuugoku.


Tim Tran
I can assure you Vietnamese hate China more than Japanese. They were able to claim like that because of how powerful they were.
The moment Ming Dynasty collapsed Korea said that they were the remnants and successor of Sino culture and called themselves Junggug .
At the exact same time Vietnam said that they were remnants and successor of Sino culture and called themselves Trung QuN89;c .
I assumed Japan was the same.


(Chuugoku:中国一词在日本罗马音中的读法。Junggug:中国一词在韩语中的读法。Trung QuN89;c:中国一词在越南语中的读法,N89;原本不是数字,是一个魔改的o,但是论坛无法正常显示这个字母,导致带上标的字母变成了数字。)


Al Lee
“I can assure you Vietnamese hate China more than Japanese.” - Is this possibly related to the fact that Vietnam had fought many wars against the Chinese centuries ago?


Tim Tran 6 upvotes
Yes that's one of them. However this is a relatively recent hatred. Vietnamese always regarded China as the center of civilization for centuries despite being conquered and attacked many times.
The reason for this is modern education that floods with propaganda. Vietnamese are taught at school in detail at what horrible thing Chinese did to Vietnam even though their southern enemy Champa (whom Vietnamese erased from this earth) attacked and ransacked Viet capitals more times than China did.
The modern propaganda was an effort to claim South China Sea Islands and an effort to de-sinicize Vietnam.


(注:Champa Kingdom:占城(137~1697) 即占婆补罗,简译占婆国。位于中南半岛东南部,北起今越南河静省的横山关,南至平顺省潘郎、潘里地区。王都为因陀罗补罗。中国古籍称其为象林邑,简称林邑,从8世纪下半叶至唐末,改称环王国。五代又称占城。据当地发现的国碑铭,始终自号占婆。明朝多次诏令越南停止入侵占城,但胡氏依然不断,并拘留来中国朝贡后回国的占城使臣,夺走明朝赐给占城的物品。因而引起明成祖的愤慨。当胡军围困占京时,明朝派出海船九艘往占城,并在海上与越军相遇时,告诫胡军将领元瑰: “速班师,不可久留” 。由于越军“绝粮,攻城不克”和明朝海军的干预,被迫从占城撤军。郑和下一洋第一站占城新州港既今越南中南部平定归仁港,为古代越南南方第一码头。)


Max Winey 3 upvotes
Against Chinese invasion 4 invasion attempts annexed 2 times. 1000 years annexed from Han Tang dynasty 20 years annexed from Ming dynasty if I’m correct.

Al Lee
That’s an awful lot of wars and lengthy occupation. It’s no wonder bitterness remains deeply then.

Max Winey 1 upvote
Well according Pew research of which country is unfavorable of CHina Vietnam(73%) is only second to Japan(91%). I’m not sure about Japan ever did the same after Ming collapse but at one point in time Japan did feel like it’s culture and Confucianism is superior than China and thinks it’s more deserving of the name Chuugoku 中国.



Kong Wandering and Blathering Around Just to Practice My English
Answered 12m ago
Reluctant to admit but Japanese do be the most modest folks in the whole Sinosphere even including Chinese. That makes them admirable but also horrible.


One of the centrals in their culture is 忍 which has the same character and similar meaning in 忍者(Ninja).The original meaning is endurance/tolerance etc.And I think Japanese developed other explanations on it like pretending to be inferior to confuse their rivals.That’s why they don’t mind admitting that lots of their culture comes from China eventhough many of their civilians dislike us according to the street interview.


[copy]As for koreansI don’t know what do they think.Here is a badinage about them:When Japan does well in some aspects related to Chinathey would say “it rises in China but we are the better now”(indeed);when Korea does the samethey would say “we originated it and Chinese stole it”(hehe)



Answered Jan 23
That's why they are the most developed country in the sinosphere.


They learn from anyone who's better not just technology but culture organization even dresses (Japanese were the first and only one who completely adapted western way of life down to the dresses).


And they admit it that others are better give them full credit embrace them. (They are equally vicious in disrespecting them once they found that they are in every way better)


And that's the trail of the best student and most successful one, do you want to teach someone who refuses to give you utmost respect or even admit that they learned from you?



Jacques V?n KhN43;i I am oversea Asian man
Answered 23h ago
Interesting fact: Japan hates China most following with Vietnam then India and recently South Korea.


However do you know what is the famous quote about Brazilian football? Same here I will help:


Os ingleses o inventaram os brasileiros o aperfei?oaram

The English invented it the Brazilians perfected it


It is a famous quote about how Brazilians made football/soccer perfect by their own hands despite of being influenced by English themselves. On the other side they accept but they make it their own.


So it is quite true there.


The Chinese influences affect a lot of Japan. Japanese tea is also borrowed from Chinese Japan’s Confucianism is also the result from China. Kanji came from Hanyu of Chinese language. Even manga came from China’s manhua. But Japan used Chinese elements to create their own.


They did. When China was razed by wars the Japanese spread it. When PRC closed the door to the world until 1978 Japan perfected it. Same as how Brazilians perfected football/soccer from the Englishmen.


I can agree: they accepted to be influenced by China; but they are not just more successful in culture but also perfecting it better and better.



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