
【Outside Show】高大上的橄榄油还分这4种,不要再被人忽悠了~!

 百科知识大汇集 2017-08-21

橄榄油是由新鲜的橄榄果实不经任何化学处理压榨而成,保留了大量的天然营养成分。橄榄油富含丰富的单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acid)。单不饱和脂肪酸能够帮助降低人体内胆固醇总量,增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 HDL (好胆固醇),降低低密度脂胆固醇LDL (坏胆固醇)。对于糖尿病患者,单不饱和脂肪酸还能帮助控制血糖,调整人体内胰岛素水平。所以,选择橄榄油做食用油可以起到降低血脂,控制血糖,从而起到保护心血管、肝脏,降低高血压病、脑中风、乳腺癌等疾病的发生风险。



特级初榨橄榄油 (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)——是级别最高、质量最好的纯天然橄榄油。这种油通过最新鲜的橄榄利用冷榨的处理,不经过任何加热的处理所提取而成。这种方式最好的保存了油里面包含的抗氧化以及不饱和脂肪酸的成分。冷榨处理也使得这种油的酸度在1%以下。同时,这种油具有低的冒烟点,虽然可以用于热炒菜中(猪油的冒烟点在182摄氏度左右)。 但是由于它含有大量的抗氧化物,而高温会破坏其中的营养成分所以,建议用于沙拉酱和冷盘中,当然也可以用于日常料理中。


初榨橄榄油(Virgin Olive Oil)——有时会被细分为优质(Fine)和普通(Ordinary)两级。这种油也是通过同样的方式生产而成,并且不与其他的油混合,它主要是从刚熟的橄榄中提取,具有淡淡的香气,同时酸度在2%左右,主要把它用于凉菜或者低温烹调中。


普通/纯橄榄油 (Pure Olive Oil)——精炼橄榄油与一定比例的初榨橄榄油混合,以调和味道与颜色,酸度不超过1.5%。通常如果初榨的油质量不高,不足以制成以上两种油的话,将会把初始的油进行精炼,然后与初榨橄榄油进行混合,进而得到普通橄榄油。普通橄榄油是非常好的烹饪用油以及煎炸用油。


淡味橄榄油(Light Olive Oil)——是一种精炼橄榄油,它与其它的油具有相同的卡路里与脂肪。而它最重要的点就在于它的“light”这个词上面,这种油不像其他的油味道那么的重,口味也比较清淡,它最适合用于烧烤了。它的冒烟点在242摄氏度左右,也可用于高温烹饪,油炸,或烘培等。





You’ve probably wondered more than once if your typical bottle of extra-virgin olive oil was worth the price tag — the same price tag that’s on a gargantuan vat of regular olive oil. Is it really that much better? To determine which is the best buy for you, you should first understand the different types of olive oil.

There’s extra-virgin olive oil (or EVOO), virgin olive oil, pure olive oil (or olive oil) and light olive oil.

Extra-virgin olive oil

We’re going to go all Rachael Ray on you and stick to “EVOO” to save a little time and space in this post (sorry!). EVOO is the highest-quality olive oil and is extracted from olives through a process called cold pressing, which means the oil is removed using only pressure and was not heated over a certain temperature. This is the best way to keep all of the good-for-you antioxidants and monounsaturated fats in the oil. Cold pressing also preserves the most olive flavor and keeps the acidity under 1%. EVOO has a low smoke point, which means it doesn’t take a high temperature for it to start smoking. Use EVOO for salad dressings and cold dishes.

Virgin olive oil

Though virgin olive oil (without the “extra”) is produced through the same process and is not blended with other oils, it’s made from slightly riper olives. It has a lighter flavor and is around 2% acidity. Use virgin olive oil for cold dishes or low-temperature cooking.

Pure olive oil

Also labeled simply “olive oil,” pure olive oil is a mix of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil, says Eryn Balch, EVP of the North American Olive Oil Association. ”These oils still come from the ‘first press’ of olives,” Balch says. “If the quality of the original oil is not good enough to be virgin or extra virgin, it is refined to remove the bad odors and flavors and then blended with some virgin to be called ‘olive oil’ again.”

Because of the heat used in the extraction process, this type of olive oil contains fewer antioxidants but still offers the same amount of monounsaturated fats as the rest of the oils. Pure olive oil is great for cooking and frying.

Light olive oil

Despite its name, light olive oil has just as many calories and just as much fat as the other types. The word “light” refers to the fact that it’s lighter in flavor — you won’t get as much of that olive taste. This makes it great for baking since you’re usually not looking for an olive flavor in your baked goods. However, it can also be used for sautéing, grilling and frying. It has a high smoke point, which means it takes a high temperature for it to start smoking.

Which is the healthiest?

This is a tricky question. First of all, you should know that they all contain the same amount of calories and fat. However, the higher-quality oils, like EVOO and virgin olive oil, contain more of the good-for-you healthy phenols (i.e., antioxidants). According to FitSugar, EVOO also has higher levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, chlorophyll and magnesium. That said, heat destroys a good amount of those beneficial components. In fact, a report published in the journal Food Research International this year stated that cooking with olive oil degrades its antioxidant power so much that you might as well be using other refined oils, like vegetable oil, which is cheaper.

Furthermore, your EVOO might not be as EVOO as you think. In the past couple of years, study after study has found that even the major EVOO brands don’t meet the EVOO standards established by European regulators. Just last month, the U.S. International Trade Commission published a report stating that “current international standards for extra virgin olive oil allow a wide range of oil qualities to be marketed as extra virgin. In addition, the standards are widely unenforced.”







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