
acknowledge, admit,concede,confess 的区别

 极简生活518 2017-10-21
这些动词都表示公开接受真理或事实的存在,条件等,尽管有些不情愿。一个人可以acknowledge某种窘迫或尴尬的事情,且通常并非出于自愿;更常见的是,acknowledge多少带有不情愿的意思:The geneal acknowledge that the war had not been going as well as expected.

Admit 是大胆地承认牵涉到一个人已经正式否认或想糊弄过去的事情:He admitted under questioning that he was in the service of a foreign power,but denied he was guilty of espionage. 一个人concedes,通常 是因为绝对可靠的证据,而不得不admit某事。【She had no choice but to concede she had been guilty of bad jugdement; in the face of the disastrous military battle,they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agree to a negotiated surrender.】confess 是承认有犯罪,或承认一个毛病:confess that he was an accomplice of the robber; The judge confessed he had never read the book that had been removed from the library.

反义词:contradict(反驳,否定), forswear(作伪证,作假誓)

​翻译自《choose the right word》

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