
Wartsila-RT-FLEX 检修 (深度好文 不容错过)

 莱阳大李 2017-11-09


下面由我带大家探导一下Wartsila-RT-FLEX 电喷主机正常航行时,报警:排气阀不能关闭(控制界面如下图),主机自动降速。什么原因造成的?我们该如何应急处理? 如何检修?如何避免?


  1.有时是线路故障,线路板发热故障,在低速时,单缸停油,然后切断该缸的线路板的电源, 过几秒,电源复位。

   2.排气阀VCU故障:新船时,VCU内部机械运动部件卡死的情况少(老船有),VCU 上面有2个滤器, 一大一下,大的滤器是伺服油的过滤器, 小的滤器是回油和油压控制(英文:orifice),   两个滤器脏堵导致排气阀不能打开或不能关闭时有发生。定期清洗才是预防事故的有效解决办法。

   3.控制空气压力:控制空气连接排气阀有一个止回阀(no return valve),止回阀破损, 也会导致排气阀无法关闭。停车后,关闭排气阀的控制空气, 拆除空气管,检查或更换止回阀(no return valve)。

  4 排气阀的位置传感器脏或线路故障,传导了错误的排气阀的位置信号,停车后清洁检查即可。

  5 排气阀内部运动部件卡死,停车时拆解排气阀阀头, 即可观察或检修。


The factors of Exhaust Valve not close.

1.   VCU Orifice.

From the VCU inside there has an orifice; the pressurized servo oil after filter will go to the actuator piston

chamber via the orifice. If this orifice or inside the throttle pin loosen then will out of control the feed rate to

the actuator chamber and trigger exhaust valve not closed.

Therefore, when I attend the on board training, I will instruct ship’s crew how to check this orifice to make

sure it is proper tighten in place, no clog or any abnormal should be confirm. It

Orifice  Actuator  Chamber

The Orifice and inside the throttle pin.

FILTER  Ship engineer removing the orifice from VCU

After removal the throttle pin can see the orifice almost half of holes were clogged

After cleaned



2.   Rail Valve.

A mal-function rail valve can also trigger the exhaust valve not close; some foreigner particle invaded

the rail valve internal then  trigger rail valve mal-function, aged of components or poor  contact of the

signal cable.

When the rail valve condition going down, from flexView EXHV card there can see  the rail valve “On

Time Open /  Close” become high,  below an example  cylinder #4 the rail  valve Open/Close time is

2.0ms, ship crews should keep monitoring or replace it, the max allow is 4ms.

Additional information of Rail Valve.



3.   Exhaust Valve Drive

From the exhaust valve drive inside also has an orifice, usually ship crews has to cleaning it in 3-4

months intervals.

The size of this orifice is as same as VCU’s, recommend every 3-4 months intervals ship crews

remove it for cleaning. If it is clogged then the affect the exhaust valve not closed / open problem.

This orifice as sameas VCU’s, inside has throttle pin.

It should be makesure inside clean, no clog and loosen.



投稿 ,建议,沟通:35628559@qq.com,

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