

 徒步者的收藏 2017-11-18

6- and 7-Year-Olds Couldn

The internet is having a field day figuring out what the real answer is to a simple math problem. A Twitter user named Louise Bloxham shared a math problem from a Year 2 (equivalent to the first grade in the US) workbook. The tweet and account are now gone but the problem asked 'There were some people on a train. 19 people get off the train at the first stop. 17 people get on the train. Now there are 63 people on the train. How many people were on the train to begin with?'

互联网一整天都在忙于算出一道简单数学题的真正答案。一个名叫Louise Bloxham的推特用户分享了一道二年级的数学题(相当于美国一年级的水平),推文已被删除,但这问题的内容是“火车上有一些人,在第一站停车的时候有19个人下车,17个人上车。现在火车上共有63人,那么刚开始的时候火车上共有多少人?”

If you try solving it yourself you'll probably get this setup: X - 19 + 17 = 63. All you have to do is solve for x which gives you 65 as the answer:

如果你试图自己计算这个问题,那么你可能会列出这个算式:X - 19 + 17 = 63,你需要做的就是求解X,从而得到65这个答案:

Yes It is 65. x - 19 + 17 = 63
Therefore x -2 = 63 ...x = 65. Algebraic solution for a y2 Q.
- Robyn Duckworth (@DuckworthRobyn) May 8 2016

是的,答案是65 。x - 19 + 17 = 63
所以 x -2 = 63 ...x = 65,  只是一个一元方程的代数解。

But if you look further into the comments users start arguing that the answer is 46 not 65.


on a teacher's FB group a teacher said it was on the mark scheme as Being 46
- Louise Bloxham (@LouiseBloxham) May 8 2016



Other commentators became philosophical and said that the math problem fails to factor in the train driver and inspector:


Husband says '66 because we've forgotten train driver'. But that doesn't factor in inspector...

如用户Mrs Davison说,“我老公说是66,因为我们忘了把列车驾驶员算进去了”。但是这也没把巡视员的人数考虑进去。

The situation apparently became too much for one person who said that everyone was 'looking at it algebraically for proof purposes' when it was really just a simple equation.


Yes Question is perfectly fine. We are looking at it algebraically for proof purposes but it's simple add + sub.

网友Olachi Akin说,“是的,这是个好问题。大家都从代数证明的角度来计算它,但是它只是一道简单的加减运算题。”

Although the math question has stumped some parents and young children the main concern here is not whether or not it can be solved but if 6- and 7-year-olds should've been asked it. That answer to that question is simple: if there's this much debate about it with adults then it's not suitable for children.


Jon7 hours ago
'Although the math question has stumped some parents and young children the main concern here is not whether or not it can be solved but if 6- and 7-year-olds should've been asked it. That answer to that question is simple: if there's this much debate about it with adults then it's not suitable for children.'
What a load. Might as well say I don't want my kid to be able to use their brain. Trying and failing is what makes you better at things.
Dave7 hours ago
The answer is zero. No one was 'on' the train they were 'in' the train.
Brian7 hours ago
People = dumb
Chris H7 hours ago
If any adult actually had to write out the problem to solve it needs to reuate their life. This is easily done in your head.
jfjake7 hours ago
I think 63 plus 2 is in the range of a 7 year old.
Anonymustard7 hours ago
Huh? I don't see any arguments about it being 46. Just one stupid teacher who said it's 46. How do you even come up with that number?

ConcernedChristian7 hours ago
I used to think that my life had no meaning but then I read an article written by Marina Liao. Now I feel pretty good about myself.
我曾经认为我的生活没有任何意义,但是后来我看了一篇Marina Liao写的文章。现在我自我感觉非常良好。
Shinjo Dun7 hours ago
The math question is simple.
The people who think the answer is something other than 65 are idiots. Even those trying to count the conductor as 63 is the total on the train not passengers on the train.
bobbi9 hours ago
I think the bigger question is missed. Does a 1st grader (age 6/7) have the reading skills to read the word problem? A poor reader might be a math geek and can solve numbers but would fail at today’s math with all those word problems.
AC7 hours ago
There is an obvious net loss of two people here. Why isn’t the answer just 65?? End of story!!!
Ronnie7 hours ago
Schools have been dumb downed for blacks Hispanics and women.
Stephanie5 hours ago
I can't imagine there being a debate about this. It is an absolute… If you truly had 63 people on a train and 17 got on while 19 got off then it is ABSOLUTE 65 people.

DanielH7 hours ago
Thanks Marina Liao for being a troll with this clickbait crap. Just because people are stupid doesn't mean they are correct.
感谢Marina Liao让我们明白这只是一个骗取点击率的标题党,仅仅因为人们是愚蠢的并不意味着他们就是正确的。

short bus7 hours ago
It's a good thing it's not required to be answered to get into pro sports 3/4 of the teams would have an empty roster.

SchlieffenPlan7 hours ago
the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything is 42.
Cherie7 hours ago
63 subtract the newbies(17) add in the original riders(19) you get 65 not that hard if you are too dumb to figure it out it's time you go back to school and that includes teachers.

For the Lulz7 hours ago
The math here is pretty simple. Anyone claiming that the answer is 46 should never have made it through school. They're living proof that our school system is inadequate.

Tom S7 hours ago
46? fire that teacher immediately. Not qualified teach math.

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