

 昵称49917019 2017-11-24
            广西旅游业的发展机遇与挑战 摘要 随着中国—东盟自由贸易区的建立,地处祖国南疆的广西,将由边陲和交通末梢变成与国内外交往的重要信道和枢纽,广西的区位优势也将从“西南出海大通道”到“中国—东盟合作的经济走廊”,形成一个拥有19亿消费者、近六万亿美元国内生产总值的经济区,并极大扩展我国与东盟各国旅游业的发展空间。 旅游业是广西正在全力培育和打造的支柱产业和形象产业,中国—东盟博览会的举办将加快实现广西成为中国联接东南亚的旅游枢纽,成为吸引国内外游客的主要目的地,成为东南亚和中国旅游的集散中心。因此,发展广西旅游有着重大的意义。首先应该根据广西旅游资源和广西旅游业发展状况和发展的趋势,分析广西旅游业与东盟合作在发展过程中出现的机遇和挑战,然后为提升广西旅游业与东盟合作发展提出思路与对策。 [关键词] 广西旅游业 机遇与挑战 思路与对策 ABSTRACT With the holding the founding of Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone.As a southern part of country,Guangxi has been changed from a remote region to an importanttransport hub which connects China and ASEAN countries.Thelocation advantageof Guangxi extend from the southwest acess to the sea to the economic corridor of Sino-ASEAN cooperation,and will form a Economic Zone which possess 1.9 billion consumers and nearly 6000 billion US Dollar GDP,by which the tourism between China and ASEAN countries will get great development,and Guangxi also will be an attractive tourist destination and abroad and a new distributing centre for Southest Asia tourists.Therefore,facing to the new tourism environment,Guangxi should take effective measures to promote the development of tourist economy in an all-round. This thesis mainly discussed the development opportunity and challenge of tourism in Guangxi based on the environment of Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone,Guangxi is to nurture the tourism industry and create the image of the pillar industries and industry,the founding of the Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone,and the implementation of zero tariff policy,which are very important to develop the tourism economy.First of all,should be based on tourism resource and tourism in Guangxi status and trends of the tourism industry of Guangxi-ASEAN cooperation in the development process and emerging challenges,and to enhance the development of Guangxi-ASEAN cooperation in tourism and measures put forward ideas. [Key Words] Guangxi Tourism Opportunity and Challenge Suggestion and Policy 目录 一、中国—东盟自由贸易区带来新机遇、新动力 (1) (一)广西

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