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 酸奶没泡沫 2017-11-29

Philip Hammond’s cautious budget grimly reflects Britain’s state
Growth forecasts have been slashed and Brexit looms, but the government is too weak to do anything but fiddle
 Print edition | Leaders
Nov 25th 2017

THE glass of booze that chancellors of the exchequer may sip while delivering the budget speech is well deserved. High economics, low politics and bad jokes combine in an hour-long monologue before a baying crowd. Philip Hammond, who presented his budget on November 22nd, had it harder than most. The deficit still yawns, voters are sick of austerity and, amid a Conservative civil war, many of Mr Hammond’s own side want rid of him. Impressively, he stuck to mineral water.
It was a decent speech, focusing on the dire productivity problem that is holding Britain back (see article). It should be enough to save his job, which is just as well, since he is one of the few remaining sensibles in Theresa May’s cabinet. But Mr Hammond’s budget was a bleak reflection of the state Britain is in. Economic-growth forecasts are sharply worse. Money is short. And, although many of the chancellor’s policies point in the right direction, their timid scale spoke of a government too weak to live up to its ambitions.
Watered down and on the rocks
As Mr Hammond intended, the immediate coverage highlighted a modest tax break for first-time housebuyers. But the real story of the budget was the forecasts for Britain’s future growth. The independent fiscal watchdog expects the economy to grow by 1.5% this year, down from the 2% it predicted in March. By 2020 growth will be as low as 1.3%. This is at a time when forecasts for most rich countries—including, notably, the euro zone—are being revised upwards. And this gloomy picture may even be optimistic. The forecasts are based on the assumption that Britain will continue to enjoy high levels of immigration and remain in the single market, neither of which is likely. And they make no provision for the possibility of a damaging no-deal Brexit, which the government still throws around as a plausible outcome of its talks in Brussels.
哈蒙德在预算法案中表示将给首次购房者减税。预算法案的背后是对英国未来经济增长的悲观预测。独立的财政监测机构预计英国今年经济增长将为1.5%, 低于3月预测的2%,而与此同时大部分富裕国家(主要是欧元区)的预测都在上调。即便如此,这种预测还是可能过于乐观,因为这种预测是基于英国能继续获得大量移民并一直呆在单一市场内,而这是不可能的。而且它还没考虑脱欧净身出户的可能性,通过政府和布鲁塞尔的脱欧谈判来看,这是可能的。
Mr Hammond barely dared to mention Brexit, focusing instead on the shortages of housing and skilled workers, which he correctly identified as central causes of Britain’s productivity problem. But to slay these monsters, he brandished a peashooter. Schools will get an extra £600 ($800) a year for each additional pupil who studies advanced-level maths. More computing teachers will be trained, and distance-learning courses will get more money. His housing plan was more eye-catching, but even an estate agent would describe it as bijou. As well as the giveaway to first-time buyers—which will inflate house prices, but at least improve young people’s bargaining position relative to others—he endorsed a plan for a new corridor of development between Oxford and Cambridge and commissioned a review into whether housebuilders should be made to develop land they are sitting on. Sensible stuff, but hardly enough to meet his target of 300,000 homes a year.
The theme of decent ideas, realised in miniature, went beyond the productivity plans. The needlessly harsh treatment of people applying for universal credit, a welfare benefit, will be softened somewhat. But the cuts to the incomes of the very poorest will not be any less deep. The National Health Service was given just enough money to help it limp on (at the same time, the chancellor allocated £3bn for Brexit preparations, which might surprise people who voted Leave hoping that it would free up more cash for the NHS). Social care for the elderly, the Tories’ main issue during the election in June, received no mention at all. Mr Hammond’s lack of big plans was given away by the abundance of little ones. The budget contained 77 initiatives, as many as George Osborne, his predecessor and a notorious fiddler, ever managed.
If the government is to live up to the chancellor’s promise to “build on Britain’s great global success story”, it must think bigger. Yet its precarious position has left it unable to risk upsetting a single voter. A tax on diesel cars will not apply to vans, for fear of annoying small-business owners. The green belt, which holds back house-building like no other policy but is cherished by people in marginal constituencies, was ritually praised. The only people for whom Mr Hammond dared to announce tax rises were foreign tech firms and people with empty second homes. If Britain is to prosper, it will need to make harder choices than this.

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