
Grade 5 English Quizzes at Quiz Maker

 sr_wang 2018-05-10

1. what are examples of be verbs?

A. Is, was, are, were, am

2. give example of action word

A. Run, jump, play, walk, eat

3. what is the meaning of linking verb?

A. Is a verb that is followed by a adjective,noun and pronoun

4. what kind of verb is this sentence?'her sister is a nurse.'

A. Linking verb

5. is this sentence transitive or intransitive verb?'He gave her best friend a gift.

A. Transitive verb


15 Questions  |   Created By mallows

First online quiz for grade 5 students of JCA.

1. He is who is able to communicate effectively his idea using different types of media.

A. Media Maker
B. Media Master
C. Media Minister

2.  What are the termed use for digital photos?

A. Images
B. Audio
C. Video

3. In the past the only way to see a prnted picture in a computer is to first convert a picture into digital images by the use of what device?

A. Scanner
B. Printer
C. Copier

4. This format is used for moving images.


5. Images, audios and videos are examplesof what form of information?

A. Animated
B. Textual
C. Non-textual

6. TIF format mostly used for images.

A. True
B. False

7. Sounds and musicsare part of our everyday life.

A. True
B. False

8. JPEG file is smaller in size.

A. True
B. False

9. Picture file are much larger than audio file.

A. True
B. False

10. Videos are the most interesting form of non-textual information.

A. True
B. False

11. This video format is larger than MP4 format.

A. AVI format

12. This video format is typically used on media players and cellphones.

A. MP4 Format

13. What is the most powerful form of non-textual information?

A. Video

14. What are the collective term used for digital photos, pictures and illustrations?

A. Images

15. This web graphic format use for logos, clipart and animated images.


Health For 5 Grade

5 Questions  |   Created By mmcdonald17

The quiz is about health in 5 grade at ccds.  It will talk about both sexs. 

1. how long is a mom pregnate before she gives birth?

A. 12 months or 6 weeks
B. 9 through 10 months
C. 9 weeks

2. where does semain go through to get out

A. The testies, vas deferense, bladder, prostate glands, urethra

3. what is the female sex cell called?

A. Ovary
B. Vagina
C. Testies
D. Egg
E. Sperm

4. where does the poop come out

A. Vagina
B. Uterus
C. Urethra
D. Bladder
E. Anus

5. what does HIV stand for

A. Human immun vino
B. Human immunodefiency virus

World Exploration 5 Grade

25 Questions  |   Created By eugenek1

Fifth grade world exploration quiz

1. On his second voyage, Columbus landed on what Island?

A. Newfoundland
B. Hispaniola
C. Greenland
D. Cuba

2. The wars to Capture Jerusalem from the Muslim Turks was called

A. Crusades
B. The Crusades

3. The merchant who returned from China to Venice in 1295 and described his travels was...

A. Vasco da Gama
B. Marco Polo
C. Fernando Magellan
D. Cristopher Columbus

4. Marco Polo was 17 when the family left for China and 43 when he returned to Venice.

A. True
B. False

5. The first Europeans to reach America are believed to be ...

A. The Vikings in 11th century
B. Italian merchants in 14 century
C. Christopher Columbus in 1492
D. Amerigo Vespucci

6. Why was Africa a favorite merchant destination in 14-15th centuries? Select all answers that apply.

A. Africa was rich in natural resources
B. Africa was rich in salt
C. Africa was rich in gold
D. Africa was poor and needed help

7. Prince Henry of what country set up navigation school in 15the century?

A. Britain
B. Spain
C. Portugal
D. France

8. Navigation is a scientific discipline studying ...

A. The weather patterns in the world
B. The ways of finding direction and following routs at seas
C. Technical issues of shipbuilding
D. Describing the surface of the Earth

9. What are some tools of practical navigation? Select all that apply

A. Compass
B. Maps
C. Star maps
D. Merchants financial records

10. In 1488 who was the first European to travel around the southern tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope?

A. Bartolomeu Dias
B. Vasco da Gama
C. Fernando Magellan
D. Marco Polo

11. A line of latitude on the map is called a...

A. Parallel

12. A line of longtitude on the map is called a...

A. Meridian

13. The Equator is how many degrees latitude?

A. 0

14. A line of longtitude with 0 degrees longtitude is called the...

A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Zero meridian
D. Eastern meridian

15. What did the Europeans call the Indies?

A. India
B. Asia
C. China
D. Indochina

16. Which were common travel destinations before Columbus? Select all that applies.

A. Mediterranian Sea
B. Black Sea
C. South around Africa in the Atlantic
D. Across the Atlantic Ocean to the West
E. Indian Ocean

17. Columbus's voyage was paid for by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of what country?

A. Spain
B. Italy
C. France
D. Portugal

18. What was the year of Columbus's voyage?

A. 1492

19. What did people Columbus met in San Salvador call themselves?

A. Taino

20. What two country are now on the island of Hispaniola? Select two.

A. Cuba
B. Dominican Republic
C. Haiti
D. Bahamas

21. Columbian Exchange was barter of goods between Native Americans and Europeans. What could Native Americans provide? Select all that is true.

A. Horses
B. Pigs
C. Tomatoes
D. Corn
E. Potatoes

22. Settlement of non-native people in a new land to develop economy there is called...

A. Capital
B. Colony
C. Fortress
D. Fort

23. Spanish troops sent to explore and conquer Central American territories were called the...  (which means 'the conquerer')

A. Conquistadors

24. Trading goods without use of money is called...

A. Barter

25. Merchants traveled and traded goods to ...

A. Spread knowledge to other countries
B. To get profit
C. To claim new lands for their countries
D. For personal pleasure

Grade 5 Math Quiz Bee

10 Questions  |   Created By boyetme

These were the questions my Grade 5 students answered during the Math Quiz Bee. Questions 1 to 4 were Easy questions (1 point each). Questions 5 to 7 were Average questions (3 points each). Questions 8 to 10 were Difficult questions (5 points each). Have fun answering!!

1. Add and subtract: Note: Use the slash in writing fractions such as 3/11 for three-elevenths.

A. 13/20

2. What is  of 72?

A. 27

3. What fraction of the figure is shaded?

A. 2/3

4. Ana walked  km. She jogged  km. How many kilometers did she walk and jog altogether? Note: Use the space and slash in writing mixed numbers such as 8 2/3 km for eight and two-thirds kilometers.

A. 5 11/12 km

5. Ana cut  of a pie for her children. She gave  of the remainder to her neighbor. What fraction of the pie did she have left?

A. 1/10

6. Which pattern comes next? 


7. Find the value of h. Note: Write the word degrees for angles such as 30 degrees for 

A. 27 degrees

8. Abby jogged  km. Julius jogged  km more than Abby. Joebie jogged  km more than Julius. How many kilometers did they jog altogether?

A. 4 km

9. If each square has a side equal to 2 cm, what is the area of the shaded region? Note: Write the unit  as cm.sq.

A. 44 sq.cm.

10. Complete the pattern of fractions below: Note: Separate your answers with a comma such as 2 1/2 , 3 1/2

A. 4 1/2 , 7

Grade 5 Nutrition Quiz

12 Questions  |   Created By coreyal

Grade five quiz that reviews the Canada's Food guide and making healthy choices.

1. Canada's food guide suggests that you consume approximately how many servings of fruits and vegetables every day?

A. 5-10
B. 10-20
C. 1-5

2.  Which of the following is NOT an example of the meat and alternatives food group?

A. Poultry
B. Peanut Butter
C. Fish
D. None of the above

3. The Canada's Food Guide recommends that we eat the most servings from what food group every day?

A. Grain Products
B. Fruits and Vegetables
C. Milk Products
D. Meat and Alternatives

4. Protine is a sorce of energy that helps us...

5. There are two types of carbohydrates. They are...

A. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
B. Simple and complex
C. Fat-soluble and water-soluble

6. The following is NOT an example of a mineral.

A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Grain
D. Salt

7. How long can your body survive without consuming any water?

A. 1-2 days
B. 3-4 weeks
C. 1-2 weeks
D. 3-4 days

8. A good diet avoids what?

A. Simple carbohydrates
B. Pasta
C. Bread
D. Fruit

9. Which nutrient helps with bone formation?

A. Vitamins
B. Minerals
C. Protein
D. Fats

10. What could you do to make healthier choices when eating at a resturant? (Check all that apply)

A. Ask for salad dressing on the side
B. Order french fries instead of a baked potato.
C. Have a super-sized meal so you eat less at your next meal.
D. Order mustard on sandwhiches instead of mayonnaise

11. What can a person do to maintain a healthy body weight?

12. Describe the importance of food to the body?

Second Step Grade 5 POST TEST

14 Questions  |   Created By mwhitman

Second Step Grade 5 POST TEST

1. What is the feeling of this face?

A. Angry
B. Scared
C. Nervous

2. What is the feeling of this face?

A. Nervous
B. Angry
C. Disappointed

3. What is the feeling of this face?

A. Worried
B. Angry
C. Glad

4. Jasmine and Mark were playing catch.  Jasmine asked Mark to back way up and then she threw baseball hard.  The baseball hit Mark in the eye. Throwing the baseball towards Mark was....(choose one)

A. On accident
B. On purpose
C. Unexpected

5. Hitting Mark in the eye was... (choose one)

A. An accident
B. On purpose
C. Mean

6. Which picture shows active listening?A.    B.C.

A. Picture A
B. Picture B
C. Picture C

7. To answer the next few questions, you will need to know these words: Solution= an answer to a problemSolve= to find an answer to a problemAfter youo name a problem, the next thing you should do is....

A. Think of a good solution
B. Choose the best solution
C. Ask for hep
D. Think up some solutions

8. There are four questions you should ask yourself when deciding on a solution to a problem.  Which question is NOT one of those questions?

A. Is it safe?
B. How might other people feel?
C. Is it fair?
D. Will I get in trouble?

9. Tim asks his friend Mario if he wants to drink a beer.  Mario says, 'No.' Tim laughs, 'Come on. It's fun!' What is the best thing Mario could say to Tim?

A. 'We could both get in trouble.'
B. 'How did you get the beer?'
C. 'Only babies drink beer?'
D. 'Get out of my face.'

10. Shari likes to gossip.  Shari tells Ava that their friend Pam acts silly.  What is the best thing Ava could do?

A. Ask Shari why she thinks Pam acts silly.
B. Tell Pam what Shari said.
C. Talk to some other friends about it.
D. Change the subject.

11. Which one of these items is something you should NOT do to calm down when you are angry?

A. Take 3 deep breaths
B. Count backwards slowly
C. Scream and yell
D. Think nice thoughts to self

12. If a friend was ignored by other students and felt sad, what is something you could do or say t show you care?I would.....

A. Help your friend join in
B. Wait until you friend tried to get involved
C. Ignore your other friends

13. After you have calmed down and solved  a problem....

A. Forget about it
B. Do something else
C. Think about how you did
D. Rest

14. Brett accuses Mike of copying his report.  What is the best thing Mike could do now?

A. Say he didn't copy him.
B. Think if what Brett said is true
C. Say Brett is lying
D. Tell the teacher

Grade 7 Mixtures

11 Questions  |   Created By chiling

grade 7 mixtures

1. A mixture is ...

A. A pure substancae
B. Two or more substances mixed together

2. Mixtures can be classified into 2 types, homogeneous and heterogenous.  They are different because

A. Heterogenous has 2 substances. Homogenous has 3 or more substances
B. Homogeneous looks the same throughout, with heterogenous you can see the different parts
C. Heterogeneous looks the same throughout, with homogeneous you can see the different parts
D. They are the same, just different names

3. Another name for homogeneous is

A. Solution
B. Solvent
C. Solute
D. Saline

4. To separate a mixture of sand and iron it is easiest to use

A. Floating
B. Picking them out
C. A magnet
D. Filter with filter paper

5. solutions are made of at least 2 parts called

A. Solution and solute
B. Solute and solvent
C. Solvent and saline
D. Solution and solvent

6. I'm making soup for lunch.  Which would be faster, rock salt or regular table salt?

A. Rock salt
B. Table salt

7. What else can I do to make the salt in my soup dissolve faster?

A. Add a lot of table salt
B. Stir
C. Add heat
D. Let it sit

8. Which of the following are homogeneous mixtures?

A. Water
B. Rocky road ice cream
C. Shampoo
D. Oatmeal

9. Which of the following are mechanical mixtures?

A. Chocolate bar with almonds
B. Chocolate milk
C. Flat pop
D. Orange juice with pulp

10. What happens when you try to make a solution of salt and oil?

A. It becomes a homogeneous solution, the salt dissolves into the oil
B. It becomes a heterogeneous mixture, the salt doesn't dissovle into the oil
C. The oil can only dissolve a little bit of salt

11. To separate a solution of black pepper and salt...

A. Add water to collect the pepper
B. Pick out the pepper from salt by hand
C. Add water, filter out the pepper, boil off the water to get salt
D. Add water, filter out the salt, boil off the water to get the pepper


6 Questions  |   Created By Francofun

Multiple Choice for Grade 5. Factorization and Prime Factorization

1. Is 3 a factor of 138?

A. Yes
B. No

2. Is 2439 divisible by 9?

A. Yes
B. No

3. Is 2442 divisible by 6?

A. Yes
B. No

4. What is prime factorization of 48

A. 2 x 2 X 2 x 2 x 3
B. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
C. 2 x 3 x 4
D. 2 x 12 x 2

5. Find the prime factors of 520?

A. 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
B. 2 x 2 x 2 X 5 x 13
C. 2 x 5 x 52

6. What is the prime factorization of 603

A. 2 x 7 x 43
B. 3 x 3 x 67
C. 3 x 201

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