
康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

 阴山工作室 2018-06-02

康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

康定斯基 强烈的冲动 VERTIEFTE REGUNG 纽约苏富比2015.11 成交价641万美元


Vertiefte Regung (Deepened Impulse) is Kandinsky's resonant meditation on the celestial beauty of circles.  Painted in 1928 while he taught at the Bauhaus design school in Dessau, the picture embodies the aesthetic principles that Kandinsky promoted to his students.   Circles dominated his most meaningful compositions of this intellectually sophisticated period of his career, and he expounded upon their incomparable aesthetic values in his writing.  In response to why this form was so significant in his art, he could readily enumerate the reasons.  The circle, he believed, was "1. the most modest form, but asserts itself unconditionally, 2.  a precise but inexhaustible variable, 3.  simultaneously stable and unstable, 4. simultaneously loud and soft, 5. a single tension that carries countless tensions within it.  The circle is the synthesis of the greatest oppositions" (quoted in J. Hahl-Koch, Kandinsky, Brussels, 1993, pp. 284-85).

康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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Vertiefte Regung (Deepened Impulse) carries on the artistic philosophies that the artist professed so passionately in his 1911 treatise, Concerning the Spiritual in Art.  Kandinsky was interested in Eastern Mysticism and Theosophy, and his ideas about art and its resonant connection to the soul were integral to his practice.  While his descriptive language may be bombastic, his resulting canvases were no less visually spectacular:  "Technically, every work of art comes into being in the same way as the cosmos — by means of catastrophes, which ultimately create out of the cacophony of the various instruments that symphony we call the music of the spheres. The creation of the work of art is the creation of the world."

康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

康定斯基 强烈的冲动 VERTIEFTE REGUNG 局部

It is this cataclysmic force and great symphony of color that Kandinsky has brought to the fore in the present painting.  At the heart of the composition is a great explosion into darkness, rendered with an abrupt transition from the primarily white background into the effervescent blue and blackness of the center. It is as if the artist is attempting to "annihilate" the background, ripping it open to reveal infinity beyond the canvas and creating a pictorial "black hole."  The circles appear to be floating in space, like stars eclipsing and colliding with one another in their perpetual motion through the cosmos.   
Both the present composition and Several Circles, in the collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, are clear manifestations of Kandinsky's documented fascination with astronomy.  Writing about the Guggenheim picture, Jelena Hahl-Koch has pointed out, "There is a strong association with planets and stars in this and all the pictures of circles, especially those painted on dark backgrounds.  The links between artistic creation and the "creation of the world," bound by the laws of nature, come easily to mind" (J. Hahl-Koch, op. cit., p. 284).  Hahl-Koch tells us that in the early-twentieth century, the artist and Gabriele Münter would often invite an astronomer friend to their home on clear nights to guide them through the starry sky with a telescope.  The artist's instruction in astronomy proved highly influential to his compositions, particularly those he did at the Bauhaus, where the harmony and interplay of circles was his favorite motif. 

康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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The first owner of this painting was Otto Ralfs (1892-1955), a businessman and art collector based in Braunschweig.  Ralfs was instrumental in supporting the careers of several emerging artists, including the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, and founded the Kandinsky Gesellschaft and Klee Gesellschaft in 1925.  These organizations ensured that each artist receive a monthly stipend from contributing private collectors in Germany and Switzerland.   In exchange, the collectors were eligible for discounts on works of art and received a drawing or painting as a New Year's gift.  Like so many of his generation, Ralfs went bankrupt in the 1930s and sold his collection.  According to Vivian Endicott Barnett, Ralfs sold Vertiefte Regung to a private collector in Mexico City with the assistance of Rivera, who had wanted to purchase the painting for himself but was unable to afford it.  The Braunschweig collector and dealer Galka Scheyer was also in Mexico in the autumn of 1931, and probably facilitated the transaction for her friends Kandinsky and Ralfs.  Since that time, Vertiefte Regung has remained in private hands.


康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

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瓦西里·康定斯基(Василий Кандинский,Wassily Kandinsky ,1866-1944),俄裔法国画家,杰出的艺术理论家、诗人、剧作家。康定斯基与彼埃·蒙德里安和马列维奇一起,被认为是抽象艺术的先驱,是世界公认的非具象艺术的始作俑者、现代抽象绘画的创始人。瓦西里·康定斯基是现代艺术的伟大人物之一,同时也是现代抽象艺术在理论和实践上的奠基人。他的活动主要在俄国、德国和法国。他写的《关于形式问题》、《点、线到面》、《论具体艺术》等论文,都是抽象艺术的经典著作,是现代抽象艺术的启示录。
德国策展人安格雷特·霍贝格(Annegret Hoberg)指出,毋需细心观察便能轻易发现康定斯基的作品与同时代的俄罗斯艺术家马列维奇,阿尔西品科或德劳内的不同。康定斯基并没有遵循抽象几何的绘画方式,也同样只是部分地采纳了俄罗斯构成主义,但他却最终实现了由纯粹的色彩和线条组成并带有自发艺术含义的绘画风格。霍贝格认为康定斯基是继毕加索之后20世纪最伟大艺术家:“你可以在酒店房间和许多其他地方看见康定斯基作品,那是因为他的绘画语言中具有人们能理解的普遍性。他通过抽象发掘了艺术感知和意义的新层面。” 
康定斯基的抽象绘画主要由古根海姆美术馆(Guggenheim Museum)、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心(Centre Pompidou, Paris)和慕尼黑伦巴赫美术馆(St-dtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich)三所大型公共机构收藏。其中,康定斯基更是古根海姆美术馆收藏的主要对象。 


估價  6,000,000 — 8,000,000  美元
成交價 (含買家佣金) 6,410,000 美元 
簽姓名縮寫、題款、標尺寸 76 x 100、紀年1928 並標記424(背面)
39 3/8 x 29 7/8 英寸
100 x 76 公分
2015年11月5日 | 下午 7:00 EST
Otto Ralfs, Braunschweig (acquired from the artist)
S. Hale, Mexico City (acquired in December 1931)
Private Collection, New York  (acquired from the above)
Private Collection (acquired by descent from the above and sold: Sotheby's New York, May 5, 2010, lot 20)
Acquired at the above sale


Düsseldorf, Deutsche Kunstausstellung, 1928, no. 477


The Artist's Handlist IV, no. 424
Will Grohmann, Wassily Kandinsky, Life and Work, New York, 1958, no. 424, catalogued p. 337; no. 284, illustrated p. 373

Hans K. Roethel & Jean K. Benjamin, Kandinsky, Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings, Volume Two, 1916-1944, Ithaca, 1984, no. 867, illustrated p. 801




康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE <wbr>REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)

康定斯基《强烈的冲动》(VERTIEFTE REGUNG,纽约苏富比2015)高清大图


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