“一个没有钩针的世界会沉闷”, 或许每一个人深爱编织的人都会发出这样的心声。 这种热情不仅体现在充分利用时间,在完美的展现在她的作品中,之前我们分享的“和毛线谈一场恋爱,赴一场色彩缤纷的约会!”,多数出自Emily,美得无法让人移开视线。 下面一起来学习她的一款设计——Starflake ,像星星也像雪花的钩针花样,可以按原版配色效果,也可以根据自己的喜好配色喔。 【针法及部分编织术语介绍】 slst引拔针、sc短针、hdc中长针、dc长针、tr长长针、fp外钩、bp内钩、picots锁针环饰边组(钩法图如下所示) sp空间/孔洞/空档、group组、st针/针目 随文字注解教程附上原文教程,有兴趣的织友,可以通过介绍及图例试看英文图解喔~ (以下内容:英文是原版教程,中文是小编整理的编织方法简述) Round 1: Using Col A; In magic ring, (or ch 4, sl st to 1st ch made) ch 3, 11 dc in ring, jss to top of ch 3. Cut yarn. (12dc) 绕线环起针(或4锁针引拔成环) 第1圈:【3锁立针,11长针】 Round 2: Using Col B; In any st, make a standing bptr, ch 2, *bptr around next st, ch 2*, repeat from * around, jss to 1st bptr. Cut yarn.(12 bptr, 12 x ch-2 sps) 第2圈:【1内钩长针,2锁针】重复12次 注: 1、第一针内钩长针可参考文末附的起针小技巧(另,以下每圈第一针及收尾,都是参考技巧,不再另外说明,如使用纯色线编织,第一针依然需要使用锁针起立针来替代,收尾用引拔针) 2、每针应该钩在什么位置参考实例图,不再缀述,图上增加箭头,做为每圈开始的提示。 Round 3: Using Col A; In any ch-2 sp make a standing sc, ch 3, *sc in ch-2 sp, ch 3*, repeat from * around, jss to 1st sc made. Cut yarn.(12 sc, 12 x ch-3 sps) 第3圈:【1短针,3锁针】重复12次 Round 4: Using Col C; In any ch-3 sp, make a standing dc, 3 dc in same sp, 4 dc in each ch-3 sp around, jss to 1st dc made. Cut yarn. (48 dc) 第4圈:【4长针】重复12次 Round 5: Using Col A; Around the 1st dc of any 4-dc group made in round 4, make a standing bpsc, bpsc around next 3 sts, fpsc around next 4 sts, *bpsc around next 4 sts, fpsc around next 4 sts*, repeat from * around, jss to 1st bpsc made. Cut yarn.(24 bpsc, 24 fpsc) 第5圈:【4内钩短针、4外钩短针】重复6次 Round 6: Using Col D; Join with sl st to the first fpsc of any 4-fpsc group made in round 5, sl st in next st *ch 4, sl st in next 2 sts, (sc, dc) in next st, (2 dc, tr) in next st, ch 1, (tr, 2 dc) in next st, (dc, sc) in next st, sl st in next 2 sts*, repeat from * around, jss to first sl st made. Cut yarn.(12 sc, 6 x ch-4 sps, 36 dc, 12 tr) 第6圈:【(1引拔针、1引拔针、4锁针、1引拔针、1引拔针、)( 1短针1长针、2长针1长长针、1锁针、1长长针2长针、1长针1短针)】重复6次 Round 7: Using Col A; In 1st ch 4 sp made, make a standing sc, (sc, ch 1, 2 sc) in same sp, bphdc around next 5 sts, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in ch-1 sp, bphdc around next 5 sts, *(2 sc, ch 1, 2 sc) in ch-4 sp, bphdc around next 5 sts, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in ch-1 sp, bphdc around next 5 sts*, repeat from * around, jss to 1st sc made.(24 sc, 60 bphdc, 12 hdc, 18 ch) 第7圈:【(2短针、1锁针、2短针、)5内钩中长针、(1中长针、2锁针、1中长针、)5内钩中长针】重复6次 Round 8: Using Col E; In 1st ch-1 sp made, make a standing dc (ch 4, dc) in same sp, ch 2, skip 2 sts, sl st in next st, ch 5, skip 5 sts, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in ch-2 sp, ch 5, skip 5 sts, sl st in next st, ch 2, skip 2 sts, *(dc, ch 4, dc) in ch-1 sp, ch 2, skip 2 sts, sl st in next st, ch 5, skip 5 sts, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in ch-2 sp, ch 5, skip 5 sts, sl st in next st, ch 2, skip 2 sts* repeat from * around, jss to 1st dc made.(12 hdc, 12 dc, 120 ch) 第8圈:【1长针4锁针1长针、2锁针、(跳过2针)1引拔、5锁、(跳过5针)1中长2锁1中长针、5锁针、(跳过5针)1引拔针、2锁针(跳过2针)】重复6次 Round 9: Using Col E; Ch 1, sc in same sp, *(2 sc, ch 1, 2 sc) in ch-4 sp, sc in next st, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, 5 sc in ch-5 sp, sc in next st, (sc, ch 1, sc) in ch-2 sp, sc in next st, 5 sc in ch-5 sp, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in next st*, repeat from * around, omitting last sc in next st on final repeat, jss to 1st sc made. Cut yarn.(144 sc, 12 ch) 第9圈:【1锁立1短,2短1锁2短,1短,2短,5短,1短,1短1锁1短,1短,5短,2短】重复6次 Round 10: Using Col A; Attach to 1st ch-1 sp made in round 9 with a standing *sc, (ch1, sc) in same sp, ch 1, skip sc st, fpdc around dc from round 8, ch 2, skip 2 sts, sl st in sp before next 5 sc, ch 5, skip 5 sc, fpdc around hdc from round 8, ch 1, skip 1 sc, (2 sc, picots , sc) in ch -1 sp, ch 1, skip 1 sc, fpdc around hdc from round 8, ch 5, skip 5 sc, sl st in sp before next 2 sc, ch 2, skip 2 sc, fpdc around dc from round 8, ch 1*, repeat from * around, jss to 1st sc made. (30 sc, 24 fpdc, 6 picots, 126 ch, 12 sl st) 第10圈:【1短1锁1短、(2锁)、1外钩长针、2锁、1引拔、5锁、1外钩长针、1锁、2短1picots1短、1锁,1外钩长针、5锁、1引拔、2锁、1外钩长针、(2锁)】重复6次 注:此处(2锁)原版写的是1锁针,按总针数126锁针及实物图,这部分应该是2锁针,具体可以根据实际情况灵活调整。 (戳底部原文,可查看原版教程) 【相关编织技巧】 ![]() · end · 作者 | Emily 编辑 | 爱就编 图 | theloopystitch、网络 |